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Toronto pass "Rave Protocol"

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This is huge news for Toronto. A city that hosts some of the greatest events in the entire North East (if not North America) was at risk of having the entire scene shut down through the co-operative efforts of the maniacal city mayor and fascist new chief of police.

The way Toronto partiers banned together to make a huge political statement about their freedoms and their love for electronic music and the cultural movement surrounding it is inspiring. This marks a major turning point for Rave's cultural status in all of North America. A city that was ready to ban them outright has made a complete about face and will now support them and take an active part in making them safer, and helping to educate partiers about the dangers of drug use that is often associated with raves.

You can follow a lot of the debate and media coverage by picking through a couple of Toronto message boards, namely www.tribe.ca and www.hullabaloo-raves.com .

I have to send out major props to my Toronto posse who helped to save a scene that could very well have died yesterday.



keep it cutlary


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from Will Chang of the TDSC..


>the new TDSC RAVE PROTOCOL was passed. this sets up a

>clear procedure for promoters to follow when throwing

>events. at this point, promoters must follow the

>protocol if using a city-owned venue. promoters using

>private venues are *strongly urged* to follow the

>protocol as well but there is no way to enforce this

>until the province passes enabling legislation (which

>will likely happen this fall). once the province

>creates the enabling legislation, the protocol will

>likely be enacted as a by-law. at that point, all

>promoters will have to follow the rules whether using

>public or private venues.

>the main things that happened today are as follows:


>1. the ban on having raves at city-owned venues was

>lifted. (by a vote of 50 to 4)


>2. the rave protocol was passed. (by a vote of 50 to



>3. clarity was added to the police portion of the

>protocol. now, police have to use "past historical

>practices" as a guideline in determining numbers of

>PDOs. also, the police have to give written reasons

>when deciding on a number. this is *crucial* because

>it adds clarity and accountability to the whole



>4. *i-dance* will be an annual event to celebrate

>electronic music culture in toronto. this was olivia

>chow's motion and when it passed, city council erupted

>in applause.


>that's about it. i'll post more details about the

>protocol when i receive an electronic version from the

>city. and we'll probably organize a large promoters

>meeting sometime in the near future so that everyone

>will know the rules and guidelines.

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