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New Respect for Deejays

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On Friday night I got a late call to play a gig at some place on the LES (the rivertown lounge). They wanted me to play out the night.

I got there a little before midnight and started playing. I had to play for over 4 hours straight, which is the longest I've ever gone straight. Let me tell you, at about 3:15 i just about lost it. I couldn't see straight, I couldn't hear straight. I'd forgotten what all the songs in my box sounded like, I couldn't hear a beat in my headphones, or match beats, or pick tracks, I was exhausted and losing my nut sitting in a little booth perched up above the bar where no one could see me coming unravelled.


Maybe it was partly becuase I couldn't see the crowd, and maybe cuz they couldn't dance and there was ZERO interaction, I don't know. But after seeing deejay after deejay play for 5, 8, 12 hours even, man until you've tried it... I don't think I can ever speak badly of another deejay again.

At least the night had some pretty stellar moments musically, even though I'm sure hardly anyone noticed. I was able to pull myself back together to finish out the night on a high-note, but man, for a while there I swear I was going to lose it completely.


spoony out


keep it cutlary


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frankie, that's hardcore.

consider your ass bumped up the respect ladder.

This makes me wonder something else. How come people get all gushy when a big name deejay plays for more that a couple hours? I know I was freaking out when PVD just kept going and going, past the 7 hour mark. Now, maybe that's an extreme case. but c'mon. For all the $$'s they're gettin paid, 4+ hours seems like it should be the norm, not the exception for international deejays.

I'm sure Frankie up there wasn't getting any $10,000 cheque for droppin 6 hours of platters. Much respect.


keep it cutlary


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