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Originally posted by planklet:

Drinking takes effort - if you drink too much, you're gonna bail out and go home early. It's difficult to over-use, except over long periods of time (ie years)....

HELLO?? You can't over use alcohol?? Then what the hell is alcohol poisoning? Is that not over-using it?

Look, here's the difference between alcohol and E. A drunk husband make beat his wife for ordering pizza for dinner . . . a rolling husband would worship his wife even if she made mud pies. A group of drunk college boys might get violent in a bar . . . a bunch of rolling college boys would hug everyone that passes by.

THAT'S the difference!



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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thats a good point

but then again how many people don't b/c they have no idea what they might get from the dirty street dealer??

if the gov could make em and stop lying about all that drugs will do to you and just come out and say here is WEED you wana smoke it .. you might lose your short term mem..

kinda like ciggs.. "smoke em if you want but you will get cancer in the long run"

i guess i disagree wit you.. i think alot of the countries problems would be solved or made less if they were legalized




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

[This message has been edited by oasis (edited 08-04-2000).]

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Junkies rob, agress other people, kill other people because they need the money to buy their shit, it's damned expensive and it is sold in the street in very unclean and dangerous condition.

Legalise drugs, sell them in safe controlled places and the crime rate associated to drugs will go down dramatically. It will certainly go under the crime rate associated with alcool (alcool make people very violent, only a very few of other drugs do the same thing)

Also safe clean and controled drugs will mean less OD, less damage to the health etc...

Someone in prison cost $60000/year! How much will cost helping the people who will get addicted? Much less.

Legalise drugs and you will have less consumption of hard drugs not more. People who want to try drugs try them anyway. People who will get addicted will get it anyway.

Crack wouldn't exist if clean cocaine was easily available. Crack is almost the same thing but it's less pure, more potent and make people mad, coke don't do that (but it's certainly not good).

There wouldn't be plenty of heroin OD if people knew what was in the shit they buy.

There are no good reasons to put in prison for years someone who just wanted to have some fun and took some uncontrolled substance.

There are no good reasons to let the drugs to the mafias and criminals and let the people who just want to have some fun finance those criminals.

There are no good reasons to condemn a whole part of the population because economy, racism, poverty etc... make them more exposed to drugs.

Continue the war on drugs and kill more people or legalise it and save life.


Joël S.

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I'm sure it was only back in the 20s when having a healthy heroin habit was quite socially acceptable.

As for amsterdam, locals do tend to smoke more than drink - not just the tourists.

different social circles have different attitudes - people in the UK drink a hell of a lot more than folks in new york - and drink to a totally different plain of drunkenness. (except for them paper bag weilding bourbon snorting folks in the street that is).

Prohibiting something that is, basically, socially acceptable and unstoppable is futile.

napster, smoke, E.

Plus there was a massive probelm at the Glastonbury Festival with people selling industrial strengh tranqulizers as E. A couple of people died.

It it were legal and controlled, this type of shit wouldn't happen (and it does happen all the time).....

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alcohol poisoning my arse.

alcohol poisoning is not throwing up.

it is not having a monster hangover....

alchol poisoning is serious when it happens, which is rare.

talking about that is like saying 'ecstasy kills'

sure, the behavioural effects are very different, there's no argument there, obviously.

so a husband on E is more complimentary. of course, that's the effect of the drug.

if the wife were on one too, there would be no cooking.....

put them both on heroin, u've got an equally happy story.... it's just a different story.

so what?

that's like saying 'put the whole world on prozac and everything will be peaceful'

This shouldn't even be an argument, cos we're on the same side - try to take my post in it's entirety instead of picking on insignificant details.`

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Since I left school this summer, I have been refraining from drinking. My friends, on the other hand, have not. Watching the effects of alcohol, compared to the effects of other drugs, made me realize how truly dangerous it is. When a person is drunk, they look like they are next to death. They can't keep their eyes open, skin is clammy, and coordination? hell no. I go back to school in a matter of weeks, and have been trying to psyche myself up to the return of professional alcoholism. (being drunk 4-5 nights a week qualifies as alcoholism right? eh, it's mass alcoholism though, so it's ok smile.gif) It has been difficult though. Eh, I'm sure it'll all return with that first cold can of delicious, refreshing Milwaukee's Best.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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Blueangel, a man who beats his wife will probably do it with or without alcohol, I don't think we can blame behavioral problems on the drugs they are just a catalyst.

The argument to say legalize drugs to cut crime will only really work if all drugs are legal and I don't think anybody is wanting to legalize Heroin & crack (and even Coke because it's very,very easy to have a problem with coke). So if you just legalize pot, E, speed, LSD etc were still going to have drugs financing & causing crime and we will probably have more deaths, more drug casualties etc. The major money makers are Heroin & coke (and therefore crack).

I agree with everybody who says that cigarettes and alcohol are probably worse drugs than some that are illegal but it's better the devil you know than the devil you don't (E,LSD we know nothing about these drugs yet, we are only just beginning to learn)... speed & Meths are dirty drugs (it's just slowly killing you and I don't think it should be legal in any way).

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Ok heres what really happens with drugs and the reason why they wont legalize drugs.

The government imports drugs. They actually use military planes to bring them into the country. From there they distibute them out and right here they make their first bundle of money. Then the drugs are on the streets. People get busted so they confiscate the drugs back. The people go on trial and the government makes more money on court fees and they get to put the drugs back on the street. Its like a big circle which keeps going around and around. Why legalize them when they can make loads more on them being illegal??? Well I saw that on 60 minutes a couple months ago so its all truth. But it does truely make sense why they will go through all the trouble importing them in and keeping them illegal. Yet its also messecd up how they spend billions of dollars each year on anti-drug campaigns when they are bringing the largest supply of drugs into the country!

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Ok heres what really happens with drugs and the reason why they wont legalize drugs.

The government imports drugs. They actually use military planes to bring them into the country. From there they distibute them out and right here they make their first bundle of money. Then the drugs are on the streets. People get busted so they confiscate the drugs back. The people go on trial and the government makes more money on court fees and they get to put the drugs back on the street. Its like a big circle which keeps going around and around. Why legalize them when they can make loads more on them being illegal??? Well I saw that on 60 minutes a couple months ago so its all truth. But it does truely make sense why they will go through all the trouble importing them in and keeping them illegal. Yet its also messecd up how they spend billions of dollars each year on anti-drug campaigns when they are bringing the largest supply of drugs into the country!

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Ok heres what really happens with drugs and the reason why they wont legalize drugs.

The government imports drugs. They actually use military planes to bring them into the country. From there they distibute them out and right here they make their first bundle of money. Then the drugs are on the streets. People get busted so they confiscate the drugs back. The people go on trial and the government makes more money on court fees and they get to put the drugs back on the street. Its like a big circle which keeps going around and around. Why legalize them when they can make loads more on them being illegal??? Well I saw that on 60 minutes a couple months ago so its all truth. But it does truely make sense why they will go through all the trouble importing them in and keeping them illegal. Yet its also messecd up how they spend billions of dollars each year on anti-drug campaigns when they are bringing the largest supply of drugs into the country!

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