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?: Do you ever call girls whose numbers you get?


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Well im sitting here bored at home with my hurt knee, and im looking through my phone at all these numbers of girls ive gotten at bars/clubs before, i gotta have at least 50 random numbers in here of girls, with the place i met them next to there name

now out of these 50 or so ive gotten, ive called MAYBE 1 or 2 of them ever again..

i usually get them while im drunk or whatever and have fun wherever i am, but when i wake up the next day, im always like "screw it, we had fun but we were drunk yadda yadda", even though you get the typical "oh you better call me blah blah blah", i just write it off as drunk talk

does anyone ever use phone numbers they get?

same goes for the ladies, when you meet a guy at a bar/club and give him your number, do you actually want/expect him to call you?

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whenver i used to get girls phone #'s from Twilo or Sound factory, more often they were crack headz (even went on some dates, when the topic of conversation revolves around tripping and snorting then you know you have problems)


But the funny thing is that whenver I used to call girls #'s from Vinyl/ Arc, they were as close to normal as you can get (considering you met them at an after hours spot)


My advice, unless you met a girl and BOTH you and her were both sober that night, dont expect anything and just have as much fun as you can with that person that night

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