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To the Men: (ladies, correct me if i'm wrong.)

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that was hillarious, i especially like the part "don't run up and start humping her leg", oh, too funny.

& i think that is good advice for a boy ... & girl.

- kathy


things to see, people to do... hehe

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Guest clubkid77

JC i thought you always used the "Cassanova from american pie" line "Suck me Beutifull"

I know the "Hey im in frat worked with like most of the freshman at lehigh"

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All I have to say Jaycee is......GUYS, you gotta have some moves on the dance floor....no girl wants a sweaty, desperate looking guy coming up to her on the dance floor, trying to bump and grind her.....just at what moment do these jerks think that we ever gave them the signal to walk up to us and start rubbing...

If you're worth talking to...you're going to be the guy on the floor who has no concern over who's watching, looking, or drooling over ya...because you're just there to dance and feel the vibe.....i like the guys who could care less who's around them and the ones that have the moves on the floor that make eveyone just stop and stare.......

(Can you tell I have an opinion on this topic?)

Guys, back off and dance......besides, the juiceheads,....all i have to say is they usually aren't the problem because most of them like to bounce around in a circle and look at themselves (circle jerk, anyone?).... biggrin.gif


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TO clubkidd; what up, guy. yeah, schools about to start soon. you know i can't hang those frosh fems. anyway, how are tings? get back at me here. im bored of my ass.


i totally agree with you . that's my point fellas. you better be able to find your funk out there (and really, why else would you be in the club). one of my reasons for posting my advice is to let guys know that women really don't want you draping yourselves all over them. the point is this: women will let YOU know. and lightinggirls advice is very good. have a good time with your crew and forget about getting ass. that is really hard for most guys, however. some of my friends can't have a good time unless receiving attention from women. well that's my two cents.

jaycee with his caporegime larry biyootz


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."-James Dean

"So what?...So let's DANCE"-Rodney Dangerfield in CADDYSHACK

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I have to reconfirm that there is nothing more beautiful than a man who knows how to move. And if he's got a nice face and body to go along with it then that's a definate bonus.

B2B, then how did you manage to pick her up? Did you let your fingers do the walking? tongue.gif



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 08-08-2000).]

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baby, then i am your man. seriously, i must admit to be being quite i fine dancer. i'm very creative. it's too bad i don't get to NYC enough. labor day weekend though, me and my crew are going to paint the town red.

jaycee and the buffalo bills


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."-James Dean

"So what?...So let's DANCE"-Rodney Dangerfield in CADDYSHACK

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Okay ladies, I have one for. I feel that I aa a well above average dancer(Ive been complemented many times), and I feel that I am a good-looking guy with a good body. All bragging aside I go to clubs to dance a feel the music first and foremost, but I always like to meet a pretty face also. Im not pushy or anything. I dont do horrible with the ladies but I feel I should be doing much better. I can never seem to seal the deal in a sense. What am I doing wrong?

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I don't know what to say. Maybe I'll just tell you how I met my bf and how he snatched me up . . . err the other way around. I met my bf at Twilo on a PVD night (first and foremost I never ever met anyone in a club in my past - just made it a rule) AND he's black (my first black bf -- I'm asian). Anyway, he saw me durning the night and I was sort of stuck in the crowd like a sardine and he came over took my hand and asked me if I needed some oxygen . . . and then took me up to the VIP room. He was really sweet, didn't try to throw any corny lines at my way, or try too hard at all. He just had this really relaxing confident but not too egotistic attitude. Later on we went down to the dance floor again and danced and danced and danced and DANCED. Besides the fact that he's beautiful to look at, he was amazing on the dance floor. People would just stop and stare. I gave him my number and he called me next day not to ask me out but to make sure that I got home okay and to just talk. Needless to say that was the beginning of a wonderful and a beautiful relationship.

The point is that he remained real during the whole night. He didn't try to mack it to me at all, nor was his hands all over me. If I walked away to check up on my friends then he didn't leech onto me or follow me everywhere. On the other hand he didn't ignore me either, he asked me if I needed anything several times during the night and was a real gentleman.

Girls can usually differentiate right away who's there to "hook-up" or who's there to just "have fun." Just go out and have fun guys. Whether you hook up with anyone or not, just have fun. wink.gif



I would rather have 15 minutes of wonderful, than a lifetime of nothing special.

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My philosophies.......

* Dance motherfucker dance....

* Patience is a virtue, let nature take its course and if it's meant to be it's meant to be......and the clincher....

The amount of effort is inversely proportional to the amount of success, and hence, less is more biggrin.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Right on; that is def good advice.

And yah, the leg humping part is funny, altho all too true... Those guys that just come up and start touching u... goddam that's irritating.

You may have added much value here, Jaycee.



Peace be the journey

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Hey, I'm in a frat and at Lehigh smile.gif I can't wait till my first round of freshman girls this September. Since I will be returning to PA very shortly, is the club scene any good in Philly? Are there any good house/trance clubs, or is it just really weak. I plan on driving back to NYC once every two months or so, but it gets expensive and is a hassle.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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this new topic is in response to a very brave soul admitting he is a little shy and wanted a little advice when dealing with women at clubs. well here is what i've found to work best. first and foremost: if you go out with the attitude that the quality of your night depends on wether or not you pick up some female, then good luck. concentrate on just enjoying yourself and your company. if you do see a certain lovely lady who tickles your fancy, here is some advice. play the game. if a woman finds your physical appearance alluring, she's gonna let you know. remember though, she won't let you know the way we men do. women are far subtler. play the eye game. when she looks at you, return the look and flash a friendly smile. pick up the signs. if she looks at you and then talks to her friends, who then all turn their heads and also look at you (well, women aren't THAT subtle, iguess) then thats a good sign. if you can dance, do so. but just don't run up and start humping her leg. casually make your way over to her, and if she is interested then she will most likley be moving in your direction as well. good eye contact and smiles are very important. once you get together, try not to talk too much, if at all (ESPECIALLY on the dance floor) no one want to stop and start having a converstaion when they're shaking that ass. ask if you could buy her a drink, find a relatively quiet place, and then the rest is up to you. good luck. now, i could be wrong, but when my friends and i go out we usually have a lot of women just hanging around us and dancing. it works.

jaycee aka the pharmacist


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."-James Dean

"So what?...So let's DANCE"-Rodney Dangerfield in CADDYSHACK

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Guest clubkid77

JC i might have to take a trip up to my old party grounds, since like 1/2 our class is still there... Anyways i gota talk to you, and catch up on shit and get all the dirt, and and and and and.

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jeff. absolutely, you should come during the first few weeks of school. thats my fav time of the year, nothing to do but party. anyway, i'll be living in the wolf den, and im sure you know where that is. peace.

jaycee aka the-guy-who-lived-across-the-hall-from-you-freshman-year


"i love it when they call me big papa, i only smoke blunts if they rolled proppa."

biggie smalls

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I know a few people who pledged Sigma Chi this year, one lived in my hall (Mike D.) I'm a Pike, and one of the lurkers on this board is also a Pike (Long Duck Dong.) I guess we'll be making that extra half hour trip to New York. Peace.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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good morning everyone. godslze, what house? i'm jaycee culhane in sigma chi. i'm a senior. anyway, i'm gettin real bored and am looking foward to the start of school. the philly scene is ALLRIGHT at best. my friends and i often just make the extra half hour of driving to go to NYC.

to whoever asked, i lived off of madison ave in b.port.

jaycee aka ty webb


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."-James Dean

"So what?...So let's DANCE"-Rodney Dangerfield in CADDYSHACK

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Originally posted by godslze:

Hey, I'm in a frat and at Lehigh smile.gif I can't wait till my first round of freshman girls this September. Since I will be returning to PA very shortly, is the club scene any good in Philly? Are there any good house/trance clubs, or is it just really weak. I plan on driving back to NYC once every two months or so, but it gets expensive and is a hassle.

Transit is your best bet in Philly right now. Shampoo is good when they have special events. Evolution is re-vamping itself so that should be good to. Thats about it. There are other ones but they are pretty lame.


Dont go to Shammpoo on Fridays because its gay night (unless thats your thing).

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