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***ROLL CALL east coast boogiemen sat. 1/27, at dynagroove***


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ok, i know it's more than a week away, but i've been waiting for this for a long time, so i just can't wait! i also wanna get deepfunk's attention in public to make sure he goes; the ecb are on his record label, after all!

here's the flyer:


and here's the site:


so, it's the ecb's farewell tour :cry: !!!!! i'm so sad!!!!! i've had to wait sooo long for them to come out here again, and now they're breaking up?! this just isn't fair :boohoo: . this is one more reason why it's important that you guys all come out; you'll never get another chance!

for those who don't know, the ecb are really funky, funky, house. i don't know a better way to describe them; maybe deepfunk can help with this one :) .

ok, before i truly overuse the exclamation point to death, i'll quit. y'all don't have to decide now. i'm just putting it out there so that you have time to get as stoked as i am :aright: ! i'll be on this thread more in the week ahead.

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don't sleep people. i guarantee a very good time at this one. leave the boring confines of your typical b.s. corporate clubbing weekend to re-discover the kind of party that started this scene off! the people that will be at this party are really cool, very friendly, and down to dance! the music will be awesome! get back to the roots of this scene! support the underground. remember when you'd take a chance on a party, based on the recommendation of someone. take my advice and do that this weekend. you will not be dissapointed.

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seriously :bounce: !!!

i'm gonna have to really make sure my peoples know that i intend on staying laaaaaaaaate. i'm gonna sleep on saturday afternoon like nobody's biz, and i don't wanna hear no noise from anyone coming with me.

sanci - where are you?????????????

hey, deep, do you happen to know what the cover charge is?

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Oh this is on saturday.. hmm.. well I'll see if I can convince the husband... he's working on a commericial that night and he'll probably be tired.. lets cross our fingers so he works late and then I can go out!
shorty, do come out! the roomie and i have missed you so :spin2: !!!
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normally i'd post what i'm wearing the night before, but i still can't decide :worry: !!! i'll put it up as soon as i can make up my mind, so peeps can find me.

deepfunk - if i haven't posted what i'll be wearing yet when you read this, post what you'll be wearing; i do NOT want to miss meeting you!

the rest of y'all better start posting on this thread, 'cause i wanna see some cpers tomorrow night. this is a "roll call" thread, people, which means that attendance is required :direct: . get your shakin' asses in track!

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shorty - don't know where it is yet. i'll start calling around to some peeps in a bit and see if i can find out a general area at least. it will likely be either downtown or somewhere in the valley.

weyes - hmm not sure yet what i'm wearing. probably jeans and a light colored, short sleeve button down shirt with a black zip up hoodie.

as for cost, i'm guessing $15 or so.

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the info line is (323) 878-2386, and it's at 651 south anderson.

i'll be wearing really flowy black pants, and i'm about 11 inches taller than shorty :tongue: ! i'll be wearing a tank top (most likely black), and i'll have some serious owl bling around my neck that you can't miss, too :aright: .

can't wait!

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Man the weather is pretty sucky today...

So I don't know what happened in between cleaning the house top from bottom and having breakfast but I just had the worse episode of seeing my breakfast come out of my mouth just now..

I hope it's not the flu... I'd be very very disappointed if it is..

I just woke up from a shakey sweaty nap and now I'm gonna finish cleaning so I can go veg and watch me some MTV...

so .. I can say at 4:46 pm i am not attending.... just in case I'm sick...

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my party of 3 was there, ready to party down, and there was no party to be found. we met other people looking for it, too, and they were just as confused as we were. it was about midnight when we were there; the gig was supposed to be 10-5. we checked the site, we called the info number over and over. i just called the number right now and it still says that the party is at the location; they didn't even have the courtesy to say that it got cancelled or moved or anything. besides being disappointed that we missed the ecb, that put more than just a damper on our evening. what a waste :unhappy: . and this being their farewell tour makes me more upset about it. not cool.

deepfunk - do you know what happened?

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that is really strange. i got an email with the address - 5612 s. soto street. that's the address i went to and the party was happening. it was a great party. the info line had a different address? i'm sorry the info line gave you the wrong address. wow. i'll ask around and see what i can find out.

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that is really strange. i got an email with the address - 5612 s. soto street. that's the address i went to and the party was happening. it was a great party. the info line had a different address? i'm sorry the info line gave you the wrong address. wow. i'll ask around and see what i can find out.

grrr - deepfunk. i went back to the website for the 10th time or so this morning and saw that the number i saw is still there in big numbers, but also that there's another number, in fine print. i called the number in fine print, and that was the right number. i'd say i made a huge mistake and that it was out of the ordinary if it hadn't been for all the other people who were there, also looking for the party. there shouldn't've been 2 numbers on the site, or the old one should've redirected to the new one. i am a little annoyed with myself, that i didn't see both numbers, but this problem could've easily been avoided.

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yeah i agree.

you know the underground though, the professionalism isn't really there. it was a good party though. i was looking for you!

anyway, i do promise another really good time if you go to hawt this friday. it starts at midnight and goes till 6am. it will be downtown and the same vibe, people and music will be there that were at dynagroove last weekend. AND you won't have to deal with bogus numbers. i promise! here's a link to their myspace site - http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=59726381&MyToken=4e637a15-bfa2-4dbc-a983-74bc6686600b

go! you will love it!

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