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Totally agree with you misskittie on the dating thing. I wish I could go out more on dates by they are so hard to come by (hmmmm wonder if its me - NOPE!)

Hey divalicious, maybe you an me need to go out and begin an APB, looking for these guys....They are hiding out somewhere!


Sei pronto?


Tutto e possibile!

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Well I think Im divalicious's long lost sister. Im EXACTLY the same way. I think I actually approach guys more than they come up to me....hmmm maybe thats telling me something. I hate guys that grab my booty and if they do, they sure do hear it. But, I think that my love just might be lurking around the club somewhere. Maybe on the stairs or in a corner but I feel he's there. Hopefully Ill find him soon though. Im getting lonely.

O woe is me...........lol Just playin


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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A good place to meet you ask...

answer: ANYWHERE as long as it's a buddy system.

Meaning that if your with a friend or two, it's much easier to meet people. If I approach someone to chat and I'm by myself, this person starts wondering "what does he want?" , but if I'm with a friend, then it becomes more comfortable for that person.

"Safety in numbers" ?

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Everyone I knows yells at me for meeting guys at clubs. Saying that thats the wrong place to find a decent guy. Which maybe its true and maybe its not. But really, where are we supposed to meet a good guy? Restaurant... Dont think so. Library...never go there. On the street...umm possible psycho.So where then? If you guys are all decent as you say.....where can I find you when youre not in a club??????????????????

I agree with you... I honestly don't go to clubs to meet girls b/c my view on that was it just won't work. There are decent people in the club, but there are a few things about the situation which makes it kinda shitty. One thing is that everyone is sooo fucked up your not sure what the person really looks like. On top of that, you have the lighting situation. I don't know. I find that the decent people in the clubs are the ones not looking to hook up. There aren't many places to meet guys/girls.


You know everything will flow...

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I agree w/ what you guys are saying about meeting people in clubs. I do think that most NY girls who club tend to be guarded, and rightly so. (A lot of guys think grabbing someone's ass is a proper introduction.) But there're men who are there to primarily have a good time and dance, and when they try to approach someone in a polite fashion, the women, at least initially, are stand-offish. And the nice guys, I think, are not going to be super-aggressive and pursue, if they sense that the initial approach wasn't well-received. That's too bad b/c they already have something in common, their love of music and the club scene.

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I neve have any trouble meeting people when I'm out and about......one thing I do which guarantees attention is when I'm going off, dancing really well, and I know someone is checking out my style.......that's when I'll make eye contact and do something completely ridiculous, like maybe a move like John travolta & Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction.....if the girl gets it she'll laugh, if she looks at me strangely then she's not realy my kinda girl wink.gif

also if you are dancing near someone for a while share with them what ever you have.....if I get a packet of gum for myself b4 I go out I get like 3 spare in different flavours and just hand them out wink.gif otherwise water, cigarettes, chuppa chups biggrin.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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diva...have faith! Here is the theory I'm working on...beautiful people (inside and out) seem rare but they are uot there...thing is they are probably just doing the same thing you are...trying to have a fabulous, memorable time...and maybe meeting a fabulous memorable woman in the process...get out there and search for nothing but a great time and a great guy will show up...you'll see...worked for me.

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diva...have faith! Here is the theory I'm working on...beautiful people (inside and out) seem rare but they are uot there...thing is they are probably just doing the same thing you are...trying to have a fabulous, memorable time...and maybe meeting a fabulous memorable woman in the process...get out there and search for nothing but a great time and a great guy will show up...you'll see...worked for me.

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even though its the year 2000 and we live in the greatest city in the world the best way to meet gf or bfs is still work/school/church or through friends or family.

Originally posted by misskittie:

Everyone I knows yells at me for meeting guys at clubs. Saying that thats the wrong place to find a decent guy. Which maybe its true and maybe its not. But really, where are we supposed to meet a good guy? Restaurant... Dont think so. Library...never go there. On the street...umm possible psycho.So where then? If you guys are all decent as you say.....where can I find you when youre not in a club??????????????????

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