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Mark Knight:::thurs 5.17::underbar


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First of all, thank you to everyone who helped me out in the other thread.


get in around 1pm, check into the Monte Carlo. Went straight to the roulette table, we all bet on black b/c if we hit our first bet we knew it would be a good trip... landed on black 13. Good start.

Went to the pool for about a hour. The pool area was really nice: good music (downtempo trance), lots of hot women, and lots of people partying. Everyone was really friendly here. Had a group of girls yell "we're single" to us lol.

went to the paris casino and got some liquor (fucking expensive, 750ml was $20 for jack. Went to the paris buffet for ~ 27$ i think. I hate a fuck load of food b/c I have been cutting bodyfat as of late and had a really strict diet. I seriously ha=d over 6 plates of food. Overall the buffet was good for Vegas standards (the bellagio is much better IMO). The lamb/seafood/dessert was to die for. I nearly threw up afterwards b/c my body wasn't used to all that food in such a long time. I was dizzy for a while but managed to regain my composure.

Back to the Monte and changed for TAO. We get in line at Tao at around 950 (i think) and are like 30th in line (all guys ahead of us). Near 1015 a bouncer comes up to all the guys in line and says "if you don't have girls you're not getting in. You might want to try back at around 2:30." It's just me and a guy friend at this point (all our other friends are gambling and thought they could just get in later) and we spot 5 girls walking by (3 were drop dead fucking gorgeous) and we wave them over and say to the bouncer "our party just arrived" and as the girls join us in line the bouncer gives us this head nod that was out of a fucking movie. It was fucking hilarious. Anyways, we get in, the place is really cool, very crowded, tiny ass dance floor, but we had an amazing time. Only bad thing was if you walk near the railings by the dancefloor you better be lightly jogging by b/c security will tell you to "keep moving" which got really annoying.

this is getting long so I'll just be brief (I can go into more detail if you want, just ask)


gambled some at the monte carlo, went to forum shops at caesars which I always love doing. Saw Pete Rose signing autographs and we heckled him some b/c I fucking hate him. Ate lunch at the pannini/pizza place by FAO shorts... $7 for fruit cup, $9 for a fucking pannini... oops

monte carlo pool again, same thing/scene, 100 fucking degrees though!

went to MGM and ate at spago's. fish here was first rate. Got ugly sticks at NYNY (tradition), which is always worth the price.

changed went to wynn (I love this casino, only good things have happened to me here), checked out friends room which was fucking sick @ $600/night. Played black jack, we all got on a huge roll and won a fuckload! The waitress was very nice to us and kept coming by for drinks. Got free passes from the pit boss to tryst since thats where we were going.

go to tryst at like 945, huge line, I couldn't even see the entrance. VIP line is moving quick though. The girls in the VIP line were amazingly hot. Saw Tom Hanks and his entourage leaving. I talked to a bouncer that was in charge of the VIP line and tried to work my way past the line. I thought he really like me and he went and talked to the head bouncer for a while (as in i thought he was really trying to help me but i really have no clue if it was or not) and he said " with 7 guys the best I can do is 30$ per person to skip the line but you all still have to pay cover." Not everyone wants to do this (they haven't been to a mega club like tryst and thought if they just waited a few more mins we'd get in) so we wait in line... till like 1245 and this is after like 30 or so people leave the line... including all my friends but 2 lol.

we are pretty mad once we are finally let in b/c we had to wait so long but once we saw the waterfall and the dancefloor going nuts everything changed. Overall tryst was great and I had one of the best nights i've ever had here. Great great crowd. Saw people doing drugs, a huge fight, dennis rodman, lots of stupid hot girls, great dancing, etc etc

at like 4-5am (no idea what was going on at this point) we were going back to the hotel but on the way I remember you guys mentioning drais so we stopped by. We met up with friends but we were all too drunk to get in, and once we saw a lot of the same bouncers from tryst we lost it. The bouncers threatened to kick us out lol.


checked into the venetian... was expecting a regular room but somehow we got a suite (we went to the venetian b/c it was somehow cheaper than the monte carlo on sat night). The room was off the fucking chain. 2 huge tv's, giant bathroom, living room, etc.

Now that we have all slept 6 hrs in the past 2 days we go straight to the pool. I REALLY REALLY wanted to go to TAO BEACH so me/a buddy went. I was really nervous b/c all you guys said there would be no way we'd get in without girls (which I recruited the night before but wanted to try to get in without them incase this place was crazy) or paying a lot of money. The venetian pool kills the monte carlo pool. It felt like i was in a movie. We walk up to tao beach which is in the far corner of the pool, very inconspicuous and there was about 15 people in line. We went straight to the host and BS'ed with him a little and he said "hey xyz, let these 2 gentlemen in." At this point I really had no fucking clue what was going on, I was not expecting things to go so well all the time. We walk in and nothing in my life could have prepared me for this. Every girl (except maybe 10) were hot and a lot were model hot. The setup is unreal and the view you get of the venetian when you look up in the sky is magical. Staff here was some of the best I've exprienced. The DJ, DJ Gharam FUNKE, was fucking killing it. He was on point the entire day. Lots and lots of topless women with great tits. This was at like noon so we went to eat (we had bracelets so we could get back in). As we walked back up to tao for the 2nd time we heard the bass of "dirty south - it's too late." I almost had a heart attack. We got in and it seemed like everyone was drunk now. Girls were dancing in cabanas/on tables/on beds.

We went to the main pool and everyone was having the times of their lives it seemed. THere were these 2 models (they had to of been) next to the pool on one of the beds... making out... rubbing eachother with baby oil all over... TOPLESS AND IN THONGS. I had no idea what to do with myself except to never leave this place. We had random girls coming up to us, girls randomly dancing on us (topless), other people were hooking up around the pool, I really could not have asked for more unless I wanted my head to explode. I planned on tipping the DJ $$ to play sharam-party all the time but right before I did it he played it.... I went NUTS in the pool and so did everyone else. EVERYONE, and i mean EVERYONE was dancing at this point.

After that we went to gamble, won some more, went to pure at casears, huge line at 9pm, waited till 1030 before ANYONE was let in, slipped vip bouncer 40$ each, got in, nothing but gorgeous girls, 3:1 girls to guys. Everyone was having a great time here. THe DJ upstairs was killing it... at one point the music stopped and I was like "WTF? did something break?" then i hear from the speakers "....ssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" then the bass starting hitting and EVERYONE upstairs started dancing. Unreal. Lots of other shit happened throughout, never a dull moment, and now I am depressed.

I can't wait to go back.

Thanks to everyone who helped me plan this out!! Couldn't have done it without you!

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