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DWI Land a.k.a. The Hamptons - Please Read

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New York DWI arrest and conviction is no joke and can cost you big-time even on a first offense. Loss of your driver’s license. Heavy fines. Court costs and extensive administrative fees. Probation. Jail or State prison. Vehicle impoundment or forfeiture. An ignition interlock device put on your car, mandated alcohol treatment, not to mention doubling your auto insurance for up to five years. Some or all of the aforementioned consequences can result in DWI arrest and prosecution. New York State treats Driving While Intoxicated (“DWI”) seriously. The laws are strict, the prosecutors and courts often act without leniency and punishments are harsh.

Aside from the more obvious legal consequences of dealing with the police, the courts, and the Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”), there are practical consequences that often flow from a DWI arrest or conviction. Since DWI is a crime, and a DWI conviction will give you a permanent “criminal” record, you could lose your job or be prevented certain future employment – especially if it is State job, is law enforcement associated, or involves driving. If you are a commercial driver, you could lose your privilege to drive commercially for at least one year. A DWI conviction can cause your insurance rates to skyrocket; and sometimes insurance companies will cancel your coverage altogether. There are other, “hidden” DWI penalties, such as limitations on travel outside of the State or abroad. Community service and substance abuse treatment are other consequences a DWI prosecution and conviction may bring.

Out in The Hamptons, in case you don't know, there is basically no public transportation and if you drink and drive out there you run a high risk of getting a DWI.

Consider a designated driver, go to places within walking distance to where you're staying, purchase a quality personal breathalyzer and monitor yourself very closely, perhaps have a house party and make accommodations for your guests or provide safe transport home for them. basically think contingency plan upon contingency plan. these strategies will not only save your license will also save lives. Remember, party hard but party smart and visithttp://www.hamptons411.com

To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the Hamptons.

Remember to keep your lawyers card handy, know you rights and if you are arrested Don't Answer Questions Without Your Attorney Present Whether arrested or not, you should always exercise the right to remain silent. Anything you say to law enforcement officers, reporters, cell mates, or even your friends can be used as evidence against you. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning. Your right to remain silent should always be exercised. Consult with your attorney now and ask their opinion on whether or not you should agree to a chemical test or field sobriety test. there are conflicting recommendations but more often than not it is suggested that you refuse, but again run this by your attorney today. Of course the only guaranteed prevention is to never drink and drive, but let's face it, shit happens. Share this information with your friends and be sure to visithttp://www.hamptons411.com for up-to-the-minute and latest Hamptons events and information.

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