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misskittie: 5HTP

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Oh hellz yea they were worth taking. Im not taking as much as everyone says. Ive only been taking 50mg a day. On Saturday, I took one pill with my breakfast and one about 6 hours before I left for the club. When I started rolling, my hit was Awesome!! I had soo much energy and I didnt feel like crap the following day. I did take another 50mg when I left the club to go home though and as soon as I layed down in my big comfy bed, I passed right out and slept like a baby. I woke up a few hours later feeling soo great I went running...lol.

Usually I would just lay in bed all day. I suggest this pills definately. My mood is up and I feel great.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Oh by the way...I am also taking lots of other pills as weel which you may be interested in taking and may not. I take regular Centrum Vitamins, Vitam C pills, Calcium pills, Shark Cartiledge and fiber pills. Im trying to make sure I am healthy to avoid any horrible effects when Im older from all the BAD things I do now.

Ever since I started taking all these pills, I have been feeling much more energized and happy. I even just started developing a cold yesterday and practically overnight it has disappeared...which is NOT usual for me. When I get sick, I get BAD and usually my colds last for about 3 weeks. Im not saying go oput and buy all these pills but Im saying b/c of taking everything...I feel great and my rolls have improved. It seems as though my rolls are going back to what my very first roll was like....woohooo


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Glutimine is a single based amino acid that helps in the transfer of protein to the muscles. They are taken so that muscles recoup at a faster rate.

And yes, shark cart. helps fight cancer and liver disease.

But unless you work out, all you really need is a complex vitamin, vit. c, and an anti-oxident. The rest just gets wasted unless you're doing some kind of active workout (except for the 5HTP, that has its own reasons for being taken).


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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SHARK CARTILAGE??? what on earth does that do for you??? I got this great stuff in Australia called Berocca (Vits B & C in huge quantities) - they don't bother saying "for the busy lifestyle" there - just cut to the chase with "drink too much, smoke too much and don't get enough sleep?" definitely helps.

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Uhh to be honest..I dont really know what its for. If I remember correctly,taking shark cartiledge helps fight off cancer. Its in my family and I smoke so why not take them. My grandmother told me to start taking them and gave me a ottle last week. I heard lots of ppl say they take them and they seemed fine so why not!?!?


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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