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This board needs a music FAQ

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lets get out of the genre of electronica all together. what other types of music do you listen to? you say places where trance has made a hit people really know there music and love all styles? so bascily what you are saying is something to the effect of Nyorkers are not knowledgeable about music, and we don't love it?

All styles of music certainly moves outside the realm of house, trance, and jungle. Onto a bigger spectrum of lets say,pop,rock,electronic,hip-hop,rap,country,regae,latin should i continue??

just for the record i am not looking to start drama.

what frustrates me is it seems on this board you are not entitled to your own opinion without someone jumping on your head screaming how jp suxs or does K, or how glowsticks sux and are weak and played blah blah blah. who cares the fact of the matter is if jp makes me happy so be it, if oakie makes me move so be it, if peter tosh and marley make me nod my head is tht wrong too you know because thats not even in our scene..

Originally posted by spoonyd:

and so is born the music crew.

btw - mangledesh, I was going to make a similar comment about your post in the JP rhumor thread. Unless you were born into the rave scene, it's hard to understand, and there's no trying to explain it.

It's funny people talking about how trance never made it in NY because NY'ers just don't like it. I'm starting to think that's bullshit. It's because people here don't care. Places where trance is popular are places where people really know their music, and love all styles. People who can move intelligently through all scenes, from house, to trance, to jungle. That's not NY and certainly not this board.

meh. It frustrates.

frankie: e-mail in progress.

big up the music crew!


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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Couldn't agree more with you kids. This board kills you every time you try to go against it combined ignorant believes.

I love all kind of music - except country - can't stand all those ballads to my trailer type of the shit. But that again is my personal opinion.

I have been in the rave scene for 5 years before bowing out to join 9-5 crew three years ago. Miss the atmosphere and the vibe of the rave scene. Missed the diversity of music and styles under one roof - where each DJ tried to put the best forward with each set. How much I missed wicked DJ Icey sets!

What is the difference? If you like some style of music then listen to it. Tell other about it - but stop bashing people just because they enjoy something else.



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not a flame war, just a quiet discussion over different peoples takes on what's going on in New York musicwise


I guess I talking more about electronic music, and the people who get in the fights on the board here. That is, the clubbers. Perhaps this is a broad generalization. But the clubbing scene is huge, and the majority of these people seem very narrow minded in their appreciation of 'electronic' music. I don't feel you can build up an appreciation for the nuances of the genre or a wide base of knowledge by simply going to sound factory every Saturday.

I just get tired of seeing people bash music and deejays who (if I can judge them by what they say), don't appear to really know what they're talking about. I once had a guy try to start a fight with me at that "Rave" at Exit when me and a friend complained a bit about the music. His line was "The DJ knows what he's doing". That's just farce. Some deejays actually do suck, but how can you know that it you haven't bothered to look around?

I'm not trying to get into a pissing match, but I have seen many many deejays. I'd wager that I've heard (and can remember sets from) more different deejays, than many of the bitchers on this board have gone out period. I know my music, and I know my taste. You won't find me bashing anyones tastes on this board. I just get tired of reading rantings from people who wouldn't know a two step if it hit them in the face, or couldn't tell deep house from hard house from tech house, let alone trying to tell me that Carl Cox sucks. That's just absurd.

Yes, I'm sure many New Yorkers have diverse and well educated tastes. But if this board is a fair representation of the people going to clubs in this city... 'nuff said.

As for other music, my vices move far and wide. My head is very deep into music in general, that's why I take this all so seriously.


keep it cutlary


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after reading your last post i have to say you don't know shit...no i am only joking...

seriously that was very well spoken and made alot of sense, i applaud you.

I agree lets not make this board a representation of New York..

As far as Open mindness i will be the first to try something different thats the only way you will settle into your own niche anyhow.

again very well put...

P.s. I happen to love hard house, and i am not ashamed to admit i have never really hear much of carl Cox's material, anyone have any suggestions as to which cd is a good one?

Originally posted by spoonyd:



not a flame war, just a quiet discussion over different peoples takes on what's going on in New York musicwise


I guess I talking more about electronic music, and the people who get in the fights on the board here. That is, the clubbers. Perhaps this is a broad generalization. But the clubbing scene is huge, and the majority of these people seem very narrow minded in their appreciation of 'electronic' music. I don't feel you can build up an appreciation for the nuances of the genre or a wide base of knowledge by simply going to sound factory every Saturday.

I just get tired of seeing people bash music and deejays who (if I can judge them by what they say), don't appear to really know what they're talking about. I once had a guy try to start a fight with me at that "Rave" at Exit when me and a friend complained a bit about the music. His line was "The DJ knows what he's doing". That's just farce. Some deejays actually do suck, but how can you know that it you haven't bothered to look around?

I'm not trying to get into a pissing match, but I have seen many many deejays. I'd wager that I've heard (and can remember sets from) more different deejays, than many of the bitchers on this board have gone out period. I know my music, and I know my taste. You won't find me bashing anyones tastes on this board. I just get tired of reading rantings from people who wouldn't know a two step if it hit them in the face, or couldn't tell deep house from hard house from tech house, let alone trying to tell me that Carl Cox sucks. That's just absurd.

Yes, I'm sure many New Yorkers have diverse and well educated tastes. But if this board is a fair representation of the people going to clubs in this city... 'nuff said.

As for other music, my vices move far and wide. My head is very deep into music in general, that's why I take this all so seriously.


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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I've heard nothing but great reviews of Carl Cox's latest CD - Live at the Crobar on Moonshine. It's on my must buy list. You might also want to check out Angel Alanis, DJ Dan, and DJ Sneak. Dan can go either to the tech side or the hard house side, depending on his mood. Sneak wavers from hard house to filtered disco-ey chicago style. Angel is just the shit no matter what.

Don't buy any of Carl Cox's original material. It's good, but not very inspired.

Oh, and speaking of hard house, I caught a serious player on Friday in Toronto. I can't remember the dude's name (I'm going to look into it), but he opened up for DJ Godfather. He played the sickest tech house on 3 turntables in constant rotation. Holy fuck, it was awesome. I have GOT to hunt the dude down, I think he may have been out of Detroit as well. Will keep all informed.

See? Isn't this nice talk? Scramble, you can join the music crew.


keep it cutlary


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Defiantly get the latest CC - it is the bomb.

DJ Dan - I will have to disagree - he was much much better before.

If you like something hard - try Nigel Richards. He is a little more on the acidy techno side - but I like the squeaky sounds that he puts in - he is hard too.



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cool thanks for the tip,

i recently picked up seb fontaine prototype 2 def a good dual cd set.

Originally posted by spoonyd:

I've heard nothing but great reviews of Carl Cox's latest CD - Live at the Crobar on Moonshine. It's on my must buy list. You might also want to check out Angel Alanis, DJ Dan, and DJ Sneak. Dan can go either to the tech side or the hard house side, depending on his mood. Sneak wavers from hard house to filtered disco-ey chicago style. Angel is just the shit no matter what.

Don't buy any of Carl Cox's original material. It's good, but not very inspired.

Oh, and speaking of hard house, I caught a serious player on Friday in Toronto. I can't remember the dude's name (I'm going to look into it), but he opened up for DJ Godfather. He played the sickest tech house on 3 turntables in constant rotation. Holy fuck, it was awesome. I have GOT to hunt the dude down, I think he may have been out of Detroit as well. Will keep all informed.

See? Isn't this nice talk? Scramble, you can join the music crew.


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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Scram, that Seb CD is real good ...

Check out:

CREAM LIVE Vol.2 - Nick Warren, Paul Oakenfold, James Lavelle

Its slamming, I don't think its out in stores yet but if anyone wants it I'll trade for it(if its something worth wild) via FTP or Napster ...

p.s. - Lavelle is the bonus set ... he spins trip-hop/breaks ... not bad, if your into that style ...


I love this house,

this house of house

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CDs are good but to get a reall feel for the music and the DJ is to hear/witness it live. Nothing will come close to that experiance - vibe/people/lights/atmosphere. CD will never match that.



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CDs are good but to get a real feel for the music and the DJ is to hear/witness it live. Nothing will come close to that experience - vibe/people/lights/atmosphere. CD will never match that.

There are number of DJs whose CDs are total crap – but live they are FANTASTIC. David Padilla is a good example. He is just amazing live. Micro is another. He is so much better live than on CD.

I try to listen to every tape/CD by a DJ recorded live in concert somewhere – they are much better than the studio stuff



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i like the seb fontaine cd its got some real funky shit on it.. i heard the other 2 are supposed to be good too.

i have the nick warren gu and i am not impressed for that matter i have oakies gu and i am not impressed, DT is terrible imho, but if you listen to tranceport (1) its phenomemal, something about theglobalb undergrounds i don't like.

Originally posted by frankie_pep:

Scram, that Seb CD is real good ...

Check out:

CREAM LIVE Vol.2 - Nick Warren, Paul Oakenfold, James Lavelle

Its slamming, I don't think its out in stores yet but if anyone wants it I'll trade for it(if its something worth wild) via FTP or Napster ...

p.s. - Lavelle is the bonus set ... he spins trip-hop/breaks ... not bad, if your into that style ...


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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I agree with you that Nick Warren and Okey are not that good. Sasha on the other hand is great. I heard Nick Warren in Melkweg in Amsterdam - totally out of this world. My head took off and did not land for days...

He had a live singer there too. Incredible.

Sandra Collins CDs are absolutly amazing. Love that hard progressive trance...



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