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Soundfactory Cd's??

Twilo Beauty

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where to get them...there a place on staten island that has them. the store is on hylan blvd and armstrong ave. i forget the name of the store but im positive thats where it is. if that helps at all. its a small store next to a dance studio and a dry cleaners i think.

theres also a place in boston too. then name of the store is actually called SoundFactory. kinda ironic...they have a website... www.soundfactoryboston.com

hope this helps

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

Once again, you've misconstrued, Iliana..The response was meant for Sonicgroov.

Hmm.. Sonic groove had already answered his own question in his following post. WHich means...technically, you were answering my question. Ha! Half ass.

Sadly enough, it shames me to say:

You're still dumb

You're still a half ass

You still cry about stupid shit on this board....and sound even more ignorant in the process...

You have a very limited vocabualry, don't ya???..each post has the reoccuring theme of half ass half, half tit, half brain, half glass o forange juice. God..YOU'RE SOO BORING. I'm waiting for you to come up with something more colorful and eventful...then again I forgot who I was talking to. TEEHEE. of your posts has been

Sorry cwm30.gif

You still continue to make me smile with your worthless, stupid commentary though...please keep it up, Humor is a necessity in life, you fucking retard.. cwm20.gif

Damn Iliana....Still the half ass who's "half with" the idea of seeming legible and comprehensible.

Now....fuck off...and...go cry about something stupid on another board, you worthless slice of pussy. cwm34.gif

tee hee

OOOO...now i'm a slice of pussy...GGRREEAT comeback you slice of dick!! LOLLLOOL


Um..Your insults are killing me cwm27.gif

LOL Bla bla bla

Oo, ooo, write back , write back pretty plese..I can't wait till i read the next segment of halfwhatever the fuck, from your one dimensional brain.

ps...you still can't get layed?? LOLLOLLOL



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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

Once again, you've misconstrued, Iliana..The response was meant for Sonicgroov.

Hmm.. Sonic groove had already answered his own question in his following post. WHich means...technically, you were answering my question. Ha! Half ass.

Sadly enough, it shames me to say:

You're still dumb

You're still a half ass

You still cry about stupid shit on this board....and sound even more ignorant in the process...

You have a very limited vocabualry, don't ya???..each post has the reoccuring theme of half ass half, half tit, half brain, half glass o forange juice. God..YOU'RE SOO BORING. I'm waiting for you to come up with something more colorful and eventful...then again I forgot who I was talking to. TEEHEE. of your posts has been

Sorry cwm30.gif

You still continue to make me smile with your worthless, stupid commentary though...please keep it up, Humor is a necessity in life, you fucking retard.. cwm20.gif

Damn Iliana....Still the half ass who's "half with" the idea of seeming legible and comprehensible.

Now....fuck off...and...go cry about something stupid on another board, you worthless slice of pussy. cwm34.gif

tee hee

OOOO...now i'm a slice of pussy...GGRREEAT comeback you slice of dick!! LOLLLOOL


Um..Your insults are killing me cwm27.gif

LOL Bla bla bla

Oo, ooo, write back , write back pretty plese..I can't wait till i read the next segment of halfwhatever the fuck, from your one dimensional brain.

ps...you still can't get layed?? LOLLOLLOL



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Do you 2 know each other? Is this some sort of a New York City hostility? Rudeboy, How do you know this isn't some beautiful girl you may run into at the club?

I sense alot of sexual tension between the two of you. Maybe the both of you should get together and fuck each others brains out.

As for the SF CD's, never seen any down here in Philly... How much do the go for? Are these CD's live from the club?


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not to get myself into this silly tirade between you children...just to clarify myself, the only question i answered was where to get the cds...i did not answer MY question, which was what SF cds are the best. so next time read before yo upost an insult because you ust look plain dumb now.

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

Who's your daddy....FRANKIE BONES!

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Half Tit? I dont remember calling you that, dumb ass....read carefully...you obviously have a problem doing that.

As for him answering his own question, I doubt it, since no one posed an answer that satisfied the question, which explains my answer to him.

The only thing meant for you, was the pointing out of your stupidity, once again. I needn't come up with anything new, since I am not trying to insult you, rather, I am pointing out the obvious stupidity of you, (and you're right, it is monotonous...your stupidity). Stupid people such as yourself can be repetitive and tired with their commentary, as you have shown.

Nothing more to say really....I can see your understanding of things seems to be dying, so you might want to consider shutting your mouth cwm20.gif

Overall, things are the same, and you're still "half With" the idea of being interesting with your commentary, you tired, weak little shit.

Slice of dick? that's good...you're sounding different there...saying something other than your usual tail chasing commentary, I commend you. Try not to say too much however, you might have an aneurysm.

Keep it up, dumb ass... cwm12.gif

[This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-17-2000).]

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Hey Iliana i know this is a really weird question.. but did you hit up a party in NJ in a town with an asian girl a white girl a white dj sometime in July? There was a pool there, it was pretty cold, and one of my friends was spinning. you have a unique name and i met someone with the same name

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

The only thing meant for you, was the pointing out of your stupidity, once again. I needn't come up with anything new, since I am not trying to insult you, rather, I am pointing out the obvious stupidity of you, (and you're right, it is monotonous...your stupidity). Stupid people such as yourself can be repetitive and tired with their commentary, as you have shown.

You're talking about ME being repetitive?? LOL. that's fucking funny coming from you...you've repeated every one of your single moronic "INSULTS" in each post. You can't come up with anything new because as I've stated before..you're a small dick virgin who also happens to be a STUPID ASSHOLE.

Nothing more to say really....I can see your understanding of things seems to be dying, so you might want to consider shutting your mouth

Naa..I don't think so. But you should tell yuur mom to shut her mouth. I know she must be getting sore from giving out all those blowjobs.



Slice of dick? that's good...you're sounding different there...saying something other than your usual tail chasing commentary, I commend you. Try not to say too much however, you might have an aneurysm.

Again..follow your own advice. It's funny how the ppl with the right advice are the ones who are doing the exact opposite. Man, you are a crackhead mofo! LOL

Keep it up, dumb ass...

Does your mommy help you to keep *IT* up??





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HEY (Rudeboy)--- What the hell is your problem > you better shut your god dam trap before i shut for you .. you little as crack .. how do you insuilt someone then act like you didnt do anything .. what is up with that ??.. WEll anyway i dont give a shit if you can use your word's good or you think your fucking smart You better* leave everyone alone with you smart ass remarks or im going to fuck your ass up,, Only GOd knows why im the way i am .. after fighting for my country as a fucking navy god dam seal not even getting paid enough , risking my life for people to shit on other people .,., NOT COOL.... Im out .. peace



(SASHA & JOHN DIGWEED) (johnny v) (russ reign)(soul assasin ) [TUNNEL] thats whats its all about baby

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Don't concern yourself with my insults that are directed toward Iliana....you'll make yourself look like more of puss than you already are...before you defend someone else, learn how to defend yourself first. You need to....

As for you Iliana...

Repetitive is the only manner of speaking you seem to understand. I can see from your response that you finally get the message..you went through it carefully enough and it is more than clear that you took your time. Good job...

You continue to make me smile...keep working hard...Dumb ass. cwm20.gif

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Iliana...I would suggest that you tell your navy seal buddy to save some of that wasted bravery for a time where there is a war; perhaps he could put of that well rehearsed tactical movement to good use for once.

Other than that, he would be pissed on, much like you have been on this board.

Now....without further adieu...

Shut the fuck up

LOL cwm20.gif

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Ughhh...yeah. Keep dreaming! The only person who will be doing the pissing is YOU when you reach the day that you will actually have to fight a REAL MAN, and you realize that you're a weak worthless piece of shit who's only able to fight with girls online.

Good going jackass!!!!

Make sure you bring a clean pair of panties. You don't want to be buried in piss stained underwear!



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As for making empty threats online Iliana, it suits you well. It seems to be all that you are capable of amidst that worthless shit talking you are so used to. If you are going to be a wise ass, be woman enough to accept the fact that you are a worthless idiot for doing so.

As for your friend....well, empty threats are not given much attention. Someone who would stick up for a shit talking girl who can do nothing more than put herself into a situation where she will have her ass beat, obviously has a few screws loose and is unworthy to serve this country.


....Shut the fuck up...... cwm30.gif

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Either keep your hands on a cock, a book, a toothbrush, a tampon, or something else of use....maybe even your father's chest......

Just make sure you keep your hands off of the keyboard; when you put them there, stupid shit happens...such as......Your writing.

Overall, shut the fuck up....once again. cwm1.gif

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