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Soundfactory Cd's??

Twilo Beauty

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It appears you've been doing your best thus far, and all we've been seeing is stupidity. I would hate to see you at your worst, you fucking idiot. cwm20.gif

Don't try to hard, you might kill yourself...which would be a very good improvement, it would match that dead thinking that you already have.

LoL, Shut the fuck up. cwm12.gif

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

It appears you've been doing your best thus far, and all we've been seeing is stupidity. I would hate to see you at your worst, you fucking idiot. cwm20.gif

Don't try to hard, you might kill yourself...which would be a very good improvement, it would match that dead thinking that you already have.

LoL, Shut the fuck up. cwm12.gif

OMG! Are you in love with me or something? Like, do you wanna pull my hair and sneak your hand up my skirt? Like OMG

A dickless bastard has a cruch on me! Teehee!

I've already seen you at your worst, and it's everything I expected---pathetic and mediocre.

Remember Rudepussy, sometimes geniuses at their worst are still stunning. Of course, you're just a pile of shit...moron

Now shut the fuck up!



Go suck pussy!

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Everyday at work I check this post just to see what you two boneheads have to say about each other. You two clowns make me laugh EVERY single fucking morning. I assume that the both of you are single and frustrated.

How old are the two of you???


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You consider me a genius? I am flattered; although it isn't hard to appear to be a genius when your stupid ass assumes I have a "CRUCH" on you. Very insightful, dumb ass. I have a "Cruch" on you. Looking smart is no problem when it comes to you, you braindead fuck cwm20.gif

Again, Iliana at her best.........

Remember, I told you not to try too hard, you might fuck yourself up.

Now....until you can write down some good shit with ease and not sound like an idiot....

.........Shut the Fuck Up cwm16.gif

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

You consider me a genius? I am flattered; although it isn't hard to appear to be a genius when your stupid ass assumes I have a "CRUCH" on you. Very insightful, dumb ass. I have a "Cruch" on you. Looking smart is no problem when it comes to you, you braindead fuck cwm20.gif

Again, Iliana at her best.........

Remember, I told you not to try too hard, you might fuck yourself up.

Now....until you can write down some good shit with ease and not sound like an idiot....

.........Shut the Fuck Up cwm16.gif

On the contrary, I wasn't calling you a genius.

"Remember Rudepussy, sometimes geniuses at their worst are still stunning. Of course, you're just a pile of shit...moron"

I was calling you a pile a shit....and no matter how vile and crude and nasty you are with me, you'll never amount to anything and you'll only be good for picking fights with girls online.

Continue the drama.

And it's so predictable of you to point out my spelling mistakes, because otherwise, you would have nothing bad to say about me and just be a repetitive old fuck.

As Usual.

Go suck your daddy's dick.



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You sound like quite the little bitch when you complain about people bothering you. If you aren't prepared to handle the criticism of your stupidity, don't write. Simple as that cwm20.gif

As for pointing out your spelling, it's hard to ignore when you so blatantly fuck up, as if you were trying to make yourself seem stupid. When you are trying to insult me and you fuck up in the process of doing it..lol..That pretty much proves that you aren't worth shit...lol cwm1.gif

Now that you've gone ahead once again, to make yourself look like more of a dumb ass.....Shut the fuck up


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