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Getting Better Each CD....

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the only band who can really be said to be on it as far as getting better with each cd has gotta be MONSTER MAGNET, the new cd which has been out over here in the U.K. for a couple of months just kicks ASSS!!, it's called GOD SAYS NO, and you guys get to hear it on April 10th- GO ORDER IT NOW!!

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I agree with bettiuk in regards to Monster Magnet.

Think back about ten years or so ago. The eighties had just finished and we were choking in a sea of hair bands and acts spit out by the Big Pop Machine (no...not pepsi..try and think in an abstract manner for a second...)Sound familiar (OOPS! I did it again...teehee hee...)

When grunge hit, bands that had several albums out finally hit the mainstream...say Soundgarden for example.

And while Monster Magnet has been around for a while, I think you'll see some good comparisons between them and some other bands that started out w/good underground or non-US followings.

The new album, God Says No, is easily one of the best rock releases in years. It fits very well in the current climate of self examination that we seem to be experiencing.

<<Insert gratuitous "rock on" paired w/sign of the devil hand gesture here.>>

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Monster Magnet is a band that truly gets better with every release. This is a great band that continues to grow from album to album. On their latest album, "God Says No," Dave Wyndorf's continues his commentary on social issues with insightful lyrics and incredible true rock music. MM fans will embrace this album as the best one ever as they have incredibly have been able to top themselves album after album.

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You know what, I think all these posts could be a)by the same person just creating different names b)Just people with bad taste.

Viva electronic music. I agree with djjustinh, I think not only Tenaglia is getting better, I think he is also getting smarter in the tracks that he picks. Same with Paul Van Dyk and TIesto.


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It's good to see that there are so many people with good taste!. I'm totally agree with "god says no" and monster magnet. But it doesn't mean that the other MM's albums aren't good, but the last one is indispensable. It's the best record ever!!!

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Sick and tired of hearing the same crap ? Look out, a milestone in rock history is about to hit the scene ! April 10th 2001 is doomsday for all the fake plastic wannabe rockbands out there as MONSTER MAGNET, the last true rock band on planet earth and beyond is releasing their new masterpiece GOD SAYS NO ! I‘ve seen them a couple of times on their euro tour last december and believe me, they are better than ever and the new songs are gonna make your heads explode … be prepared, this is APOCALYPSE NOW !

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i dunno. I've never been too in to techno or trance. I'm more into stoner rock and indie rock. So yeah, i'd have to agree that monster magnet keeps getting better. the new album kicks some serious ass. It sneaks up on you. the first time i heard it I didn't think it was as good as their other stuff, but it keeps getting bettter the more you listen to it (the way good music should) at this point i pretty much consider it their best album.

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i dunno i'm not too into the whole tchno trance thing. I'm more into stoner rock and indie rock. so, yeah i'd have to agree with monster magnet. God Says No is a badass album. it sneaks up on you. the first time i heard it , i didn't think it was as good as their other stuff, but it gets better every time you listen to it (the way good music should) at this point i'd have to say its their best album. definately their darkest. good shit all around

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I think monster magnet has put out a great album. the best they've done, i dont' know, but definitly one that ROCKS harder than the current trend of nu-metal or rap metal or whatever you want to call it. This country has been waiting for a album like this for years. It is rumored they will be touring with either buckcherry or queens of the stone age. I cant wait! Remember, April 12th, GOD says No!!!!!!

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