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MP3 DJ?!?!

Guest balckrose

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Guest endymion

I have tried this, it's super-crude right now and it honestly doesn't sound good at all. It's a very nerd-thing, for people who are more into gadgets than music. It will get better and I expect to see peripheral devices on the market soon for pitching and general mixing. I got laughed out of the room the last time that I suggested that this sort of technology could make a serious dent in vinyl DJing at clubs. I really do think that it's inevitable.

For people like me who are frequently expected to deal with setting up tunes at after-parties, being able to carry your library in your pocket and then plug into somebody's home theater once you find out where the party is, that's just cool. My solution right now is a collection of 100 MB mix mp3's from DJ's far better than me. You just stack them up in a playlist depending on the vibe, plug into whatever system you're confronted with, and then run off and party. It rocks.

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Guest pod

They're lacking in a DJ interface too. I don't see DJs giving up their 1200s en masse for a little white or silver box. The best solution I've seen so far is Final Scratch, where the interface is retained, but the advantage of bringing your files is there. Last time I checked, Ipods, or any other MP3 players for that matter did not have pitch-shifting and speed controls accomodate beatmatching and smooth mixes.

Though the lone exception so far is the Technics SL-DZ1200. It plays CD-Audio, MP3s on CD, and MP3s on an SD card, and has a nifty spinning interface driven by an SL-1200 motor, so you can cue files much like you would a record. I guess that's technically an MP3 player with a DJ interface...though it's more of a DJ CD player with MP3 playback capability thrown in (an extra ROM chip thrown on the board inside the CD player at most...) for kicks..


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Guest endymion
They're lacking in a DJ interface too. [br]...[br] Last time I checked, Ipods, or any other MP3 players for that matter did not have pitch-shifting and speed controls accomodate beatmatching and smooth mixes.

Right, Pod, that's what I meant about it not sounding very good, and that's what I meant by "peripheral device". There are some pretty cool peripherals already for that thing, like the (Ahem...) Belkin add-on that lets you slap CF cards in it and dump your images from your small CF card to your iPod's immense drive.

Pod, you could be the photographer and the DJ.

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Guest endymion

Oh, another totally sane use for an iPod as a vinyl replacement: Burning Man. I had dinner tonight with a friend who's decks are still in California because he had them shipped out for Burning Man and they still haven't found their way home yet. iPod: back pocket. Even considering amps it still lightens your load and increases your reliability in a hostile environment like that immensely.

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Guest pod

Pod, you could be the photographer and the DJ.

God help us all if that happens. Plus I know lighting so I'll just carry a laptop with a DMX port so I can run Lightjockey... :o

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Guest rufcut

Richie Hawtin is using Final Scratch these days, I saw him using it late last year. Serious peice of kit. One of my pals has it to. It's a bugger to get started but it's impressive once you have it hooked up.

The power of MP3's is still not being used fully and it is in things like Final Scratch that the future is but it may spell problems for producers and artists... as you can see I am split. I like the idea but I also like the whole new vinyl experience... Hmm...

Richie Hawtin was a god tho!


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I DJ almost exclusively on MP3s but no iPod's for me.

I have Final Scratch which I love and hate at the same time. What I do love unconditionally is my laptop with Traktor DJ studio and the M-Audio 8 channel sound card. If you haven't tried Traktor yet, take it for a spin.

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Guest endymion

Traktor is pretty neat if you are used to spinning vinyl and you are looking for a simulation of that experience on a computer.

If you're not married to the vinyl paradigm, there is a package that approaches the problem from a really fresh and innovative angle. Take a look at MixMeister. TuffTribe put me onto it originally. Sucks because it's PC-only, but it's neat enough to be worth checking out anyway.

MixMeister deviates from the two-turntable paradigm and uses a totally different interface that is based on cueing up tracks like you would cue up and script patches and samples in Acid or whatever. By ditching the classic turntable paradigm, MixMeister gives you the freedom to layer tracks with a lot more complexity. You can have five or six tracks going at once pretty easily. If you have the sound cards then you can use one for your monitor for cueing and mixing and one for playback, so you can get ahead of your mix by a few seconds or even minutes. You can twiddle with your mixes over and over if you're far enough ahead, so that by the time your playback hits the mix, it comes out perfect. It's like live studio mixing, it's really neat. I have been using it to do little toy studio mix projects but you can use it live. Works great.

I don't personally like a lot of things about MixMeister. The effects are hokey and primitive, the visualization of the tracks themselves is based on levels, I would really rather see a running FFT analysis of the audio, things like that. Even with those problems it's still a really neat little package that will really make you start to think about how computers create all kinds of new options for user interfaces that are more powerful and provide more options than the classic old turntable UI. If enough people notice the software and it continues to improve then it could be a serious option soon for professional live sets.

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Guest DigitalPhoenix

I've been an mp3 DJ for about 5 years now.

PC DJ 1200's was the original software but they've had

a few upgrades already.

I use no CD's or vinyl and the interface of the software resembles a double CD player.

It includes a built in mixer with pitch control, fader, loops, stop brake effects and some other neat functions.

Unlike some other programs, this program doesnt automix the beats for you - you must listen for the beats just like you would with vinyl.

The neat thing is that it allows you to cue up and listen to the next song ( you must have a double soundcard or SB Live soundcard that has 4 channels )

Til this day I have never had a problem with the program and choice of tunes is never a problem either as I carry the PC easily from gig to gig and have 2 hard drives (one for the operating system and the other one for mp3 storage) amounting to over 30GB of music.

There is hardware that you could add to the pc thru the

serial port that will allow you to have full function as "hands on" but I choose not to because: why carry additional stuff when you have all you need in a box and sounds just as good as vinyl if not better?? (Depending on the bitrate of the MP3 - no less than 160KBP recommended)

This type of technology has been coming up on the world we love, breathe, & dream of folks - wake UP!!!!

The feeling of vinyl and finding the groove can never be replaced - I completely agree, but we cant turn our backs to something that is literally tapping us on the shoulder as an additional tool to allow a DJ to be as creative as possible.

This is my take on the subject, and I cant wait until next year's WMC because I just know this will blow up then! ;D

Hasta la pasta!

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Guest endymion

Does anybody know if there are any controllers available like that PCDJ controller that ryano is selling, but for Traktor instead?

An external controller for Traktor on a PowerBook would amuse me enormously. Does such a thing exist?

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Guest ramon

as most of you know stryke and it seems alot of techno crowd uses final scratch .. leibing used it last week and with the addition of vinyl you can really do some neat things.

hawtin has his ctrl setup which contains the xone:62 (CTRL) clcyloops and 2 laptops running final scratch/ableton .. he's composing live on stage and integrating into his blend of minimal funk and techno goodness.

stryke carries around a ton of gadget it seems as well .. efx 500/final scratch/cycloops .. and sometimes a 909 and a 303 .. personally can't wait to see what he plays this weekend ..

imho techno dj's take full advantage of final scratch cause they play so many records .. wether its a loop a dub a beats tool whatever they really try to do more than just mixing .. just listen to one and see what i mean.

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Believe it or not, it's possible to use one of those toy Mixman DM2's that you can buy at Walmart as a contoller for Traktor. I do not have one but I have played with one connected to Traktor and it works quite well. It feels extremely flimsy but works.

I use Traktor with an external mixer (Behringer 700) and it works like a charm.

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