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Never been to Nerve where exactly do u park?


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Guest shannon_coolj.

try to get there early...and there's plenty of places to park..

get there late and you'll be driving around aimlessly for a while...


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Guest coach

Meters = $.25 per minute, if by some miracle you can find one.

Park across Collins at the Holiday Inn, if you can't find anything on the street.

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Found parking last night (next block over) right at 12:00. No quarter spent, fairly easy parallel park. My buddy got the very first parking spot at Nerve, no quarter dropped.

Witnessed a pretty nice fight on the streets. Some black eyes and girls screaming and falling to the floor. Complete craziness. The club became a ghost town after that shit.

Anyone catch it?? I know alot of you did because we were talking about it all night. That was the highlight of a very disappointing evening at Nerve.

Absolutely no people or energy. Quivver was playing great tunes but just wasnt putting them in the right order. :(

DJ competition finalists, I saw a few of you there last night dancing around, hee, hee (LOL) please dont try to imitate this set, please.

See everyone tonight I hope!!


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i parked the same area right near the gas station.. dude what was that scuffle over anyway? yeah no energy my first time at nerve wasnt that great.. the music rocked but i left at 230... the fashion show was ok .. guess they dont believe in shutting the curtains when they change.. LOL

i did see michael around .. ill be at the cooljunkie spinoff tonite maybe 8 or so after seeing american wedding. hope to see u all there.

hope to meet u finally shannon..

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heh sorry dditn read ur post i saw the fight inside the club it was crazy dude . it took a while for them to get thrown out the back door :( ruined the nite.. it was kinda packed for the fashion show but everyone left after that. overall a disappointing nite.

man is nerve tiny.. im so used to maze, crowbar and space..

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Guest pod

It wasn't a good rumble anyway. The participants had no style to themselves. Just shoving and screaming over imagined wrongs.


If it went down like this, it would've been more impressive, and I would have taken photos.

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