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Matrix Reloaded

Guest siuol_leahcim

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Guest siuol_leahcim

...saw it last night, thought it was feckin' amazing.

8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

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Guest shannon_coolj.

I saw it last night and was disappointed. To me, it was too "hollywood" this time. It was really cheesy in some parts.

I thought the first one was much better. ???

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Guest sarahcj

I thought some parts were great and some parts that they could have done without. I think I will have to see the third to make up my mind though as Reloded isonly part of the final story whereas the first was more of a complete movie.  


Reminded me of The Empire Stikes Back a little too with the whole Neo coma, Han Solo frozen thing.


The rave thing was kinda funny aswell, obviously the filmakers haven't hung out in Miami. Paul Oakenfold did some of the music as well maybe they should have had a DJ set up in there.


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Guest nickjunkie

I think it's intentionally ambiguous - we can talk about the philosophical parts but there will be no answers until Revolutions...

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Guest joeygk

It was good, but not great. The problem being the first movie was so visually impressive b/c it was new, avant garde, original....the sequel however is just that a sequel - i.e. more of the same.

That tribal/rave scene in Zion was so cheezy - it lasted like 5 minutes. I kept thinking what's up w/ the musical interlude, what am I watching Baywatch or something? :D

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Guest coach

The main problem with the whole Matrix thingy is that Neo is basically just an overpowered thug. I'm not saying it's a flaw in the writing, just a limitation that they have written in. He has this amazing power that he has no clue what he is supposed to do with and isn't very smart to begin with. Plus, the fighting gets kind of dull after a while since they are pretty much just punching each other over and over again. I thought X2 had way more depth and character development. And the fight scenes are way cooler.

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Guest pod

No one ever accused the Neo charachter of intelligence. That's left to Morpheus, Trinity, and the rest of 'em. They just wind him up, tell him what to do, and watch the explosions happen.

Frankly, I see a lot of people overanalyzing the whole Matrix saga. I'm taking it for what it is and just enjoying people getting their asses kicked and explosions and such.

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Guest siuol_leahcim

Frankly, I see a lot of people overanalyzing the whole Matrix saga. I'm taking it for what it is and just enjoying people getting their asses kicked and explosions and such.

well said, pod. when it boils down to it, it's just an action movie designed for entertainment and should be treated as such. a lot of people probably feel disappointed just because they were expecting too much from it.

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