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you know you're a new yorker when....

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got this email, some funny stuff in it. I deleted the dumb ones.

However, based upon # 17, I highly highly doubt this really came from the NY Times.

You Know You're A New Yorker When...: - From the New York Times


1.You're 35 years old and don't have a driver's license.

3. You are going home from work by subway and you know exactly where on the platform the doors will open that will leave you right in front of the stairways at your home station.

5. You cringe at hearing people pronounce Houston St. like the city in Texas

7.You get upset that a cabbie is obeying all the rules of the road (speed limit, turn signals, etc)

9. You cross the street anywhere but in the corners, yelling at the cars for not respecting the fact.

11. You have the guts to claim you know what makes a New Yorker in a public forum even though you've only lived in New York for 2 years.

13. You start thinking that a 500 square foot apartment is large.

14. Your co-worker commutes 45 minutes by train to a 2,000 square foot house in the suburbs that was the same price as your 500 square foot apartment that you commute 35 minutes by subway to...And you think: "sucker"

17. You know who Dr. Z is... (inside joke...us NYCers get it)

18. You have at least 50 menus in your apartment, two thirds of which you have neither ordered from nor even heard of.

22. You get ready to order dinner every night and must choose from the 4 major food groups: Chinese, Mexican, Cuban or Indian.

23.You wouldn't dream of going to Times Square on New Year's Eve.

31.Someone bumps into you, and you check for your wallet.

32. You pay no attention to the nice lady walking down the road having a perfectly normal conversation with herself.

34. You cross the street, almost get hit by a bicycle, and instead of being worried, curse the bicyclist.

35. You watch the show "Sex and the City" as a documentary about the people you know.

36. You visit friends out of town and you can't get to sleep because the quiet freaks you out.

39. You think $1200 a month for a small studio is a steal!

41. Having a window in your apartment is considered a luxury and not a necessity.

42. You are willing to take in strange people as roommates simply to help pay the rent.

44. Your reaction to a presidential visit isn't "oh boy, what an honor" but "oh no, what a pain traffic is going to be."

47. (I love this one :D) When as the announcemnet comes on the PA on the subway platform you turn your head, cock your ear, and when it's over you walk to the stairs to a chorus of, "Wait! Wait! What did she say??!"

49. You can take a catnap on the subway and wake up when your stop is announced. you looked forward to riding the subway to read the next installment of Marisol and Julio.

54. You're making $70,000 and you're "scraping" by.

56. Nothing is north or south, it's uptown or downtown.

58. You take harsh criticism of the city by a non-New Yorker as a personal insult, but readily accept and often agree with the same criticism coming from a fellow New Yorker.

59. You can read all the posts here, and find yourself nodding with understanding and agreement (to most of them)...

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let's add some of our own....here's what first comes to my mind:

Going to church on the weekend is replaced by going to a fantastic brunch....and it's just as sacred.

you know to avoid walking across 14th or 23rd streets, as the temperature is usually several degrees lower and it's definitely a lot windier.

you use the empire state building as a compass.

you  visit craigslist.org at least a few times a week.

you say you'll go out for "just one drink" at 9pm and end up on a stage or dancefloor at 6am having the time of your life...

An offer or insinuation for group sex comes your way at least once a weekend.

you're eternally single yet reside in a city filled with millions of really good looking and eligible bachelors and bachelorettes.  

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