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what do people wear clubbing in miami??

Guest superstar_funkster

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Guest superstar_funkster

Hi everyone, just so that i know what to pack when I make my way over there in two weeks, what do the clubs allow people to get away with wearing to gain entry??

Is it very similar to the English/Ibiza scene? cool t-shirts/jeans and smart trainers or shoes??

Help anyone? ;D

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Lately the dress code has been a little more relaxed out there (Jeans, Tee's, even hats). 50/50 chance with sneakers though. It really depends where you are headed.

I would bring some nice pants, shirts, shoes just in case!!

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Guest superstar_funkster

cheers guys, I was a little worried for a while that I may turn up in the wrong gear for certain venues!

roll on miami! ;D

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Honestly, I am really enjoying the relaxed fashion as of late. The current style is all retro, it all comes back around. The current group of party goers were all kids in the 80's, now we are just wearing what we grew up in to the the clubs.

I am just waiting for some new Breakdance tracks to appear. ;D

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Hell yeah, Im a little taller now (and out of shape), but I can still bust out into some Breakdancin' windmills & headspins!!  :o

You WILL regret making that claim Mr Tufts, I will see to it that you get the audience you deserve (thinking Space or something) as you spin those windwills out to the cheers of your friends LMFAO :)

ps. yes we'll get together soon, WMC has me tied up trying to get stuff finished, also working on some harder toons, pushing 134-140, which sounds way too fast (to me) but I'll get used to it, at least I'm finally coming out of the 125 range. Bang bang.

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Guest fredda

Hey superstar_funkster:

I am going to Ibiza and London pretty soon! Is it the dress code as relaxed as "t-shirts/jeans ..." over there?

that sounds pretty good to me!!!

How about Barcelona, Spain? Have you been clubbing there? How is the dress code ? ???

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Guest superstar_funkster

Yeh the dress code over here in England is pretty cool, but you have to make an effort though, turning up in some bad jeans and a scruffy t-shirt won't always get you in.

Basically if you look casual but look like you have made an effort you should be OK, perhaps try little extras like wrist or sweat bands, mad hair or cool t-shirts kind of clubbing punk type things!

These usually get you in anywhere, but some clubs don't like you wearing trainers so just check where your going first, if they are really tight with the dress code then it probably isn't worth going to anyway, and it's probably a place full of 18 year olds wearing black shirt and pants and fighting with everyone!

In ibiza anything goes, try to be as individual as you can, you will stand out better! but don't go for the shirt and shoes options!

Like I say, clubbing/urban punk with an 80's twist is all the rage at the moment, stick to this and you'll be fine!

Never been to Barcelona, but would imagine it's pretty much the same??

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Guest missginevra

don't forget that it gets hot-hot-hot, and then the going-home hours can be a bit chilly for the sweaty dancer.  Take cab fare to avoid the chill, and don't wear uncomfortable boots to Space like I have, or you'll just be hot/miserable/achy. A balance of chic and smart.

nice jeans and trainers work ok most spots, but get there early so as not to catch crap from the doormen. They looooooooove being snooty.  

goddess will not let you in with sneaks last time I checked, but it is worth it.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest barstar diana

i decided to revive this thread...

i think that comfort first and then haute fashion next

i wear jeans alot with trippy fancy tops, and funky shoes and of course my assc. of choice and phat purse

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Guest Nefarious Girl

I have been wanting to talk about this forever. But....I don't know where to start.

I dress for comfort. to stand out, tops or make up or both. Sometimes, it's just about dancing. ;)

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Guest barstar diana

I have been wanting to talk about this forever. But....I don't know where to start.

I dress for comfort. to stand out, tops or make up or both. Sometimes, it's just about dancing. ;)

its so about the dancing...comfy shoes always!! and no open toes shoes at space...or the space toes will get you!

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Guest pc

what i learned from early street creds in my club lala from nyc in the 90's. fashion first, comfort later. find itty sandals that fit in purse or have in car(a friend is developing the foldable pocket sized version). some girl peeps do the sneaks for after 2am! but the cocktail hour requires fabulous attire.

i still carry little sandals and a comfy change wherever I go! plus lately for the humidity, a little cami cause it just gets gross! viola!

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Guest barstar diana

I just want a pair of heels that transform into sneakers after midnight. ;D

let me know when this is invented, bc i need a pair of those too!!!!

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Guest coach

I just want a pair of heels that transform into sneakers after midnight. ;D

let me know when this is invented, bc i need a pair of those too!!!!

Seriously, this is the 21st century. This actually shouldn't be hard to do. At least something that converts from pumps to flats. Removable heals, addable straps, and voila!
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Guest Diabolique

I just want a pair of heels that transform into sneakers after midnight. ;D

let me know when this is invented, bc i need a pair of those too!!!!

Seriously, this is the 21st century. This actually shouldn't be hard to do. At least something that converts from pumps to flats. Removable heals, addable straps, and voila!

do it do it do it

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Guest barstar diana

ya you know id be first in line to buy a pair...amazing though some people are just not innovative when in comes to shoes in that sense

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Guest coach

I just want a pair of heels that transform into sneakers after midnight. ;D

let me know when this is invented, bc i need a pair of those too!!!!

Seriously, this is the 21st century. This actually shouldn't be hard to do. At least something that converts from pumps to flats. Removable heals, addable straps, and voila!

do it do it do it

Okay, I've got the design basically done. But I have *no* clue where to go from there.

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