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Video on al Qaeda-linked Web site shows beheading

Guest Diabolique

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Guest bcnjunkie

More crapola.

Let's get the hell out of there, nuke the site from orbit and go home.

yup !!!

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Guest JMT

Thats just great......what are we supposed to do now?......game over man.

this little girl survived out here with no weapons, and no training.

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Guest JMT

seriously would you want to watch some poor man getting killed ??! thats so wrong!

ummmm.... its only a link to the story.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

i saw the video.

i think it's kind of important to watch it...it makes you realize who we're actually dealing with over there -- people that have no heart and no mercy. they're evil and the video is terrible.

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Guest demo909

Does anyone else besides myself think that this is all just a lost cause? My partners brother has been stationed in Bagdad for about 7 months now as a field medic. I've chatted with him several times and some of the things he has described to me are unbelievable.....I knew this guy before he went over there and I can tell you that he will never be that person again. He has changed to say the least. He believes whole heartedly in doing his job , his duty for his country, but he also believes......like the majority of his buddies over there, that this is all just a lost cause. His moral and I bet most of his buddies too is very low. My heart breaks when I talk with him online everytime.

And now we have this beheading......unreal!! But hey it's okay cause today we killed 25 militant iraqi's and the new iraqi government says they will hunt down the people respondsible for the beheading........great.

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Does anyone else besides myself think that this is all just a lost cause? My partners brother has been stationed in Bagdad for about 7 months now as a field medic. I've chatted with him several times and some of the things he has described to me are unbelievable.....I knew this guy before he went over there and I can tell you that he will never be that person again. He has changed to say the least. He believes whole heartedly in doing his job , his duty for his country, but he also believes......like the majority of his buddies over there, that this is all just a lost cause. His moral and I bet most of his buddies too is very low. My heart breaks when I talk with him online everytime.

And now we have this beheading......unreal!! But hey it's okay cause today we killed 25 militant iraqi's and the new iraqi government says they will hunt down the people respondsible for the beheading........great.

I was mirroring some this type of sentiment on the subway this morning on my way to work...we seem to have a duality in this country that is kind of a paradox---- we are resented for our power and actions yet we are held responsible for so many events and things that go on in the world--- Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we completely isolated ourselves...became dependent only on ourselves and made do without the things we require from the rest of the world....design electric cars so we dont need oil....and so on. One thing I would miss is far east spices and luxuries like that....but we'd surely be able to improvise--as Americans one thing we always can take pride in is our ingenuity and ability to adapt due to our strong will and determination...

How would the world be if we just shut the door....pulled our troops from everywhere they are and brought everyone home....developed some sort of missle shield so no one could sucker punch us with nukes, and just chill here in the USA. It would be analagous with a set of parents leaving their children at home....in many ways i think the US is analagous to parents....and our kids definitely resent us...(I dont mean "kids" in a condescending way at all....just take the analogy for what it is)

Maybe we have too many kids and cant parent efficiently. Maybe we dont have any business having all these kids...

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Guest pod

By isolationism, I doubt it means you wouldn't get access to your curry powder...that's just stupid.

By isolationism, the politicians mean that the United States would not interfere in the affairs of other nations on a political level, but conduct basic trade and commerce so to speak.

We couldn't isolate ourselves totally, too many of our own companies have manufacturing and business interests abroad. The cell phone you chat on is Finnish, the PC or Mac you use utilizes Taiwanese and Japanese components, even though it was finally assembled in Texas or California.

Prices of foreign-assembled goods may go up, but like you say, domestic alternatives may come about. Total cutoff of those goods won't happen though...you'll just see PCs with components made in New York or California in addition to the usual suspects.

Realistically what I'm advocating is to stop playing cop, and bring our soldiers home, and let the rest of the world sort out it's problem. They're all adults now and fully capable of doing so from what they seem to be saying.

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Guest bcnjunkie

Does anyone else besides myself think that this is all just a lost cause? My partners brother has been stationed in Bagdad for about 7 months now as a field medic. I've chatted with him several times and some of the things he has described to me are unbelievable.....I knew this guy before he went over there and I can tell you that he will never be that person again. He has changed to say the least. He believes whole heartedly in doing his job , his duty for his country, but he also believes......like the majority of his buddies over there, that this is all just a lost cause. His moral and I bet most of his buddies too is very low. My heart breaks when I talk with him online everytime.

And now we have this beheading......unreal!! But hey it's okay cause today we killed 25 militant iraqi's and the new iraqi government says they will hunt down the people respondsible for the beheading........great.

It's been my sentiment all along. I think that when warranted, it is necessary to defend this country. Going after terrorist organizations is important, but it must be done in an intelligent manner (not in a senless mission). Now Bush wants a speedy handover to the Iraquis, right on time for election. Isn't this the fearless defender that would twist his arm ?

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