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If you had the choice...

Guest r3nz0

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Guest r3nz0

... to become a big-time celebrity (think Britney Spears as a comparable) overnight for the rest of your life, would you trade in all that money for your unequivocal privacy as a human being?

Money is awesome. No one is disputing that.

But is it all that matters when you can't even walk your dog in peace, play with your kids outside or take a swim without being photographed and/or filmed? Does the "prisoner of your own fame" saying ring true or is it just a bunch of crap that celebrities made up for us to be sympathetic toward them?

I'm eager to see what you all think.

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Guest lyrik

Give me that kind of money....no 2nd thoughts. You can buy all the privacy you need.....and even if you can't....fuck it....I'M REECH BEOTCH!

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Guest trancelator

I'd take the fame and the money and whenever the papparazzi pissed me off, I would pull the biggest gags on them I'd have them guessing what is real and what's not just for my own entertainment. ;D

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Guest demo909

Yes money can buy you privacy. It would be nice to be that wealthy and not have to worry about a single bill or all the normal trival shit that we lay-persons go through everyday 8)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

The little fame would be OK and a little wealth would be alright also. But I do value my privacy and I would probably be throwing stones at the Paparazzi if they followed me around and flew over my house in a helicopter just to get a photo of me changing my socks or some BS like that.... If I was a famous actor I would like to be like Ed Norton. He's got fame and fortune but he doesn't have the cameras on him like they do on someone like Ben Affleck or Brad Pitt......

A little recognition is nice especially if it's for you accomlishments and natural talents...

If I had the wealth I would use enough of it to make me and my family live comfortably and give some money to some close friends so that they could achieve some of their goals and I would seriously donate a bunch of it to certain charities like animal rights and enviormental protection groups.

But screw the Paparazzi. I hate having my picture taken when I know it's being taken enough as it is....

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Guest lyrik

The little fame would be OK and a little wealth would be alright also. But I do value my privacy and I would probably be throwing stones at the Paparazzi if they followed me around and flew over my house in a helicopter just to get a photo of me changing my socks or some BS like that.... If I was a famous actor I would like to be like Ed Norton. He's got fame and fortune but he doesn't have the cameras on him like they do on someone like Ben Affleck or Brad Pitt......

A little recognition is nice especially if it's for you accomlishments and natural talents...

If I had the wealth I would use enough of it to make me and my family live comfortably and give some money to some close friends so that they could achieve some of their goals and I would seriously donate a bunch of it to certain charities like animal rights and enviormental protection groups.

But screw the Paparazzi. I hate having my picture taken when I know it's being taken enough as it is....

I am with ya on the charities thing..especillay animal rights....but the funny thing about the environmental charities is that their facts are grossly mis-stated and actually we have more forests now and actually more trees that have been planted in the last 20 years than there has been in the last 500 hundred years preceeding. I just watched a documentary on this and the people that did it actually brought these figures to these protection agenices and they were just speechless....basically all they could muster is that if they didn't say what said they would never get donations. ::)

Don't get me wrong...its not that I agree with any abuse of our environment...I just think sometimes these things can get over-dramatic....in geology they teach that the earth has a way of balancing these things out...I would be most worried about all the nukes laying at the bottom of the oceans ready to erode and burst.

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Guest LeVeL

I rather be a big time celebrity with the fame and the money...shoot all my good friends and families would be set for life and if they had any problems I would be the problem solver. If I would date someone or marry anyone it would definetely not be another celebrity because then you will be fucked the paparazzi will be on your ass then.

Just imagine a whole bunch of Pods chasing your every move, saying that you didn't want to give an autograph to a kid and saying that you took a piss on a public street after coming out of the nightclub. That would be horrible every story would be in the front page of the Enquirer and all these celebrity magazines all due to all these Pod's chasing your every move like shadows in the dark.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

... to become a big-time celebrity (think Britney Spears as a comparable) overnight for the rest of your life, would you trade in all that money for your unequivocal privacy as a human being?

Money is awesome. No one is disputing that.

But is it all that matters when you can't even walk your dog in peace, play with your kids outside or take a swim without being photographed and/or filmed? Does the "prisoner of your own fame" saying ring true or is it just a bunch of crap that celebrities made up for us to be sympathetic toward them?

I'm eager to see what you all think.

also, don't forget the fact that if you're a big time celebrity with all that money, the press will dig out every single thing they can find about you, i.e., dorky high school yearbook picture that you never wanted anyone to see, your nights of debauchery, drug use history, etc.... for all the world to see

nevertheless, money goes a long way....

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Guest LeVeL

Yeah thats true Interview Junkie....the press will dig out all the dirt byt interviewing your ex-girlfriends from the past and have them say bad things like for example....he is a minute man, hes a cheap bastard who never payed for the restaurant bill when we went on a date. ect all the bad things that come to mind.

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Guest pod

Being a celebrity, you lose a certain expectation of privacy when in public. That has been established by law. What the stalkerazzi do is contemptible, as well as cheesy. As a matter of fact, paparazzi is Italian for mosquito.

However, many celebrities do things that will invariably get the attention of the 'razzis and then bitch about it later.

Unfortunately, the 'razzis are here to stay, so there's not much you can do about it aside from behaving in public.

That being said, I have no shame so I would not care about the stalkerazzi as long as I kept on being rich, beeyotch. In addition I would still carry my 10D and shoot right back.

I wouldn't be celebrity scum though. I'd still hang at the places I do.

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Guest LeVeL

Being a celebrity, you lose a certain expectation of privacy when in public. That has been established by law. What the stalkerazzi do is contemptible, as well as cheesy. As a matter of fact, paparazzi is Italian for mosquito.

However, many celebrities do things that will invariably get the attention of the 'razzis and then bitch about it later.

Unfortunately, the 'razzis are here to stay, so there's not much you can do about it aside from behaving in public.

That being said, I have no shame so I would not care about the stalkerazzi as long as I kept on being rich, beeyotch. In addition I would still carry my 10D and shoot right back.

I wouldn't be celebrity scum though. I'd still hang at the places I do.

Pod but you already are a celebrity, your pics are on websites all over the net, you hang in the best venues south florida can offer....

All playing aside I heard that celebrities can now sue for violation of privacy, there have been some cases already and the celebrity won and there are more suits to come.

So its not that bad to be a celebrity you will just have to pay a high fee for attorney representation but there isn't anything Johhny Cochran can cure.

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Guest pod

They can sue for invasion of privacy if you shoot them on their own property...i.e. if you're hiding in a tree and shoot a photo of Anna Kournikova frolicking in her pool with Christina Aguilera. :o

In public, they are fair game. It's contemptible, yes, but they are fair game if you get a shot of them walking down Collins Avenue.

As a celebrity, it has been established that you lose your anonymity when you are in public, and that there is not much you can do about it. You are a celebrity after all. If you wanted the money and the privacy, you should choose a different career path.

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Guest r3nz0
if you're hiding in a tree and shoot a photo of Anna Kournikova frolicking in her pool with Christina Aguilera. :o

Share those pics, bitch! ;D

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Guest coach

If all I'd have to do is have my picture plastered all over magazines to make a zillion dollars, I would do it in an instant. Who the fuck cares if people see your picture. If you don't do anything stupid, then so what? I mean, there are TONS of rich people who do not get their image plastered all over the place. I mean, how many times do you see a pic of Steve Jobs on the Star with the headline "Jobs' Messy Breakup!!!"? Not that they aren't a bother, but still, I think the money would be worth it.

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Guest pod


I'd be like "I got caught offroading with Christina Aguilera, but who cares cause I'm rich, beeyotch!"


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Guest r3nz0


I'd be like "I got caught offroading with Christina Aguilera, but who cares cause I'm rich, beeyotch!"


Hmmmmm, I see one common theme in your posts: Christina.

Are you infatuated with her, pod? ;D

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Guest r3nz0

Nah, I just know I could do 'er without much effort. She's a slut.


We need more sluts in this world. 8)

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