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What's happenning at COOLJUNKIE NEW YORK????

Guest antonio

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Guest antonio

What's going on at Cooljunkie New York that nobody writes reviews, nobody takes pictures, the parties don't get announced............ :(

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Guest web_norah

erm, not to be a c*** but in all fairness, New York is a huge city and if someone gave me a camera, i'd try to come out and get photos but the truth is, it is far too big and so many things going on...i dont know.

as far as the reviews....i am up for doing them from time to time, honestly, since i came here, there hasnt been any single particular event that will make me want to write one....

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Guest joeygk

yeah -- trying to keep up on all the parties is almost impossible --- i have 3 websites I check regularly for info and they have parties the other doesn't even know about ---- on any given week night there are well over 50 diff parties in the city. www.rhythmism.com is the best place for house music/party info I've found, no offense cooljunkies. ;D

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Guest LeVeL

Thats why we have to help each other especially the people who post on the NY forum. If you hear about a party email the NY moderators about it and write a review. If you see some info pass it on the website. Dont keep it to yourself share the information thats one philosophy that has worked on the Miami forum.

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Ev informed me that anyone from a website in NYC is shunned. LOL!

Let's articulate that a little better, shall we? I said that most NY'ers who post on the clubplanet-like forums are young losers. The internet engines arent as popular as in other cities.

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Guest antonio

Just like levelistic said...............its all about the people that post on the forum letting the mods know about the parties. Also, have local promoters put up the Cooljunkie logo on the flyers so that you can sponsor their events.

Its not about covering all the parties that go on, but its about covering anything cool and writing something about it.

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Guest web_norah

well i post parties and i actually go REPORT on them for a tv show....so, i do my small portion of help. we need a POD up here.

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Guest antonio

Yup, that's all it takes.............having a friend with a camera every time you go out.

It's not about covering all the parties that go on in New York, it's just about documenting the best stuff.

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Guest LeVeL

Yeah we need a Pod and a core of party people that go to different events and writes reviews of them. Offer these people a coplimentary ntrance to the venue they are going in exchange you get a review. There are a lot of ideas can be used but no one has incorporated it yet.

For example the Philly, Chicago, sites are dead...I try to post on those sites to create traffic. If you can see my post on the chicago site has gotten the most attention but its still dead. Now a site that is getting better and better is the San Juan site, they already started sponsoring Cooljunkie parties and events and they seem to be getting some of those boricuas overthere to take notice.

its all about people,people,people get a couple of them together and the word will spread about the site.

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Guest ne1469

I like coming to this site, UP UNTIL few people start ragging on NYC calling NY'ers high strung coke heads and all other sorts.

I thought CJNY was to support and bring all types of people together and inform them of all the great parties.

NY is in an upswing in clubbin I think...(PVD in Central Park, Armin in Central Park, Oakenfold, Sasha @ Crobar...COUNTLESS) So to say that there isn't much to WRITE REVIEWS for is bull-sugar honey iced TEA!!

Maybe you people from CJ need to get off your arses and wipe the coke bits off your nostrils and dance maybe your site would be a bit more interesting.

I don't get out to parties as much as I used to, but I liked going to sites like this to find out what I missed so maybe I can make it to the next one....PVD in Central Park was friggin bananas!

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Can you distinguish a joke from reality???? :-X

yeah, really! what a nerd. Also, she needs help trying to write persuasively and critically.

Trust me, sweetie, we pretty much know where the best parties are, and you aren't invited. :D No one who says "Bull sugar honey iced tea" is invited!

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Guest Idreamofdancing

Can you distinguish a joke from reality???? :-X

yeah, really! what a nerd. Also, she needs help trying to write persuasively and critically.

Trust me, sweetie, we pretty much know where the best parties are, and you aren't invited. :D No one who says "Bull sugar honey iced tea" is invited!

OH MY GOD>....i haven't been on in a while..this is so funny I am by myself in my office screaming...can you tell a joke from reality??????? ;D :D;)

really?????Oh Antonio....you killed me on that....and of course, my baby, revoking invitations...classic.

I love you guys...I want to write reviews, I just never remember enough details from the night...is that bad? hahhahah...OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! as a reviewer, horrible, but as a cool junkie...tot acceptable...i'll bring out a camera, but i guarantee I'll loose it. Sorry guys, I tried.

Really, Antonio and Evan, still really laughing.

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Guest LeVeL

I want to write reviews, I just never remember enough details from the night...is that bad? hahhahah...OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! as a reviewer, horrible, but as a cool junkie.

I wonder why Aryn doesn't remember nothing the next night.... ::) ;D ;)

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