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Fast Food : And then we wonder why...

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Guest durrtylexx

the mcgriddle huh? 2 solid testimonials. ill have to try it sometime.

are you serious? dude it's AWESOME. there's maple gooey goodness baked RIGHT IN.

"who are the ad wizards who came up with that one?"

i think i might enjoy maple gooey goodness so its now on my list.

LMAO, that was a classic skit.


As for breakfast I love Einstein Bagel's Egg Sandwiches yummy..Or a real jewish deli, a bagel with egg, sausage, bacon and cheese...mmm.mmmm.mmmmmmmmmmmm :)

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every morning i have two mcdonalds breakfast burrito with the mild hot sauce..... mmmmmmmm good eatin..... :P

OMG.. Bling when I get B-Fast at McD I get the same thing ,minus the hot sauce. My philosophy is that the burritos have less carbs than the muffins, bagels or biscuits. LOL!

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Guest cutchemist

The thought of fast food makes me want to vomit. It only tastes good because you get conditioned to like it. Its really sick how they market to young children....they get addicted early then are hooked for life.

In fact I think vegetarianism is the only way to go. Most meat production causes horrific suffering not to mention a huge amount of pollution. Today's factory farms are repugnant places and a shameful mark on mankind and fast food industry just fuels the fire because they want more for less money. Its sick http://www.hfa.org/factory/index.html

I agree with you on alot but (semi-veggi myself) but I think you should take my word as a chemist....

#1 it doesn't matter how they live...the temperature the meat matters and just b/c it's not well done doesn't mean it hasn't reached the correct temperature

#2 Yes they pump hormones into animals.... but our body rejects them all ...->we cannot absorb cow esterogen

#3 Boca rocks

#4 The only true thing that is BAD about meat is- it has alot of fat and its wasteful ( takes 16lbs of grain to product 1lb of meat)

#5 Please only wash fruits and veggies to remove dirt...only soap and water can remove pesticides and we can't even digest them anyways (bugs = prokaryotes= basic metabolism ~ we= eukaryotes= acidic metabolism)

soy and whey proteins are great ;D

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Guest shannon_coolj.

I have Tokyo Bowl near my place -- japanese fast food complete with drive - thru ;)

I LOOOOOVE Tokyo Bowl!!! (and its cheap!)

yay! someone else has been to tokyo bowl...

like, $4 for a big bowl of teriyaki chicken. $12 all you can eat sushi...


When I lived and worked in Ft Lauderdale thats all I would eat...right down the street from my home and office. Gosh I miss it!!!

yeah, the japanese woman who works the drive-thru knows me now


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Guest swirliegirlie

The thought of fast food makes me want to vomit. It only tastes good because you get conditioned to like it. Its really sick how they market to young children....they get addicted early then are hooked for life.

In fact I think vegetarianism is the only way to go. Most meat production causes horrific suffering not to mention a huge amount of pollution. Today's factory farms are repugnant places and a shameful mark on mankind and fast food industry just fuels the fire because they want more for less money. Its sick http://www.hfa.org/factory/index.html

I agree with you on alot but (semi-veggi myself) but I think you should take my word as a chemist....

#1 it doesn't matter how they live...the temperature the meat matters and just b/c it's not well done doesn't mean it hasn't reached the correct temperature

#2 Yes they pump hormones into animals.... but our body rejects them all ...->we cannot absorb cow esterogen

#3 Boca rocks

#4 The only true thing that is BAD about meat is- it has alot of fat and its wasteful ( takes 16lbs of grain to product 1lb of meat)

#5 Please only wash fruits and veggies to remove dirt...only soap and water can remove pesticides and we can't even digest them anyways (bugs = prokaryotes= basic metabolism ~ we= eukaryotes= acidic metabolism)

soy and whey proteins are great ;D

I think it matters how they live....these are animals with feelings. A pig is more intelligent than your dog. Now would you put your dog into a factory farm? I hope not because you would be arrested for animal abuse. Its a complete double standard and sick.

And about hormones.....I don't think the facts are really in on that one. I saw one study just yesterday that links the fact that little girls (I'm talking 6 years old!) are hitting puberty with the extreme amount of hormones in they've consumed in their meat. I'm not taking that risk with my kid. I'm not going to force them to be vegetarian, but I'll be shopping at Whole Foods.

Very good point about wastefulness.....I've seen statistics that say if we converted meat factory farms to soy production we could solve world hunger. That is something to chew on.

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