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Are we going to have voting problems again here in Florida?

Guest macboy

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Guest guyman1966

People in Miami-Dade should just not be alowed to vote at all. My grandmother has been dead 20 years but I think she voted for Gore.

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Guest macboy

People in Miami-Dade should just not be alowed to vote at all. My grandmother has been dead 20 years but I think she voted for Gore.


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Guest endymion

Hey we're good at this election thing. We should go out and force other people in other countries to select their leadership using the same sophisticated methods that we use here to pick our president.

It works great here, people all over the world should do it like us or they are going to hell. Just look at us, our last election produced, uh.. no clear winner. But hey, the process worked, we ended up with a leader who.. uhh, pissed off the whole planet and, err, started a war over a mistake.. err.. while we needed somebody to work on securing our own country from terrorists. umm.. hm.

Maybe this democracy thing isn't working after all. Maybe we should just revert to royalty. We could just pick a powerful prominent family and let them run the country without questioning how they are doing it. Dad can run the country, then his son can take over when he gets too old. Maybe we could keep a brother out governing some big battleground state somewhere and maybe a few prominent relatives scattered around to make sure that we would always have a good line of succession.

Yeah, that might work...

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Guest LeVeL

You know yesterday a buddy of mine gave me a panphlet saying if you would like to volunteer and get trained to be one of the Electric Voting Machine Technicians in one of the many precints around Broward County.

You know that they are paying $200 dollars a day to be one of these Technicians. I was shocked of how much they pay and how easy those Voting Machines are to troubleshoot by the way they use Flash memory to keep the voting count on each individual machine for each candidate.

Very neat shit...but I dont think Florida will fuck up this year like it did in 2000... but I wouldn't be surprised if another state fucks up instead though.

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