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several gigantic bowls of candy and lollipops scattered throughout the club!

huh ?? candy raver ??

In our case, quite literally! :) :) :)

(actually, it's mainly to aid in breath-freshening duties... nothing sucks worse than meeting a hot & tempting member of the opposite sex and having some nasty breath after drinking & dancing all night!)


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Guest LeVeL

I heard X-it has a fun gay party on Thursdays.... my old roomie said its fun and they have good music/drink specials...

Hey does X-it do gay night on saturday because I have some friends coming down.

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I heard X-it has a fun gay party on Thursdays.... my old roomie said its fun and they have good music/drink specials...

Hey does X-it do gay night on saturday because I have some friends coming down.

Actually, their gay events were formerly held in Keith's Lounge next door... According to Bob (the owner), they decided to stop throwing those due to very sporadic attendance levels - one party would have 150 heads, the next would have 20. So they decided to shut down Keith's Lounge and make it an active part of the club itself.

That's when Euphoria Project came in, we've been throwing parties using the two downstairs areas (Cosmic Distortion & Elements) and also throwing larger parties like this one and Temptation, which used all three rooms.

You're more than welcome to c'mon out to our parties, we're open to anything and anyone, not at all discriminatory and in fact you'll probably find our vibe to be one of the coolest, more chill and friendly vibes going on in the underground scene. Our crew puts literally HUNDREDS of hours planning for each party, plus hundreds of hours promoting each party as well... we work our asses off to ensure that everyone attending has a good time, bringing in extra security and hiring extra people just to walk around the club to make sure everyone's doing well.

See ya'll out there this Saturday night, it's going to be an AMAAAAAAAZING event - absolutely guaranteed! :)


Mitch =O )

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Guest miamimonk

I know, I know. I had said "farewell to CJ", but I had to come on here and tell you guys how awsome this shit was sat night. Best time I have had in awhile. The coolness of the staff really makes you alot more comfotable and made my time about 100 X better. I would like to add that you know you are messed up when your catch yourself eating a pear on the dance floor. ;)


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Trip Theory :: THANKS! ...and a review.

First off, a review of last night's party:

The performances last night were simply off the chain. Every single DJ from start to finish were throwing down their best tracks with passion and diligence - and it was simply an inspiring sight to behold.

In the dnb room, Rawtee ripped it up in fine style, followed by Burn who threw down a vigorous, funky as hell set that got the people jumping. After him, Shadow Spirit stepped up to fill in for the unfortunately late Duchess, and he kicked the room's vibe up another notch, getting people riled up and dancing around like they were bumper-cars within the small confines of the lounge.

Upstairs, it was a completely different world, as most of the people made a bee-line for this room and stayed there for the entire night. From 11:30 straight on 'til closing this room was mad packed with heads, everyone enjoying the MASSIVELY reinforced sound system (it was pounding so hard you could feel the bass in the downstairs bathrooms). Xcessive Hypnotizm opened up with a very solid nu skool set, after them Big Boy was MIA so Scatterbrain filled in for the first hour of their set, COMPLETELY annihilating the crowds with one of the best sets I've heard in ages. You'll definitely be seeing more of this rarely heard and definitely under appreciated artist. He really threw down a fantastic set, had a ton of people dancing to his choons, and then hey, Big Boy walks on in with his record bag and starts throwing down. Mad props to Big Boy for all his help with the sound system, without him, Mas Inc and Funky Boy Floyd, things would've been a mess for sure. But I guess he had his mind on the sound system, because once he hopped up on the decks, he lost it. Three glaring errors inside of a minute emptied the entire dancefloor and pretty much destroyed the vibe that Scatterbrain had built up. Over the next few songs, Big Boy slowly built things back up but it obvious he was off his game last night, and had a bunch of heads leaving the room to check out what was going on in other parts of the club.

Meanwhile, back in the downstairs main room, the crowd remained small for most of the night, with the majority of the people preferring to stay either in the main electro/breaks room, or pack like sardines into the lounge. Regardless, there were still some fine performances from the DJs in the trance room; J-Form opened up with a scathing set of blazing oldschool jams, bringing out the hardcore acid style that is only rarely seen here in South Florida these days. Next time he'll definitely be getting a better slot, because that boy really makes the most of his crowd. The ten people that were in the room for his opener were like marionettes, bouncing and jangling around to his beat with a frenzy. After him came Deranged and Obsession, always two very reliable purveyors of mixing skill; unfortunately it seemed neither they nor the crowd were feeling it last night, so what could've been a fantastic boost to the night's energy just kind of fizzled a bit. Obsession's big opener of "Sanctuary" (secondary theme song for the night) was fantastic as always, unfortunately there were only about 25 heads in that room to witness it. Everyone who WAS there definitely seemed to be enjoying themselves, dancing like maniacs and bobbing to the beat, with several people singing along, "this is your, sanctuary... sanctuary..." All during this time Randomblare was pumping out the visuals with gusto, adding a great element to the downstairs vibe. After the first half of the night, which was exclusively trance and house, things stepped up a notch with Randomblare's psytrance Live PA. He came on and within a half hour had a nice crowd gathered around him, everyone eagerly watching to see what crazy-ass sound effects he'd pull out of his back of tricks next.

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Back upstairs, after Big Boy left the stage, Dagger stepped in with a piledriver of a set, and got the crowd jumping and pumping once again. Always a reliable purveyor of the slammin' evil dark electro, his set this evening was no exception, and definitely served to get everyone dancing like mad. As soon as his set was over, Kimi stepped up, happy to finish off what Dagger built up. He spun a simply amazing set of the newest and greatest tracks out there, going from hard electro to nu skool, then throwing on a bit of the funk then going right back to electro. Alongside of him, the Duchess was MC'ing with intensity, and really got the crowd jumping, even more furiously than before. By this time about two thirds of the people in the upstairs room were dancing, which is definitely a rare and HIGHLY welcome sight to behold in South Florida's ravescene. Duchess and Storm really got the evening's vibe surging with life, and everyone was grinning and screaming, yelling and dancing and having an insanely good time. When he closed his set out with SANCTUARY (the primary title track for last night's show), and Duchess started belting out the chorus, "I need a Sanctuary - I need a place to hide, some place where I can be alive and know that I'm FREEEEE!" the crowd just went absolutely WILD, with cheers and laughs and wow... what a vibe. :) By the end of Sanctuary, half of the crowd was singing along with her, the other half was dancing; pretty much every single person in the room was feeling the vibe, and it was just plain infectious. One of the single best moments I've ever felt at any event in my entire life. :) :) :)

Then... yeah, Trip Theory came on. And holy shit, if you thought the night's vibe couldn't get any better - think again! Opening up with their AMAZING remix of Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" (one of the tracks their former Spacemen incarnation closed with at Magical Maydaze), everyone was singing along and dancing, laughing, cheering... The room was completely packed, but the vibe was totally happy and friendly, everyone moving in harmony and generating the most amazing energy I've felt in years! After Personal Jesus, they went through a couple of their classic tracks, and then went right back to the new stuff. This definitely set the pattern for their evening's set, choosing to play mostly their new releases, while still making occasional nods to their older tracks. They truly threw down for the crowd, giving us a simply amazing performance that will be remembered for years to come. Extremely memorable for the fact that Trip Theory was a group from the oldschool, that became famous on a lot of their older tracks, and then broke the trend of playing an exclusive oldschool set, and instead decided to play mostly newer stuff. The crowd didn't seem to mind one bit, dancing with a determined intensity and just cheering through every second of their set. At the end of their performance, Trip and Subliminal, who have been throwing us some wicked curveballs all night long, chose to throw us one even more wild than the rest: They played ROCK! For any fans of Linkin Park style techno/rock/rap, you were in heaven. I personally love that group so was really enjoying it when Keith laid down a fantastic freestyle rap over Subliminal's live guitar, while their sequenced beat kept the tempo in the background. DAMN Subliminal can really play like a motherfucker, he really slammed shit down, wailing on that bastard like he was Steve Vai Junior.

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I know, I know. I had said "farewell to CJ", but I had to come on here and tell you guys how awsome this shit was sat night. Best time I have had in awhile. The coolness of the staff really makes you alot more comfotable and made my time about 100 X better. I would like to add that you know you are messed up when your catch yourself eating a pear on the dance floor. ;)


I take it you found the drugs you were looking for. ::)

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So that was that... Trip Theory was simply unbelievable... Storm and Duchess were absolutely top notch. After Duchess MCed and sang for a bit, she went down to the lounge and threw down a fantastic funky set of jump up, my personal favorite style of dnb. Though I was mostly busy watching the Trip Theory show, the few tracks of hers that I caught were fantastic. At this point, the lounge was JAM-PACKED with heads, probably a good 60 people were in there while there were probably about 175 upstairs watching Trip Theory. Sadly, the downstairs main room continued to be empty throughout the night, after Randomblare came Arjuna, with a blistering set of hardcore psytrance, and after him came Juxt, with his always reliable brand of guitar-driven hard trance and goa. Sadly, the trance crowd just wasn't in effect last night, with there being MAYBE thirty people in that room at it's peak. It's a shame, because there were some amazing performances... but, now I truly know where our die-hard support's coming from: The breaks/electro scene, and the drum & bass scene.

That's where I'll be laying down my support from here on out... our two main rooms will be electro and dnb, and if we have a third side room available, that'll be trance and house. Sorry to all you trance lovers out there, but our parties just don't draw the heads to support those styles. I personally would love to see them succeed, but last night was an experiment to see if we could draw enough heads to support main room trance. Nope, not at all. :(

And that's where the few negatives of the evening come in. Performance wise, the night was completely unparalleled from beginning to end. Each of these events my crew has been throwing has been a major learning experience for me, and this one was no exception.

The $20 cover was a BIG mistake. I assumed that our crowd would support us no matter what, simply showing up on the basis of this lineup's strength. It was by far the best lineup I've ever assembled, unfortunately we just don't have the support to justify a $20 ticket. If I'd kept it at $15 then the place probably would've been packed to the rafters... Ahh well, ya live and ya learn, right?

Having two parties on two back to back weekends was another mistake. Though the crowd at Elements was pretty small, only about 150 heads, I still noticed that most of the people who showed up for last week's Elements party were absent for this week's Sanctuary. So that's another lesson learned, no back to back weekends. I guess I just became a bit foolhardy when I was offered two back to back weekends, and figured I'd run with it. I instead created a lot of extra headaches for myself and my friends. Pretty foolish in retrospect: What I SHOULD have done was hand off the first weekend to one of my partners, so he could throw a smaller party on his own, and then we would've come back with this enormous SANCTUARY event, and would've had the place jam packed with heads.

As it was, we had a little over 250 heads when we were expecting a MINIMUM of 300 and hopefully over 400, so that's definitely a bit of a disappointment there - but hey, it could have been much, much worse. Personally, any party that leaves me feeling utterly inspired, happy and optimistic, ready to throw another one immediately after is a DAMN good thing, and very rare for me nowadays.

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Euphoria Project's events thus far have been following a very calculated formula, slowly and steadily moving upward as our crowd increased in size, kicking things up a slight notch when our support appeared to be increasing, but always moving ahead intelligently and cautiously. Sanctuary was a departure from that formula, where I foolishly assumed our support was much more die-hard than it really was, and where I assumed that having a bigname headliner would instantly draw heads, even from new people who'd never been to our events before. Well, ya know what they say about assumption... :)

From here on out I'll definitely be sticking to our tried and true formula: Keep throwing small, high quality events, and build them up slowly, progressing up one level at a time, and only increasing in event size as our crowd size warrants it. Our crowd supports us, and we support our crowd. For this event we were relying too much on our crowd and not giving them enough in return. In the future, we'll go back to our old style of events, and just keep building on it for the future.

Sanctuary was definitely a good learning experience - a slightly costly one, but hey it's only money. Everyone that attended had an AMAZING time (I doubt I've ever received so many compliments and enthusiastic grins in one short evening), and the few negatives that we encountered were all very simple yet important object lessons for the future.


1) We'll be focusing more on dnb and electro, with trance and house staying in whatever third room/side room may be available.

2) We'll be focusing more on the local names, continuing to expose newer up & coming artists while leaving the choice timeslots to our revolving roster of DJs. We always throw very solid events, very dependable where our crowd KNOWS they'll have a kickass time. But we just don't have the HUGE following (YET) to enable us to book big names like Trip Theory and still generate enough profit to throw more events. So we'll stick to smaller names, smaller parties, and as things grow further, THEN we'll book the bigger names. Got to keep things smart, and never outpace our support level. We've got to stay loyal to our supporters, because without them, there is no Euphoria Project!

3) We'll never charge more than $15 for any of our events, at least not until we've gotten to the level where we're throwing massive 4-5 room raves at the Ice Palace. But by that point we should be throwing events with 1-2 thousand heads...

Thanks a million to everyone who showed up; it was definitely a successful event despite the few negatives we encountered. It was a great learning experience, and showed us our limitations so that next time, we can come back even stronger and better than ever!

Have a good one, and please keep in touch... also, get ready for our next event, to be announced shortly!


Mitch! =O )

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I know, I know. I had said "farewell to CJ", but I had to come on here and tell you guys how awsome this shit was sat night. Best time I have had in awhile. The coolness of the staff really makes you alot more comfotable and made my time about 100 X better. I would like to add that you know you are messed up when your catch yourself eating a pear on the dance floor. ;)


Thanks for the nice review!

For anyone interested in reading additional reviews of this event, feel free 'n check them out over at South Florida Raves and SFL-8up:





Mitch =O )

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