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Denzel Washington nails Katie Couric on NBC

Guest obby

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Guest obby

Denzel nails Couric!

Did you see the Denzel Washington interview with Katie Couric on NBC last Friday morning (13 August 2004)? Not many people are talking about it. They are wishing it would go away and are trying to sweep it under the rug.

Meryl Streep and Denzel were on the Today Show with Katie Couric to talk about the movie, Manchurian Candidate. At one point Katie asked Denzel, Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11? To which Denzel replied, No, and I have no intentions on seeing it.

Katie and Meryl were so noticeably taken aback!

Then, a discourse (or more preferably, a fight !) began between all three of them with Denzel being barraged with all kinds of anti-Bush, anti-Republican comments, but the man stood his ground and soon enraged the women so much that they couldnt get a word in edgewise.

Meryl Streep turned blood red and she sat with her legs crossed and her one leg shaking up and down, fuming! Then Katie uttered the words that put the final nail in her coffin. She said to Denzel, You see, thats the problem I have with you people.

She, of course, did not get to finish her sentence because Denzel pounced on her verbally by responding, YOU PEOPLE! YOU PEOPLE! Just what do you mean, you people!? Do you mean YOU PEOPLE , as in me as a Christian, or do you mean You People as in means a REPUBLICAN?

She then tap danced her way through the next minute of the show. But Denzel went out fighting and declaring that Fah renheit 9/11 is nothing but propaganda and lies distorted to support a cynical Democratic film directors views.

Theres a celebrity that deserves to wear the uniform in movies and I dont mind at all!

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Guest LeVeL

Your post wasn't nearly as interesting as the subject line led me to expect.

LOL.........thats exactly what I was thinking. ;D

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Guest saintjohn

the actual transcript:

Couric: "Denzel, are you — do you feel — you know some people say Hollywood folks should stick to acting."

Washington: "I don't know what Hollywood folks are, first of all. Hollywood is a town that has some stars on the sidewalk. I don't know anybody from there. So, I don't — that's like saying — calling you a type of folks. I'm not a Hollywood folk. I don't know who they are."

Couric: "Okay, all right, well, let me rephrase the question. Are you one of those people that —"

Washington: "Ah, there you go. Am I one of those people? Hmmm, isn't that interesting?"

Couric: "Oh, stop, stop, stop."

Washington: "No, don't stop. I heard what you just said. 'Am I one of those people?' No, I'm not."

Couric: "No, are you an actor who would rather not —"

Washington: "No, I'm not that either. I'm a human being. My job is acting."

Couric: "Okay, are you somebody who would rather not express his political views publicly? I mean how do you feel about that? Some people are more outspoken than others. And what I meant, are you one of the people who would rather keep it private? Don't make my questions loaded when they're not."

Washington: "Would I rather keep it private? No, I'm not one of those people. I think I speak what's on my mind."

At no point in the exchange did anyone mention Republicans or Christians.



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Guest JMT

thats great. i wish i would have seen it.

i saw an interview with the cast of Manchurian a few weeks ago and he totally avoided any comments when the conversationturned into liberal hollywood BS.

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Guest JMT

ok see now, this is the same interview that i saw. he never made any direct statements, he just avoided getting caught up in Streep's soapboxing. instead he said we are not showong enough love and respect to our troops over there.

how bored does someone have to be to make a fake inteview story??

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Guest obby
how bored does someone have to be to make a fake inteview story??

I think we all know that the internet is full of lies as well as facts.

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Guest web_norah

headline from Yahoo!

"GOP Urge Bush to Turn Attention From Iraq"

(waiting for the next Iraq Bush-ism)

and meanwhile


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Guest JMT

wow, some idiots who dont have jobs got creative...

back to the topic:

denzel has been rumored to be conservative in the past.

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Guest obby

wow, some idiots who dont have jobs got creative...

back to the topic:

denzel has been rumored to be conservative in the past.

True !!!!!

Did any of you catch him on Inside The Actors Studio ?????

He seems very rispectable.

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Guest web_norah

Bush In Verbal Gaffe

Says White House never stops thinking about ways to harm U.S.

AUGUST 5--In an unfortunate, though not uncommon, verbal miscue, President George W. Bush today told a White House audience that his administration never stops thinking about ways to harm the United States. The embarrassing malapropism came as Bush appeared before military brass to sign a new $417 billion defense appropriation bill. Referring to the country's enemies, Bush said, "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

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