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what really happened at the Pentagon on 9/11??

Guest demo909

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Guest demo909

I've heard stories about it was a missle attack and not a plane which hit the Pewntagon before, but I still can't decide for myself. This video is interesting to say the least and makes one wonder. I don't believe in conspiracies but you have to ask yourself some serious questions after watching this....check it out


check the link below


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Guest demo909

what i find interesting is that all the video's of the plane hitting the Pentagon were taken by the FBI and never released. Meanwhile there are 100's of video's showing planes hitting the WTC....why are we not allowed to see the Pentagon video?

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Guest obby

what i find interesting is that all the video's of the plane hitting the Pentagon were taken by the FBI and never released. Meanwhile there are 100's of video's showing planes hitting the WTC....why are we not allowed to see the Pentagon video?

That's the heart of our military and intelligence agencies. The less we show the better. That's like asking to take down the fortifications and open the gates at Area 51. Just like we thrive for videos that pertain to terrorist organizations to help better out intelligence against them. They too rely on videos to help benefit their knowledge regarding our vulnerabilities.

I specifically remember that day and I specifically remember seeing the camera views from the pentagon showing the plane coming in so low that is was actually Knocking down light and electrical posts prior to impacting.

Like the Moore documentary. Someone has obviously taken their time to create this and yet leave out some vital images like the ones I saw and many others did as well (live).

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Guest demo909

So why not just show the video and put all the conspiracy theory's to rest? I remember watching video's and the news all day when those attacks happend but i never saw once a full video of a plane hitting the Pentagon. i'm not saying that a plane didn't crash into the building, but the no video and no wreckage factor are pretty big don't you think?

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Guest obby

R u bored?

R u desperate?

What's your goal?

U try'n to mentally block out 9/11?

U probably believe that all the jews in the 2 towers evacuated early cause they knew it was coming.......

Or maybe Bush purposely had it done to boost his approval ratings?

Or maybe the phone calls which came from the passengers in the planes in distress were actually prank phone calls from Bart Simpson or Crank Yankers?

It wasn't a dream! It happened!


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Guest demo909

Thanks for the advice on the couch time. (you always resort to personal attacks on me which is amusing)

No kidding it happened....thats not what I am contesting. You can't question that it was a tragedy, you can't question that inocent people lost their lives, you can't question that something smashed into the Pentagon, but you can always question the validatity of events after the fact that all the evidence has been presented.....and in this case there are noticible gaps and thats all i'm saying.

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Guest obby

I specifically remember seeing security camera still photos of a large passenger airliner clipping light poles and slamming into the pentagon. I remember the airlines claiming multiple aircraft were missing and not heard from.

Not once did they claim these were small private planes or missiles missing. Either you're bored or in extreme denial (and I don't mean the river in Egypt either).

Maybe we never went to the moon either.

Maybe the human race is one big alien experiment.

Maybe the human race was created from an incestial orgy between Adam and Eve's offspring.

I'm sorry for not being more sensitive towards you when discussing such serious and sad events. It just sickens me when I see these bogus conspiracy theorist actually manipulate others.

You have your links and I have mine.


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Guest dino

I specifically remember seeing security camera still photos of a large passenger airliner clipping light poles and slamming into the pentagon. I remember the airlines claiming multiple aircraft were missing and not heard from.

Not once did they claim these were small private planes or missiles missing. Either you're bored or in extreme denial (and I don't mean the river in Egypt either).

Maybe we never went to the moon either.

Maybe the human race is one big alien experiment.

Maybe the human race was created from an incestial orgy between Adam and Eve's offspring.

I'm sorry for not being more sensitive towards you when discussing such serious and sad events. It just sickens me when I see these bogus conspiracy theorist actually manipulate others.

You have your links and I have mine.


That is a great link. It is amazing how main stream America does want to forget about what happended 9/11. It is not with bad intentions, but these are the people who believe the world is the same today as it was 9/10/01. Some people just don't get it.

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what i find interesting is that all the video's of the plane hitting the Pentagon were taken by the FBI and never released. Meanwhile there are 100's of video's showing planes hitting the WTC....why are we not allowed to see the Pentagon video?

That's the heart of our military and intelligence agencies. The less we show the better. That's like asking to take down the fortifications and open the gates at Area 51.

they released all documents on the alien landing at Roswell, if thats what you are referring to. there was a great documentary on history channel about it all. look for it. it was really good.

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Guest web_norah

seems to me like bringing the topic up again helps us to keep remembering. think outside the box

good point, unfortunately many cant seem to grasp that concept.

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btw the Pentagon "movie" is pretty lame. the plane was fully fueled and had plenty of time to torch itself. no one ever said the plane went directly through the outer wall. who says they never found any plane parts? i never heard one way of the other, just like at WTC. and the pics are so weak in that video. looks like an 8 bit nintendo game. i like how they show a few of the inner pentagon, where no civilians or press are ever permitted.

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Guest cutchemist

you all don't *really* buy this do you?

seen one too many conspiracy flick's...ya have :)

I'd have to agree....people with too much time on their hands...they need to do something productive...go to school..have a family....GET A LIFE :);)

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Guest oldschoolny

So it was my eyes playing tricks on me as I stood outside the building I worked at just up the road from the sheraton in that video that over looks the navy annex and the pentagon that I watched a plane take out light poles and smash into the building?

I lived it I saw it.. I was supposed to be at a meeting that morning at the Pentagon that got cancelled the day before.

So for all the conspiracy addicts stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

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