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A new perspective from Iraq


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I'll admit to that too, it is hard to not want things "now". Growing up in this country, it is kind of drilled into you from day one. As I got older though, it became obvious that it would not happen that way. Even in my current situation, I know it takes time for things to happen the way you want it. I know it will take awhile to pay off my loans, I know it will take awhile for me to get that 1Ds MK II, that R1, and the house in Brickell that I really want. In the end though, I'll appreciate them more since it took awhile to get to that point, and it will be honestly mine rather than on credit and belonging to the bank. It is like your Mac or XL 1 for instance, you saved and saved, and the day you got it you nearly shit yourself from the excitement! Or when I finally converted to digital. I nearly missed a flight to New York waiting for the delivery. The first photos I took were of a red car sitting outside on Washington Avenue. It was that much more fun since people like you and me worked for it, and get the maximum amount of enjoyment and value out of what we obtain. You get guys who don't know jack about photography or video production who will pick up pro-level gear just because "the website said it was the best...", and having this stuff will look good in their 20,000 square foot home only occupied by themselves.

Not just in tech toys either. I see it all the time in their lives, they ditch things because they are no longer hip to have, or are 'last year's thing..." even though the object is just as functional as it was the day it was bought, whether it be a shirt, a cell phone, or a car. I can understand the constant cycle in something electronic, science advances after all. I can't see it in items like homes, or a car. I know people who move since the neighborhood isn't cool to be in anymore. A few years from now, everyone's gonna move downtown, since downtown is gonna be the hip place, and South Beach is for tourists. They don't realize it yet, but I see that fad coming a mile away. Or Miami in general. Until this year, Miami was so "1990s"...now it is 'in' again and all the celeb types are coming back. Paris Hilton drunk and covered in some strange guy's spooge in an unnamed club in Miami Beach. Tara Reid coked up out of her mind at some private party on Star Island. P. Diddy chilling out at Space with Erick Morillo during conference, J-Ho and Marc Anthony finally stepping out together at this year's VMAs, Miami decadence is coming back.

Miami is one of the few places in the world though that recognizes and rewards trendsetters and orginal thinking though. I've seen it happen, and I have faith that it will happen to all of us very shortly. The stars come and go, but the people who really make the town tick, the clubgoers, the party promoters, the DJs, the clubowners, the restauranteurs, hotel people, models, artists, and innovators will stick to this town for the long term, as it is one of the few places in the world where eccentric crazy ideas and behavior are rewarded and encouraged, rather than shot down by the soulless denizens of Middle America. Yes WASP Nation, I am talking to you. All these United States are yours except for the cities, make no attempt to land there (with apologies to Arthur C. Clarke)....You can have your reality TV, your Britney weddings, your Survivor, overpriced/underfeatured electronics, gas guzzling land yachts, and poisonous diets...the true innovators in this country will just keep on progressing as they always have, and feed you the leftovers of their innovations.

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If you've noticed, the truly successful people in the world are always the mavericks. Larry Ellison, the orphaned son of an immigrant and a day laborer. Now he owns a major software company (Oracle), is in posession of what amounts to a small air force (Mig-29 fighter jets), regularly thumbs his nose at the government (pisses off the FAA by going Mach 1+ over a residential area), and has earned a huge fortune by pretty much being himself, and digging himself out of mediocrity. The fortune has is secondary really, what a person like that values is his ability to express his individuality. The software his company makes is quite mundane. Nothing extravagant or "cool" like Photoshop, just database software used by just about everyone else...

Bill Gates, for all his evils, same deal, he managed to just make software that everyone uses. Family? Just two hard-working parents? School? Harvard dropout.

Steve Jobs? Well I'm not a Mac person, but I give him credit for making a fair fortune developing concepts and innovations that everyone else has adapted, copied, or just plain stole for mass market use.

Linus Torvalds, the big fuck you to the established order. Apple tolerates him, Microsoft hates him, the big Unix development companies (SCO, etc..) want to kill him, just for pretty much making a free operating system anyone is able to use, and with a bit of training, customize to their own personal tastes, beyond anything MS or Apple does.

James Cameron. Makes big movies. Blows shit up. Idea of a good date is taking a girl out to the desert and showing her how to shoot an AK-47 on full auto. Other hobbies include discovering lost ships under the Atlantic. Does he care what people think? Doubt it, he is just an accidental trendsetter. Lived in Canada, his parents hated him as a kid, and bounced around for a bit until he figured out what he wanted to do.

If you really look into it, the trendsetters of this world were all outcasts from non-traditional backgrounds. The geek the WASP kids are abusing today is driving a Ferarri and fucking their girlfriends in the passenger seat tomorrow.

Damn, I'm on a roll tonight!

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Guest trancepriest

Innovators rarely take the prescribed track in life that everyone else takes. A true innovator is able to spot an idea/concept before it happens. In away you may say this type of person is in tuned to the matrix. Most middle class folks are managers... they take care of a system that already exist. Thats why Russell Simmons made so much money.. he often comments that arrogant white boys did not listen to him or failed to invest in hip hop at the right time... he said that was good.. because they failed to do so.. he was able to build a little empire. The middle class is scared of innovation. Their entire systematic nature programs them to be so. Programs them to play the game safe, to conform, to get along. Most people would never have the conviction to drop out of Harvard in examination week of their junior year (like Bill Gates did). Most successful people.. go off the tracks to do something creative. How successful can a lifestyle be.. if you spend most of it consuming status symbols to differ you from the working class/lower class? How fulfilling is that? Most middle class people know that the most outrageous thing they can do is eat their money... liquid spend it away... what lower class person will blow their entire paycheck on a expensive restaurant... so right then and there you create instant separation.

If you really think about it... the professional middle class is a tool for the upper classes. The middle class is really the managers of the system. I personally think the entire education system as it stands now is the biggest scam perpetuated by the upper classes on all the other classes (especially the lower class). And now its being thrown away because its not useful anymore. Everybody in the society is getting educated and the upper classes can use poorer and equally educated people from developing countries and pay them lower. The professional middle classes served its purpose especially in a industrial society... now adays everyone is expected to be professional. Whats happening is a revolution in the management system. Why do you think Lou Dobbs is talking about jobs going overseas every single night on the news?

Corporations don't exist to protect a class. They exist as a function of profitability. Right now its not efficient to pay the american professional middle class the salaries that they currently receive. Soon you will see teachers from India teaching english in American schools.... with a strong Indian accent. Already alot of teachers from the developing world as been brain drained. You tell me... what kind of patriotism exist in this system? The middle class gets conservative when it feels threatened... Bush will get re-elected. But that won't mean a thing... more people will fall from the ranks of the middle class.. its gone beyond Bush, Kerry... now. It's the next societal wave.

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The sad thing is, these English teachers from India will probably speak the language better than the American students they teach.

I finally got around to putting SP2 on my PC, and while that was happening I tuned into the Growing Up Gotti marathon. They had to subtitle what the kids were saying half the time since they mumble the language unless they are seriously pissed off about something.

You could barely tell what color Carmine wanted for his graduation tie (mumbnghehbnbluehghgmmokmom?), but when his hair gel was filched by someone else, it turned into "WHO STOLE MY FUCKING HAIR GEL!"

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Guest trancepriest

You could barely tell what color Carmine wanted for his graduation tie (mumbnghehbnbluehghgmmokmom?), but when his hair gel was filched by someone else, it turned into "WHO STOLE MY FUCKING HAIR GEL!


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Guest bcnjunkie
The media has deceived and skillfully misled the world into thinking Iraqis are against America.

not at the beginning maybe, however now ?? their country is in shambles and we have no concrete answers for them while our army sits in their land like an invader ... how pleasant !

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Guest trancepriest

Yeah totally. They want me they are gonna have to come down to my hacienda in Brazil to get me.

LOL. Don't worry Pod we got property in the rural area of Jamaica and in the city... if you get tired of Brazil. Hey we may have to trade houses every now and then.

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Guest endymion

Or, alternatively, you could just say "No, I don't want to die for Halliburton" and vote 'no' on Bush in November instead of moving to Brazil.

And don't forget that Brazil could possibly be as dangerous for an American as Iraq. Especially now that Bush has alienated them even further.

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Am I allowed to say if drafted I will show up to the local selective service office and hose the place down with an AK-47? Because I think if you are going to be sending people off to war, you should have at least experienced it.

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It took 6-7 years for Germany to improve after we liberated them (and I can go on). We had critic then and we will have them now. History will prove our acts as righteous.

i think France and England might resent a comment like this....not that you'd care either way but i wouldnt throw those sort of assumptions around....without consulting a history book first.

ha ha ha France??? yeah they did a lot by being occupied.

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Guest bcnjunkie
It took 6-7 years for Germany to improve after we liberated them (and I can go on). We had critic then and we will have them now. History will prove our acts as righteous.

i think France and England might resent a comment like this....not that you'd care either way but i wouldnt throw those sort of assumptions around....without consulting a history book first.

ha ha ha France??? yeah they did a lot by being occupied.

We should have made France U.S. territory

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It took 6-7 years for Germany to improve after we liberated them (and I can go on). We had critic then and we will have them now. History will prove our acts as righteous.

i think France and England might resent a comment like this....not that you'd care either way but i wouldnt throw those sort of assumptions around....without consulting a history book first.

ha ha ha France??? yeah they did a lot by being occupied.

We should have made France U.S. territory

bcn your love for france does crack me up everytime, i give you that.

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Guest bcnjunkie
It took 6-7 years for Germany to improve after we liberated them (and I can go on). We had critic then and we will have them now. History will prove our acts as righteous.

i think France and England might resent a comment like this....not that you'd care either way but i wouldnt throw those sort of assumptions around....without consulting a history book first.

ha ha ha France??? yeah they did a lot by being occupied.

We should have made France U.S. territory

bcn your love for france does crack me up everytime, i give you that.

they are so charming and likeable I can't help but praise they superiority ..... ha ha ha

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