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Mansion on Saturday

Guest endymion

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Guest endymion

I took some friends who I really wanted to impress to Mansion on Saturday for the Ocean Drive fashion show. Getting through the cattle gates full of pissed off people who were all insisting that they were 'on the list' was an ordeal that really turned off my well-funded potential bottle-buying guests but whatever it's nice inside.

Early in the night it was a nice place with a great deep house vibe. It was comfortable and the music was chill and sophisticated and not too loud for us to talk. Some time during the fashion show at about 1 AM they just CRANKED the volume all at once, it was painful, my ears are literally still ringing now two days later. Boom boom boom steady sexy deep house thing, then SLAM, it was like somebody knocked the mixer and pushed the master volume slider to 'full' and then just left it there. It HURT. The people who had bought the table next to me all got up and left immediately.

At the same time as they slammed the volume they apparently opened up the flood gates and let in the huge angry crowd that they had been holding in pens on the sidewalk. The vibe in the place just completely shifted as the main room filled with single guys in blue jeans. My guests hated it, my date went into a foul mood because the club was so loud and stressful at that point, and I did NOT get laid because of it. Yes I'm bitter, I thought that Mansion was a good option for impressing women. What an amazing mistake that was.

So what's the deal, do they do that every Saturday night to just make as much cash as possible off of that herd of cattle that they build up on the sidewalk? Is there any night that I can bring a date to Mansion and have that not happen to me or is it a lost cause?

The interior of the place is really nice and the door policy of being rude to everybody but hot women and rich guys does make the vibe really neat in the beginning. It's just that they seemingly intentionally killed the vibe and I don't get why. Killed my night.

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Guest LeVeL

Well Tech, I have had the opportunity to go to Mansion 3 times on fridays and it gets packed with hunnies. Not too many guys and the music was not too loud like you said. I am very shocked to hear what your telling me Tech because I actually considered Mansion as a place to go out with your girl where you can chill and not have some drunk guys all over here.

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Guest endymion

I got our party in pretty easliy by being prepared and on the right list and by having some real hot women with us but there were some really extremely pissed-off people outside who apparently were under the impression that they should be all hooked up and inside, yet they were yelling at the door staff instead. Like a whole cattle pen full of fifty of them, with another cattle pen full of a hundred or so behind that for walk-ups who just aren't hot enough or whatever. Buzzkill. Then after a while all of those angry, irritated, humiliated people who had been standing out on Washington for hours, all of the sudden they started packing into the main room, jeans and sneakers and all.

Door policy at Mansion seems to be to let rich people and hot people inside, keep everybody else standing on the sidewalk to make the place look exciting, then start sucking cover charges out of the wallets of those people who have been denied before they get pissed off and leave for some other club.

What I want to know is: does this happen every night, every weekend? I never cross a club off of my list just because of one crappy experience. It was nice and posh inside and I liked it a lot in the first part of the night. I'll give the place another chance if there is a decent night?

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Guest endymion

...it gets packed with hunnies.

There were plenty of hot women, and the ladies with me were impressed with the guys. Best room full of hot guys around apparently. In the beginning.

I'll give a Friday night a shot. They pull that cattle call crap again I'll just go to Amika instead I guess.

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Guest LeVeL

That Cattle crap will happen thats for sure any night. You'll find the same trouble in Amika, they do the same exact thing.

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Guest endymion

I don't understand what the point is of subjecting the high-roller jet-setter types to the humiliation of getting into that place for the "sensual and intimate vibe" if it's just Level with nice furniture by 1:00 AM. I will give the place a second shot but the more affluent friend who I had with me won't be back.

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Guest pod

That Cattle crap will happen thats for sure any night. You'll find the same trouble in Amika' date=' they do the same exact thing.


I've yet to see a major cattle syndrome at Amika. Friends of mine who went 'unannounced' got in within a reasonable amount of time...

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Guest LeVeL

I went to Amika on Saturday around 12:30am and let me tell you they had a whole bunch of people outside waiting for no reason. People screaming out to the bouncer and he would totally ignore them,...shit he even ignored me at one point. I wasn't the only there, there were a couple of people who were with me that post on this board and they saw it themselves. Its no secret Amika is a rip off of Mansion they just have a bigger name Dj and its a smaller club. The only way i dont see this happening is if you get to the club very early around 11pm or so but I dont see myself getting there at that time.

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Guest AlanS

That Cattle crap will happen thats for sure any night. You'll find the same trouble in Amika, they do the same exact thing.

I've yet to see a major cattle syndrome at Amika. Friends of mine who went 'unannounced' got in within a reasonable amount of time...

LOL...I've been by a few times recently, Fri and Sat, and have seen a rather large corral at times, and others not. Peeps are usually dressed to the nines, so its a very good looking corral. Amika seems to be drawing a nice crowd, wherever they are pulling em in from.

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Guest endymion

I don't really mind if certain clubs decide to only admit really hot people. That's why we went to Mansion in the first place. Problem is going to a place like that and dealing with the door hassle and then an hour after you get in you're wading through packs of single guys in blue jeans. WTF?? Why bother?

With all of those tourists and random single guys inside Mansion is really just Level with nice furniture. I was really impressed when I first walked in and then just flat out angry by the time I left.

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I went to Amika on Saturday around 12:30am and let me tell you they had a whole bunch of people outside waiting for no reason. People screaming out to the bouncer and he would totally ignore them' date='...shit he even ignored me at one point. I wasn't the only there, there were a couple of people who were with me that post on this board and they saw it themselves. Its no secret Amika is a rip off of Mansion they just have a bigger name Dj and its a smaller club. The only way i dont see this happening is if you get to the club very early around 11pm or so but I dont see myself getting there at that time.


ever heard that saying "its good to know the right ppl"? if ur gonna go to these trendy places u might wanna look into that...

the door ppl at amika r the same type of ppl at mansion...not as bad tho, but they still do the whole selective type of shit

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Guest endymion

ever heard that saying "its good to know the right ppl"? if ur gonna go to these trendy places u might wanna look into that...

We got in instantly, no problem for me. I know the right people. We were on the sidewalk for all of about two minutes but it still sucked tremendously because of all of the pissed off people who weren't getting in so quick. I mean really pissed, there was a lady next to us in the cattle pen where they hold people who claim to be on the list, she was just openly yelling at the girl with the guest lists. To shut her up they just let her in, like great, now that angry lady is inside.

If I hadn't done it all just right to make sure that we got in so quickly then it would have been a REALLY bad night. Standing in one of those cattle pens for 45 minutes doesn't seem like it could possibly lead into a good night no matter what happens inside afterward.

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Guest dgrutman

let me start off by saying thank you for your honest comments. yes saturday was a little bit different than most due to the fact that we did the closing party for ocean drive magazines fall fashion week. when you do an event with ocean drive magazine for those of you who are not in the club buisness you have to give them a guest list for their advertisers, supporters and good clients. not to say the bad crowd was theirs but they did have a huge guest list. as far as the music goes we started the night with maurizio and then around 2 or 3 stephan luke takes over so that might be the sound differance that you were refering too. the french dudes do suck at the door but they are good for one reason and thats too keep a good girl to guy ratio. yes we definatly let the rich in which i am sure you guys all get why. i invite you to give us a second chance and please let me know when your coming in so i can make sure its special. we dont take bachelor parties and allow groups of guys in so i promise you wont ever find that problem again. we defiantly pride ourselves on having the hottest chics dance around with a 2 or 3 girl to guy ratio.

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Guest endymion

Hey thanks for the response. You're doing something right because there were definitely some hotties in there, the women with me especially loved the hot guy density. My friends are telling everybody how much they hated it but I'll be back to try again.

The volume slam wasn't Stephan, I think that it was actually during the fashion show. It was a full-on volume slam, from 5 on the dial to 10 all at once. After that it just stayed there all night and the place felt exactly like Level to me once it became impossible to have a conversation.

I like the decision to welcome bachelorette parties even if you don't welcome the bachelors, BTW. There was one of those going on Saturday night and they added a lot of energy.

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Guest klit

Mansion on saturdays, prive on fridays, mynt, and now from what i hear amika on fridays always have the crowd you were looking for tech. I was not there saturday at mansion, but thats really usually not the case. Stepan luke does a great job there on saturdays, but I gotta admit I've had the same sound complaint a couple of times at mansion. Never been as bad as u described it though and definately would not stop me from visiting the place, but I think they should look into it. I'm not talking about the sudden difference but sometimes the sound is really loud in there and leaves that ring in your ears long after you've left.

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