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My views on women, relationships and other such things.........


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Saleen's thread on the miami board proved to spark an interesting debate, I would like to expound upon it.

I never will say to anyone that I will ever fully comprehend the mind of a woman. Every man would like to try because we all need YOU. In women, we find the best in ourselves I believe.

I always first and foremost see myself as someone who loves romance, im emotional..... etc...... I am not "pussywhipped or gay" because I feel like this. I just am like that. I was raised for the better part of my life by my single mom. I also carry the role of big brother to a 20 yr old sister. i have lived around women my entire life so to speak. My dad (where I got my emotional side from and writing skills from), also was there for me. And I am indeed lucky to have them both in my lives.

My stance on how to treat a woman

1) The way a man treats their mom is the best indicator of how they will treat their girlfriend or wife. I cherish my mom . There is no one on this world I love more then her. Yet at times, I forget that at times as we all do. WE all have our lives and carry aboout or daily affairs and what not.

In the end the most important thing we have is our family. Its who we can count on ... its who we are........

2) i believe spirtuality and open communication is vital to a stable long term relationship.

The sex and kinky stuff can be fun and all but when it comes down to it, what everyone wants is to make love. Lovemaking goes far beyond the physical realm, its more so a spirtual and emotional process. btw two people that love each other.

How does one get to that point? I wish I knew LOL I would be there right now. But what I think is one has to "BE YOURSELF" stay true to one's belief systems and always carry oneself well in front of one's peers. Its not a bonafide guarantee u will meet somone but I believe its a start.

3. Follow your heart to true love... but once you have found true love follow your head to make it last.

A great example are my grandparents. My grandparents "God bless them" have been married 54 years. You can still see in their eyes how much they love and desire each other. And over the years they have used their heads to make things work. They may never have lived a life of opulence. They both work hard and the little they have earned monetarily thru the years is not important. What is important is they are still together, and support each other and work out any problems that may arise for the benefit of their relationship and our loving family. Definitly something I aspire to. Its not easy. finding one's soulmate (there is one for eveyrone out there I believe) is as difficult as finding a grain of rice at the beach, but its there for the taking if you just be patient.

Overall, I believe to make a lasting relationship, there must be communciation, spirtuality beteween the partners and mutual admiration and respect.

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Guest durrtylexx

dude bling your a good kid, let it go..just let it happen..in order to meet that perfect mate you need to date a bunch of fcuked chics, and learn from each relationship..

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