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Dolphins say cap might help hockey


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well i guess since football isn't working out for them, some dolphins are putting forth their efforts into fixing the nhl labor dispute. ::)



More NFL Players voice support for salary cap

Nov. 1, 2004

Last month, National Football League Players' Association President Troy Vincent refuted the contention of Bob Goodenow, Executive Director of the NHL Players' Association, that pro football players are unhappy with their current collective bargaining agreement that includes a salary cap.

On October 30, in a story entitled 'Dolphins say cap might help hockey,' the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported that many Miami Dolphins players agree with Vincent's positive cap analysis.

"Teams can't overload, like the Yankees do," Dolphins defensive end David Bowens told the Sun-Sentinel. "All teams, when you line up every Sunday, the amount of talent on each team is about equal and you know as a football player that anybody can win. In training camp, you know anybody can win the Super Bowl. To me and I think to the fans, it's important to know that each team has a chance to be competitive. The salary cap allows that to happen."

Fullback Rob Konrad, who, the paper adds, holds a business degree from Syracuse University and manages accounts for some NHL players, said, "After studying it the last couple years, I think [the salary cap's] a good system and I like what we've done. So I think the cap is fair as long as it's regulated and as long as it's moved percentagewise with the revenues that are coming in."

"The salary cap's been a good move. It keeps things from getting out of control like hockey. It hinders some players and it helps others, but the good thing is it's helped the game," cornerback Sam Madison said. "Hopefully hockey gets it together because all the years that hockey's been going without a cap and then all of a sudden, 'Boom, you're getting a salary cap,' I know it's tough for players to accept. But it's paying off for us."

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