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what are some good speakers that i can use to take around to different places with me? im just a mobile dj right now, doin parties and stuff. i got some speakers, and they get the job done, especially if im just doin someone's house, but i was looking for somthing more professional. Can anyone help me out? Not too expensive, and not all that big either. thanx

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I have a set of JBL EON's and they're awesome. No amps needed because they are self powered and they're light so its easy to carry. Not to mention that they're constructed really well too.


"Anybody can mix two records together but it takes a DJ to be able to do it creativley and make new sound out of that music" --A great wise man

"Spinning is like creating a new world in that room for that one night. You create a one night oblivion where nothing outside that room matters, all that matters is feeling the music and loving every second of it." --Another great wise man

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dont get jbl eons they suck

they give no bass if you want something good and affordable get like evs all powered speakers suck unless you want no bass and you would have to go and buy bass bottomws which will cost you even more money

If you want something affordable get like the ev elimenators which are like 400 aside i think and they give a nice knock.

Dont get the powered speakers, trust me i've used them before and they gave no bass and when i tried to raise the bass up on the mixer all the speaker would do was shut off.

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I have never had a problem with my JBL's. They put out a solid amount of bass and I have never had one kick out on me. Im sure those EV's pump but don't count out the JBL's they definetly hold their own.



"Anybody can mix two records together but it takes a DJ to be able to do it creativley and make new sound out of that music" --A great wise man

"Spinning is like creating a new world in that room for that one night. You create a one night oblivion where nothing outside that room matters, all that matters is feeling the music and loving every second of it." --Another great wise man

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i agree with madcriso, the EAW are simply amazing


Brian Transeau (BT) on Music

Totally. I love what guys like Oliver Lieb and Paul Van Dyk do. I hate that ATB and those sorts of people have prostituted this stuff. You listen to an ATB track and then you listen to Sasha, and the difference is as obvious as listening to Led Zeppelin and Rachmaninoff.

Laurent Garnier on Music

For Garnier it's also a question of quality. "The problem is a lot of things I hear out here on the radio are not trance - I mean that ATB track I heard the other day - is this trance? This is fucking Tellytubbies music."

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being a dj you should know that powered speakers are going to give no bass i have heard them myself and they gave out no bass the mackies give out more bass than the jbls if they were so good why dont clubs use powered speakers excactly cause they give no bass and they clip when you push them.

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the only reason to have a powered speaker is for a monitor..i have yorkville speakers and those fuckin rip apart any room that im doin a party in.

peace out




EMAIL: iannuzzi4@yahoo.com



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ggfella4 and torontotrance, i have to agree with both of you

i have eaw tops and the the sound that comes out is absolutely amazing it has to be the clearest sounding speaker with a tight knock

yorkville is also good speaker i use that for work the bass bottoms i use are sick the bass is so loud with them but when i use them i always have a problem because it sounds so good i just keep on pushing them to they clip.

but the reason i said ev elimenators for this kid is cause he asked for a pair of speakers that were affordable but good.

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