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Depp Refuses To Extinguish Cigarette

Guest JMT

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Guest JMT

depp is great.


Depp Refuses To Extinguish Cigarette

Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp shocked an American woman in a London restaurant recently, when he refused to put out his cigarette. The Pirates Of The Caribbean actor was dining at Scalini's in the British capital when the unidentified lady took offence to his smoking and asked him to extinguish the offending item, even though he was sitting in a smoking area. Depp bluntly told her, "I'm sorry, but we're not in LA anymore."

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Guest pod

You can smoke if you want, but I'm of the school that common courtesy dictates when you can smoke....i.e. in a restaurant it is annoying.

Small lounges too. Cafeteria has been giving me a sore throat lately. They don't allow smoking up front, but they do in the back. Sucks.

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Guest trancelator

In a non-smoking section, his behavior would be rude. If not, I see no problem with it. When I was younger, I used to wait tables in a restaurant and I always asked to work in the smoking section. Smokers were more relaxed, enjoyed their food and were in a much better mood than the non-smokers. It was a lifestyle for them. They enjoyed conversation, fine dining, fine wine or liquor and their post-meal smoke. 8)

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Guest slamminshaun

It was about time, Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, if you don't like my cigarette, then go fuck yourself!!!!!! ;D ;D

ONLY if you are sitting in the SMOKING SECTION. ;)

It's rude to ask someone to extinguish a cigarette in a smoking area. It's her choice to sit in that section to begin with. I'm a non-smoker, but absolutely voted against the smoking ban in restaurants. I mean, after all, it is MY choice to go to a restaurant that allows smoking or not. Oh well, what's done is done....can't change it back now.

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Guest LeVeL

This lady has some nerve to comfront somebody in a smoking area tell them extinguish it. You know I have seen this type of behavior here in Miami.

People in all parts of the world get so uptight when they see someone smoking, just because it bothers!!!! The odor gets in your clothes, it makes breathing a problem, its just not healthy at all.

Its like having someone talking to you with terrible, "bad breath". Your going to tell him something! Or if you want to be nice you can stop talking and just walk away.

Let me tell you, those TRUTH Commercial are not helping cut the rate of of smokers."

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Guest slamminshaun

Any of you want a quick homework assignment for the weekend? Find out how which states out of the 50 here in the U.S. actually used the settlement money from the tobacco lawsuits for programs to prevent kids from smoking. I'll give you a hint, only THREE states actually did. The lawsuits were NEVER about protecting children as much as it was getting the government's grubby hands into the deep pockets of the tobacco company, as if the tobacco taxes aren't enough.

Smoking is as much a right for an adult as eating fast food. I think it is the most disgusting habit and could never do it myself. But I absolutely believe in protecting the rights of those that do. I hate it when elitists push their utopian ideas on me.

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Guest trancelator

Oh totally. Smoke up all you want, but with that freedom comes responsibility and courtesy.

Pod, just curious. What is your stance about smoking in clubs? I am not a cigarette smoker but I find smoke in clubs affects me way more than in restaurants.

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Oh totally. Smoke up all you want, but with that freedom comes responsibility and courtesy.

Sure, kill yourself, see if I care...but dont blow your smoke on those who have made the choice NOT to smoke. I know that if I go to a club or an establishment that allows smoking what I am getting myself into, but when the law states NO SMOKING IN THIS SECTION...quit yer bitchin!!!! ;D

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Guest pod

Smoking in clubs...hmmm. In big clubs it doesn't bother me. The smoke gets dissipated rather quickly. In small places like Cafeteria and other lounges, it shouldn't be tolerated due to the small space.

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Guest slamminshaun

Oh totally. Smoke up all you want, but with that freedom comes responsibility and courtesy.

Sure, kill yourself, see if I care...but dont blow your smoke on those who have made the choice NOT to smoke. I know that if I go to a club or an establishment that allows smoking what I am getting myself into, but when the law states NO SMOKING IN THIS SECTION...quit yer bitchin!!!! ;D

If someone smokes in a non-smoking restaurant, bar, or other enclosed area, then they should be treated the same as those that consume alcohol in areas where it is illegal to consume alchohol.

I'll answer the other question regarding clubs this way. What business is it of the government to say to a business owner whether he can have people light up cigarettes in his business? Next, the government will be telling you that you can't light up in your own house. They keep chipping away at the freedoms we have.

Answer this....before the ban in restaurants, why were there hardly any that were considered "non-smoking" restaurants? If there is such wide support for it, how come the businesses didn't take notice and create an atmosphere that the majority of Floridians wanted? It would seem to me, that non-smokers would eat at non-smoking restaurants more so then restaurants that had smoking sections if it really bothered them that much. We have the freedom to spend our money where we want based on the choices we have, but now smokers have hardly any choice and are being legally attacked because they are an easy target.

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Guest slamminshaun

Smoking in clubs...hmmm. In big clubs it doesn't bother me. The smoke gets dissipated rather quickly. In small places like Cafeteria and other lounges, it shouldn't be tolerated due to the small space.

Here's my point. If it bothered people that bad, wouldn't they stop going, and start going to a place that was smoke-free? Then, wouldn't Cafeteria take notice and in the spirit of gaining that business back, become a non-smoking facility on their own without "big brother" making them do it? Even if they didn't, isn't it their right to cater to the clients they want there, thus in this case, smokers?

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Guest Cosmigonon

Smoking in clubs...hmmm. In big clubs it doesn't bother me. The smoke gets dissipated rather quickly. In small places like Cafeteria and other lounges, it shouldn't be tolerated due to the small space.

Here's my point. If it bothered people that bad, wouldn't they stop going, and start going to a place that was smoke-free? Then, wouldn't Cafeteria take notice and in the spirit of gaining that business back, become a non-smoking facility on their own without "big brother" making them do it? Even if they didn't, isn't it their right to cater to the clients they want there, thus in this case, smokers?

My point exactly. If you're so offended by smoke in a club/lounge, then go and make your own smoke-free club/lounge.

You have all the freedom to do it.

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Guest slamminshaun

Smoking in clubs...hmmm. In big clubs it doesn't bother me. The smoke gets dissipated rather quickly. In small places like Cafeteria and other lounges, it shouldn't be tolerated due to the small space.

Here's my point. If it bothered people that bad, wouldn't they stop going, and start going to a place that was smoke-free? Then, wouldn't Cafeteria take notice and in the spirit of gaining that business back, become a non-smoking facility on their own without "big brother" making them do it? Even if they didn't, isn't it their right to cater to the clients they want there, thus in this case, smokers?

My point exactly. If you're so offended by smoke in a club/lounge, then go and make your own smoke-free club/lounge.

You have all the freedom to do it.

You know why they don't? Because they'd fail. If there was such a gold mine in non-smoking clubs and restaurants, how come nobody tried it? It would make sense to me that if you have that much demand for something, you would profit handsomely by providing the goods. Bottom line, nobody did it, because they would've been the deadest club in town...point blank.

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Guest pod


I hate smoking, but I love drinking and being with my friends, so I deal with it. The only time I get pissy is if it is in a situation where I can say something, i.e. a car or my own home.

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Guest LdySphynx

Well i'm a non-smoker, but I think that Depp was in all his right not to extinguish his cigarette.....he was in a smoking section and thats usually what its for.

If it really bothered the lady that much, she should have complained to the Restaurant manager, they are the only ones that can do anything about it. Besides if the smoke bothers her that much then she should ask to be seated in an area further away from the smoking area!!!!

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