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Scott Peterson Verdict

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Guest slamminshaun

So you'd gas people on a "circumstantial" trial? That's what THREE of the jurors have been quoted as saying. They said they basically sentenced him based on the fact he didn't cry in the court room. WTF?? I thought it was supposed to be "beyond a reasonable doubt", not about whether he cries or not.

I'm not saying the guy isn't an asshole, a prick, or that he didn't do it....I'm just saying, how can you send someone to die and say it was "circumstantial"????

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Guest slamminshaun

there have been men who have done far worse then what Peterson did. why did this case change you mind?

Sirhan Sirhan killed Robert Kennedy when he was running for President....today, he still sits in jail eating three meals a day.

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Guest JMT

once hes found guilty, perhaps the circumstances for which he was found guilty are thrown out the proverbial window. i think he did it so im not that concerned.

i watch a lot of crime docu's, i am reminded of the Polly Klass case where she was kidnapped from a slumber party, raped and killed by some scumbag. all the evidence was purely circumstantial, but he was found guilty and at the sentencing stood up and in front of the girls family told the court that right before he killed her, she pleaded for him "not to do her like her daddy does", insuating that her loving father molested her. needless to say they gave him death. i dont see how a guy like that should breathe the same air as me.

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Guest LdySphynx

there have been men who have done far worse then what Peterson did. why did this case change you mind?

Well none of the men that did far worse have been so nationally televised.....and When Ted Bundy was Electricuted I was 13 so I basically only knew he was a rapist. Now that I am an adult and I have learned more about his killing & raping spree, I think he got what he deserved!!!

Manson is basically still alive due to the fact that they say he is insane......but whatever sometimes I don't understand our laws and I guess I never will!!!

If OJ would have been found Guilty, I think they should have sentenced him to death as well.....but he got lucky!!!

But I think what makes this case worse than any other is just the simple fact that he killed his wife & unborn child because he basically did not want to have to deal with RESPONSIBILITY, he just wanted to have his cake and eat it too!!!

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Guest bcnjunkie
But the same Bible says "an eye for an eye"

what bible are you reading ? there's not one verse in the Bible stipulating "an eye for an eye", I'm afraid you don't understand your religion. It does say however that only God can judge, and absolve or punish the sins of man. Where did you get the idea that the Bible says "an eye for an eye" ?


im not Jewish, so I dont focus on the Old Testament

I'm not jewish either but christians recognize the old testament and that's where you will find the 10 commandments that you said hold valid today.

personally I'm not religious but I find it a paradox that the conservative christians are the ones who defend capital punishment. The way I see it, I wouldn't want to have someones blood on my hands. It would make me no better than the person who committed the crime. From a practical point of view, I couldn't fathom the thought of sending someone to die who didn't commit a crime (as by being set-up or mistaken identity or several different scenarios such as the guy that just got released from death row who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time). It's playing God. If it makes a victims family feel better then so be it but personally I would have trouble sleeping at night

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Guest JMT
But the same Bible says "an eye for an eye"

what bible are you reading ? there's not one verse in the Bible stipulating "an eye for an eye", I'm afraid you don't understand your religion. It does say Hoever that only God can judge, and solve or punish the sins of man. Where did you get the idea that the Bible says "an eye for an eye" ?

The law of "an eye for an eye" is usually called the law of retribution, or "lex talionis" (Latin, lex [law] and talio [like]; the punishment is like the injury), or the law of equivalency. The lex talionis is found in three passages in the Old Testament (Ex. 21:23, 24; Lev. 24:19, 20; and Deut. 19:21)


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Guest bcnjunkie
But the same Bible says "an eye for an eye"

what bible are you reading ? there's not one verse in the Bible stipulating "an eye for an eye", I'm afraid you don't understand your religion. It does say Hoever that only God can judge, and solve or punish the sins of man. Where did you get the idea that the Bible says "an eye for an eye" ?

The law of "an eye for an eye" is usually called the law of retribution, or "lex talionis" (Latin, lex [law] and talio [like]; the punishment is like the injury), or the law of equivalency. The lex talionis is found in three passages in the Old Testament (Ex. 21:23, 24; Lev. 24:19, 20; and Deut. 19:21)


I went to the site and it clearly says that it is closest related to the "eye for an eye" concept but that it really means that the punishment should fit the crime. It also states that Hammurabi's code was the first to truly introduce the notion of injury for injury..... There is no "eye for an eye" concept in the bible in the context that you're implying... plus you don't go by the old testament .... right ?

and im not Jewish, so I dont focus on the Old Testament
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Guest JMT

spin it how you want. its in the Bible.

no i dont live life by the OT, or Torah, im not Jewish, i merely backing up SS's point. and i dont take a literal interpretation of the Bible. you have no real case against me.

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Guest JMT
its in the Bible

it isn't, unjustifiable by religion

its referenced in 3 passages, see link.

what does religion have to do with it? we have separation of church and state.

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Guest bcnjunkie
its in the Bible

it isn't, unjustifiable by religion

its referenced in 3 passages, see link.

what does religion have to do with it? we have separation of church and state.

personally I'm not religious but I find it a paradox that the conservative christians are the ones who defend capital punishment. The way I see it, I wouldn't want to have someones blood on my hands. It would make me no better than the person who committed the crime. From a practical point of view, I couldn't fathom the thought of sending someone to die who didn't commit a crime (as by being set-up or mistaken identity or several different scenarios such as the guy that just got released from death row who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time). It's playing God. If it makes a victims family feel better then so be it but personally I would have trouble sleeping at night

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Guest web_norah
I find it a paradox that the conservative christians are the ones who defend capital punishment.

thats also my exact feelings on this issue. i really dont care what happens to Scott Peterson, i am not his judge nor do i think he is innocent..however, i dont think anyone should take it upon themselves to ultimately murder this man. thats what life in prison and long term sentencing is for...

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Guest slamminshaun
I find it a paradox that the conservative christians are the ones who defend capital punishment.

i dont think anyone should take it upon themselves to ultimately murder this man.

Here is the definition of Murder taken from Dictionary.com:

The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice

If you can explain to me how executing Scott Peterson would be unlawful in California, or that it was done with premeditated malice, I'd be open-minded enough to hear that argument. Seems to me he is being legally executed through legal means.

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Guest LdySphynx

I'm a firm believer in Destiny and that everything has been written for you from the day that you were conceived.

So if this was his destiny he was doomed from the day he was born to be executed!!!!

Just my opinion, I know that everyone has their own.....and that some may not agree with this, but I don't beleive in coincidences, everything happens for a reason!!!!

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Guest mursa

I'm a firm believer in Destiny and that everything has been written for you from the day that you were conceived.

So if this was his destiny he was doomed from the day he was born to be executed!!!!

Just my opinion, I know that everyone has their own.....and that some may not agree with this, but I don't beleive in coincidences, everything happens for a reason!!!!

"Believe in Fate " :)

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Guest JMT

i bet this just warms the hearts of Laci's family. shouldnt be too long until he gets his first marriage proposal.


Peterson Said to Be Cheerful, Enjoys Fan Mail

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (Dec. 16) - Scott Peterson remains cheerful despite being sentenced to death just days ago, buoyed in part by the constant flow of fan mail he continues to receive, the San Mateo County sheriff said Thursday.

Peterson's demeanor hasn't changed since he was transferred months ago from Stanislaus County to the San Mateo County Jail, even after jurors found him guilty of two counts of murder, Sheriff Don Horsley said during a news conference. On Monday, the jury recommended he be sent to California's death row.

"He has been his normal self. He is very cheerful. He is very compliant and very helpful," Horsley said, adding that jailers describe him as a model prisoner.

"When we move him from one area to the next, they do have to put restraints on him and he helps them," Horsley said. "He's not suicidal."

He added, however, that Peterson has lost "a lot of weight."

"I told him ... `Scott, you've lost weight. Is the food bad?"' Horsley said. "He said, `No, it's actually better than in Stanislaus County."'

Peterson was convicted Nov. 12 of murdering his eight-months-pregnant wife, Laci, and the fetus she was carrying.

Prosecutors said he killed his wife on or around Christmas Eve 2002 and dumped her weighted body into San Francisco Bay. Her remains and those of the fetus were discovered about four months later, not far from where Peterson claims to have gone fishing alone the morning his wife vanished.

His case was moved from Stanislaus County, where the Petersons lived in Laci's hometown of Modesto, after a judge found he couldn't get a fair trial there.

While he awaits formal sentencing in February, Peterson is staying in a 10-foot-by-10-foot cell in the county jail. Guards let him out of his cell twice a day for an hour to exercise alone in the yard, watch television or use a computer without Internet access.

Horsley said Peterson receives visits from family members every three to five days.

"He gets a lot of mail," the sheriff said. "He does have a fan club."

Meanwhile, Regan Books announced Thursday it had signed a deal with Peterson's mistress, Amber Frey. The book is due to go on sale Jan. 4.

"I am very gratified that Regan Books has agreed to publish Amber's story," said Frey's attorney, Gloria Allred. "We think her story of courage in crisis will inspire others who have been betrayed to fight back for truth and justice."

With the publication date less than three weeks away, Frey will either have to write the book in record time or has already been working on it.

Allred declined comment Thursday when asked by The Associated Press how far along Frey was with the manuscript and whether she would receive help writing it.

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Guest slamminshaun

The jurors said they "would have liked to have seen more emotion" out of Peterson. Looks like they got their wish, although I'm not sure this is the emotion they had in mind.

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Guest obby

What if it were your sister or cousin who was murdered in that manner? Would you then feel better with the verdict?

another life being destroyed is not going to bring your loved one back.

Of course it won't but SOME may feel that punishing the one who took your loved ones life away will ease the pain. After all, knowing that he is dead ensures that he will NEVER commit such a crime again.

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Guest JMT

more holiday cheer for Laci's family...


Peterson attorney seeks donations through Web site


3:33 p.m. December 20, 2004

LOS ANGELES – In a plea to the public to help "free the man we know is innocent," Scott Peterson's attorney is seeking donations to continue the investigation into the murders of Peterson's wife and the fetus she carried.

The 32-year-old former fertilizer salesman was convicted Nov. 12 of one count of first-degree murder in the death of his wife, Laci, and one count of second-degree murder in the death of her eight-month-old fetus. Last week, the jury recommended a death sentence.

Formal sentencing is set for Feb. 25.

Los Angeles defense lawyer Mark Geragos has set up a Web site seeking financial assistance in the continued search for the real killer.

"We believe Scott Peterson has been unjustly convicted. This site will continue to monitor the happenings in this case until justice is finally served," the site reads. "With your support, you can help us continue to investigate the murders of Laci and Conner Peterson so that we can free the man we know is innocent."

The site encourages donors to send money to "The Peterson Investigation Fund," care of Geragos' office. It notes that donations will only be used for investigators, not for attorney's fees.

According to the site, donations can be made with credit cards or by using the online payment service, PayPal, e-mailed to savescottgeragos.com.

"For Scott to get the justice he deserves, the investigation must continue. Unfortunately this does not come without a price," the site reads.

Geragos did not return repeated telephone calls.

Meanwhile, Peterson's former mistress, Amber Frey, will appear on "Dateline NBC" Jan. 4 to discuss her book due to go on sale the same day.

Excerpts of Frey's interview with NBC News' Matt Lauer were released Monday to The Associated Press.

Asked what she thought about Peterson's early television interviews, before his arrest, as he pleaded for Laci Peterson's safe return, Frey said, "I just saw him, you know, as this compulsive liar, I mean, pathological liar."

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