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DJ Fired for Racial Joke

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest trancepriest

During the 9 p.m. hour on his show Tuesday, Murphy alluded to "Mr. Belvedere," a 1980s sitcom about an English housekeeper who helps raise three youngsters. That led Murphy to joke about the possibility of adopting "three black kids" and "taking them to the zoo to see where they came from."

--- Definitely no... he shouldn't have been fired... I'm black and I know I come from a zoo somewhere... heck Miami zoo feels right at home for me. I get to see the monkeys that so remind me of my mom and dad. I don't even know who my mom and dad are.. but those monkeys sure remind me of them. I wish I could be in a cage too scratching my balls... and playing with all the monkeys that look just like me. I don't find that joke in the least bit racist. They had no right firing him.

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Guest web_norah

SNL makes fun of everyone

I'm black and I know I come from a zoo somewhere

i am sorry but i dont see what you're trying to get at here ???....being of color, (as i pretty much can see myself in the same category because i am latin and definitely not white), i dont agree albeit respect your view...but this guy should have been fired for his racist comments.

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Guest trancepriest

SNL makes fun of everyone

I'm black and I know I come from a zoo somewhere

i am sorry but i dont see what you're trying to get at here ???....being of color, (as i pretty much can see myself in the same category because i am latin and definitely not white), i dont agree albeit respect your view...but this guy should have been fired for his racist comments.

Geez Norah... I was being extremely sarcastic.

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Guest trancepriest


I'm just glad they teached a black monkey like me how to read and write. Now learning how to use sarcasm effectively would be way too much. ;)

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Guest trancepriest

uhm. understood but you didnt know my middle name is sarcasm and last name irony.

LOL... I have noticed mistress. ;)

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Guest web_norah

did anyone desides Norah not see TP was being sarcastic?

yeah totally ...sorta reminds me when you said you'd never heard that Pat Buchanan had defamation claims against him and he wasnt a "racist"............oh the irony.

whats desides anyway? is that another verb you created here in the land of the English language origins?

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Guest slamminshaun

"it is comedy- get over it"

Norah, didn't you say that? I seem to recall everyone saying I was oversensitive about the Rush SNL skit, and that any form of comedy was acceptable (regardless of bad taste) as long as that's what it was, blah, blah, blah. This deejay was just trying to be funny, what's the harm in that?

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Guest JMT

did anyone desides Norah not see TP was being sarcastic?

yeah totally ...sorta reminds me when you said you'd never heard that Pat Buchanan had defamation claims against him and he wasnt a "racist"............oh the irony.

whats desides anyway? is that another verb you created here in the land of the English language origins?

what? you seem to have a knack for making irrelevant comparisons that make no sense.

fyi, "besides" is an adverb.

so you couldnt see i obviously typed one wrong letter? ok, you just opened the floodgates. i know how you love to invent your own words so i hope youre ready to (as you once said) "put your mouth where your money is".

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Guest web_norah

for someone claiming that they know so much politics and correct spelling of the American English......who's looking like the clown now? you.

and i didnt read between the lines of a racially sarcastic remark? my apologies, but unlike you, i take those words quite literally for obvious reasons .....

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Guest web_norah

Ponder this. If he were a black deejay' date=' would this all be much to do about nothing?


this brings me back to an excellent documentary that explained the origins of the N word (and the word spic and etc etc)....and in the use of that derogatory language....it brought up the fact that blacks and hispanics "own" the right to the usage of those words...i hope you follow me here. i can make fun of my own race, just like blacks called each other the N word but it doesnt have the derogatory connotations....

so, if a black DJ did the same thing, i'd see it a joke ..ultimately, because it doesnt carry the strength of a white male saying that ugly word.

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Guest JMT

for someone claiming that they know so much politics and correct spelling of the American English......who's looking like the clown now? you.

and i didnt read between the lines of a racially sarcastic remark? my apologies, but unlike you, i take those words quite literally for obvious reasons .....

when did i ever claim anything? but yeah, a one letter typo on a message board..... ::) ill be honest, i really thought besides was spelled with a d. really, you cant be that much of a dork.

youre the self proclaimed queen of sarcasm, you should know it when someone does a better job of illustrating than you.

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Guest tres-b

If SNL makes fun of everyone, then when are they going to break out a skit about Belushi ripping rails, throwing back shots and dying because in a pool of his own vomit? How about a skit that features a Farley character doing the same and dying alone because none of the SNL people had the guts to reach out and help him?

Im all for good comedy, but SNL has lost people to addiction and demons that they couldnt overcome. To ridicule someone who had the balls to be transparent, come clean and get sober is just crap. It shows the lack of talent and creativity currently at SNL.

As for the DJ getting fired, I would need to hear how the piece went. Its tough to get a real feeling by reading. Having said that, the guy is an idiot. If Stern cant get away with it, Java Joel cant get away with it.

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Guest web_norah

Howard Stern (in case you didnt know), has been fired many times from radio, after doing very outrageous things...ever read his autobiography? he is a very persistent man and remains in radio because he is a passionate and charismatic to a certain degree

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Guest tres-b

Howard Stern (in case you didnt know), has been fired many times from radio, after doing very outrageous things...ever read his autobiography? he is a very persistent man and remains in radio because he is a passionate and charismatic to a certain degree

Im aware of the fact that Stern has gotten the axe on numerous occasions. However, he has been reigned in and fined several times recently and pulled off some of his affiliates. He is taking his show to Sirrius b/c he is sick and tired of it---and solid compensation 8).

My point was that if Stern feels heat, guys like Java Joel just get the axe.

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Guest web_norah

well and if was that Java Joel, i'd try my dammest to go on and continue to do radio shows....just to prove that he in fact, isnt a racist...

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Guest tres-b

well and if was that Java Joel, i'd try my dammest to go on and continue to do radio shows....just to prove that he in fact, isnt a racist...

I agree 100%.

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Guest slamminshaun

Ponder this. If he were a black deejay, would this all be much to do about nothing?

this brings me back to an excellent documentary that explained the origins of the N word (and the word spic and etc etc)....and in the use of that derogatory language....it brought up the fact that blacks and hispanics "own" the right to the usage of those words...i hope you follow me here. i can make fun of my own race, just like blacks called each other the N word but it doesnt have the derogatory connotations....

so, if a black DJ did the same thing, i'd see it a joke ..ultimately, because it doesnt carry the strength of a white male saying that ugly word.

Right, but we're not talking about the "N-word" here. We're talking about the "zoo" joke. So being black affords you the "ownership" of zoo jokes as well? Again, if its comedy and not done with vicious intent, I thought you all said to "get over it", or is that only when someone you don't like is the butt of a joke?? Who decides what's acceptable comedy, and not? It's ok to make fun of people's illnesses, but not their skin color? Interesting responses I've seen thus far.

Just for the record, I think this guy is a moron. I would never go there, but then again, I'm not in the "shock jock" business.

Now, on to my political rant. There's a severe double-standard that goes on in the media. Rush Limbaugh and Trent Lott fell victim to this double standard, while guys like the former Lt. Gov. of California, Bustamante (Democrat), can slip and say the "N-word" in front of a large audience and the media bury the story. Same thing with Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat) who is the ONLY former card-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan. Then has the nerve to do an interview on 60 minutes and use the "N-word" a dozen times in an interview. And Jesse Jackson and the NAACP endorsed this guy? Trent Lott had to step down, what about Byrd? Nope...Liberalism is, in itself, a double-standard.

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