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So, uh...

Guest lulamishka

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Guest lulamishka

What's up with all the hating on this board?

All this negative energy...

I know I'm late on this (and of course, watch this get deleted) but, no one was ever excluded from going to any of the events that the so-called "clique" "endorses" or goes to.


If you people feel left out, then start going out to some of these places and get involved!!!

Sounds to me like some people here are just jealous that many of us on the board have become friends (and not pretend ones :P) and hang out at the clubs or other places together.

If you're gonna hate like that, then stfu. You have no right to complain 'cause NO ONE WAS EVER EXCLUDED.

Yea, I know that before hardly anyone on this board knew each other...but ya know what, things change. People make friends and form relationships.

I mean, sheesh, like Lee said...If you DON'T want to read about something, DON'T OPEN THE THREAD!

Why does this board have to get so rigid about what gets spoken about in here? Don't talk about this, don't talk about that. This board is strictly about X, Y, and Z. Geez louise! If we're all gonna get so anal about it then where's the fun in that?

Honestly, this board has PLENTY of threads of substance, so why give a fuck if some people wanna be silly or talk shit?


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Guest vaughan


can i get an AMEN

Why do you have to use a black guy??? :P

BEcause this pic I found is waaaaaay too funny and might offend people of EVERY color


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Guest lyrik


can i get an AMEN

Why do you have to use a black guy??? :P

I think I seen a white hood in blings car once - hmmmmm I wonder...maybe the whole jewish thing is just a front - Grand Wizard Bling.

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For every person who likes a dj/party/club, there will be 10 people out there who hate that same dj/party/club. It's just a fact of life. It's all got to do with how seriously you take criticism. ;D

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Guest r3nz0

For every person who likes a dj/party/club, there will be 10 people out there who hate that same dj/party/club. It's just a fact of life. It's all got to do with how seriously you take criticism. ;D

Phil, I like it when your posts have something to do with what is going on. :)

This is not one of those times.

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Guest r3nz0

What's up with all the hating on this board?

All this negative energy...

I know I'm late on this (and of course, watch this get deleted) but, no one was ever excluded from going to any of the events that the so-called "clique" "endorses" or goes to.


If you people feel left out, then start going out to some of these places and get involved!!!

Sounds to me like some people here are just jealous that many of us on the board have become friends (and not pretend ones :P) and hang out at the clubs or other places together.

If you're gonna hate like that, then stfu. You have no right to complain 'cause NO ONE WAS EVER EXCLUDED.

Yea, I know that before hardly anyone on this board knew each other...but ya know what, things change. People make friends and form relationships.

I mean, sheesh, like Lee said...If you DON'T want to read about something, DON'T OPEN THE THREAD!

Why does this board have to get so rigid about what gets spoken about in here? Don't talk about this, don't talk about that. This board is strictly about X, Y, and Z. Geez louise! If we're all gonna get so anal about it then where's the fun in that?

Honestly, this board has PLENTY of threads of substance, so why give a fuck if some people wanna be silly or talk shit?


Nice post, my ho.

It sounds even better when you can tell me this without you going through road rage.

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Guest lulamishka

Nice post, my ho.

It sounds even better when you can tell me this without you going through road rage.

LOL. I settled down, read the board, and collected my thoughts. :) ANNND made sure I wasn't driving. ;D

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Guest lulamishka

Great post, ILMP. I'm new and I'm wondering wtf happened around here? ???

Thanks. I didn't get to see all the posts...thanks to Pod for deleting them!! (Couldn't u have at least waited for me to come home from work?! :P)

Anyway, so I missed a lot of what went on. But I sure did hear about it thanks to my FRIENDS who let me know what was up. ;)

So you're gonna have to skim the boards to see what's left to really know what happened. I just gave my $0.02.

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Guest Clauds

Let's just say that today's drama made my day at work go by waaaaaaaaaaay faster ....


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Guest lulamishka

Let's just say that today's drama made my day at work go by waaaaaaaaaaay faster ....


im bumping this thread for you, does that make me a hater?

Yes. :)

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Guest pod

I'm not opposed to fun threads one bit.

Attn threads are fun cause they get smart-ass responses.

What I'm trying to do here as a moderator is maintain the board to a certain editorial standard, as outlined in the permanent sticky in the guidelines at the top of each forum. Believe me, I'm a fan of free speech and all that. My idea of fun is overthrowing the US government and torching the IRS building.

That being said, I can't really let slide inane photoshops of gay folk doing what they do best, pseudo-trannies, and photoshops of board members in a defamatory fashion. There's a difference between "all in good fun" and genuine defamation. The reason really being is that a lot of the membership views the board from their jobs, and a lot of jobs have strict internet usage policies, most of which ban pornographic images and such. People come to the site expecting to read about clubs and DJs and so forth, not see gay porn or bad photoshop work. Shit like that lands people in trouble at their day jobs. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of an email stating that a member lost their job because they clicked on a thread, saw some porn on accident, and boom, "you're fired"?

Paranoid? Yeah. But tell that to the folks in legal. I can ill afford to be held liable just because some genius decides to post crapola for shits and grins.

That being said, the only other thing that really gets me worried is the out and out threats of real physical violence in a public forum. People wanna pound on each other? Fine, be my guest, but don't start it off on here. Most of us are grown up and civil, let's try to act it.

And with that, I'll see you all next week at the bar. Drink and be merry, it's conference!

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Guest lulamishka

And with that, I'll see you all next week at the bar. Drink and be merry, it's conference!

Dan, I wasn't referring to you in my original post, but I understand your point. Plus, you know I got nothin' but love for ya. :-*

And yes, you'll definitely see me next week! ;) 8)

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Guest pod

Oh I know that. I was just away from my desk for a few hours and needed to state for the record what the deal is. I had a host of IMs on my secondary monitor from people expressing their undying love for me just doing my job. I think I might just go into invisible mode or something.

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