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Ok read this on MySpace...

Guest LdySphynx

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Guest LdySphynx

A friend of mine posted this in one of his Blogs, goes to show there are some WIERDOS out there!!!!

I just found it Funny!!!

So now i know when the world will end..............

I went to Lynn's Paradise Cafe yesterday to buy something. I was browsing around and the two girls at the front counter were staring at me. It wasnt a mean stare, they just watched my every move without saying a word. So, feeling a little uneasy, I found what I was looking for and went up to the counter. I smiled and gave them my stuff.

One girl immediately grabbed my arm and looked at my leather wrist band.

"That's really cool, where did you get it" she said while unsnapping it off my wrist.

"Leatherheads, it was only like $15" I replied while watching her twist and turn it.

She then put it on her wrist and said "Can I have it?"

I stared at her for a second and slowly said "Um, no but there are plenty at Leatherheads you can buy"

She shrugged and took it off her wrist. She then proceeded to kiss it in a sensual way, and handed it back to me.

"heh, thanks" I muttered uncomfortably as I looked at the spot she kissed.

I quickly snapped it back on my wrist.

We all three then began to talk about Louisville and places we lived. They have lived all over the world but they loved Louisville the best. I told them that Louisville is a very cool city but I need a place with surf and better dance music.

We continued chatting and they asked me my name. "Michael"

Then one girl said "Oh, Michael is your name? I love that name, that's my guardian Angel's name"

I then asked a question that I still regret. "How do you know he is your guardian Angel?"

Her eyes lit up, like she had been waiting a long time for someone to ask her. I groaned inwardly "I followed a crow one day and it lead me to a forest. In that forest was a lady who read my spirit and my fortune. She said Michael is my guardian Angel and my purpose on Earth is to be the guiding light when the world ends"

I blinked a few times "World ends?"

"Yes, it will happen in 2012" she replied with out even breaking a smile.

The girl next to her corrected her "Feb 24th, 2012, to be exact".

"So, I have several more years left of some quality partying" I said in a joking manner.

They then proceeded to give me the whole story of how the world will end. First the corporate giants will disband giving all the aquired wealth to the third world countries. Then machines will turn against man, and put us back into a feudal existence. It will start in Ireland and then spread all over the industrialized world. Only the smaller, third world countries will be spared.

The Mayans predicted it and a few other cultures as well. Their calendars stop at that exact date. Feb 24th, 2012.

"Are you sure they just didn't get tired of writing out calendars on the wall? I mean that's a lot of chiseling" I asked.

"Oh no!" She said in a shocked voice. "They predicted it. The machines rose up against their civilization and ended it, just like it will ours"

I stopped for a second "Um the Mayans didnt have machines. They had tools and stuff, but no machines"

"Well, whatever they had, it rose up against them" she replied.

"Wait" I asked "How can a shovel or a rake rise up against anyone?"

"I don't know, they just did" she quickly snapped

"Ok, let me get this straight' I said "The industial countries will fall because our cars, sterios and tanning beds will come to life and defeat us. The third world countries will be spared."

The nodded in agreement.

"So if im in lets say, Costa Rica. I should be fine?" I said.

"Sure, you will be cool there." The first girl said. The other girl nodded in agreement.

I walked out of the store. I got down the street and I had to laugh to myself. Yes, Louisville is a weird place. You have to love its originality.

I don't know if I believe those girls...actually I don't, but just in case, anyone want to go surfing Feb 24th, 2012 in Costa Rica with me?

We might go from Jan to March, just incase they were a little off. (no pun intended)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Wasn't the world suppesed to end several thousand years ago? And then it was supposed to end in the mid 18th Century and then it was supposed to end durning y2k (what a joke y2k was) and now it's 2012 according to these jokers. Wasn't the world supposed to end when the planets all aligned with each other so that they made a straight line from the Sun to Pluto (oh that's supposed to happen in a few years right? Oh how about the prediction of the catestrophic meteor that's going to hit the Earth in 2026 and cause an extinction event...? Oh yeah that was that movie called Deep Impact where we had a black president played by Morgan Freeman. But didn't some white supremasist group also say that the world is going to end when we have a black president? They better stop Barak Obama (That democrat from Illinos) then or the world is going to end in 2008..LOL

Come on peeps, lets quit the 'The World Is Going To End so who gives a fuck mentality' and start taking care of what's really freakin going on here and now.....

BTW I was hoping that the blog would be some nasty story like the guy had a threesome with these 2 chicks...A menage a' trois of apocalyptic proportions...ELOL (evil laughing out loud)

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Guest LdySphynx

BTW I was hoping that the blog would be some nasty story like the guy had a threesome with these 2 chicks...A menage a' trois of apocalyptic proportions...ELOL (evil laughing out loud)

::), i'm sure I can find one somewhere :P!!!
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Guest swirlundergrounder

BTW I was hoping that the blog would be some nasty story like the guy had a threesome with these 2 chicks...A menage a' trois of apocalyptic proportions...ELOL (evil laughing out loud)

::), i'm sure I can find one somewhere :P!!!

I'm sure you could........
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