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Attn Investors: Port St. Lucie Fastest Growing U.S. City

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest slamminshaun

Yo Miami, get on the gravy train while you still can. My hometown of Port St. Lucie is the fastest growing city in the entire United States according to the U.S. Census Bureau. I know people who made six digits on one property flip up here. While I think those days are gone, you can still make half of that if you play your cards right.

I've done well with real estate up here so I can vouch for the madness up here. Anyone needs a few good builders or Realtors to talk to, PM me.


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Guest slamminshaun

After I'm done paying off my credit cards after my recent move. Painters, decorators, home audio, furniture...it all adds up quick. You need to come up here and check it out sometime.

Go ahead and tell me how much this view would cost you down in the MIA....


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Guest pod

Here's the thing though, and I'm not saying it to be offensive, but what is there to do in Port St Lucie? A view is nice, but it's just that, a view. Maybe when I'm 50...

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Guest slamminshaun

Re-read the thread title....Attn INVESTORS

I wasn't pitching for people to move here.

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Guest mursa

.. No wonder the economy is going well in oyur point of view ......your in the real estate buisiness .

..easy money easy money .

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Guest pod

I'm investing in cattle futures. Cows largely look after themselves, and beef is always in fashion. Real food for real people, that sort of thing.

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Guest Diabolique

Flagler County, where I spent most of my life, is the fastest growing county in the country! FL rocks!

Either we're all gonna be rich, OR we're gonna get phat condo's at half price, if it all goes bust..


IMO, FL is just catching up with the rest of the country... I don't see a bust being that imminent...

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Guest pod

Still, go invest in cows. Better conversation anyway. Everyone and their mother is a realtor/mortgage broker/investor.

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Guest Diabolique

Still, go invest in cows. Better conversation anyway. Everyone and their mother is a realtor/mortgage broker/investor.

hahaha!! my mom was a broker, and is an investor. I'm just a wanna be investor, lol... ;D

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Guest Diabolique

I'm sorry, but as a former commodity broker, I would never ever go there.. you're better off in Vegas at the craps tables, LOL! I'd buy futures and puts, to offset any losses..

The only ppl who really make money at that are the big players, or lucky SOBs...

I'm still liscened, wanna trade? 8) lol...

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Guest Diabolique

mmmMmMMmm, well while Bush is in office, yes, cows will sell. That and oil, I'm sure...

a billionaire..wow..hope's he a happy one

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Yes St Lucie is growing quick but in a few years there are going to be MASSIVE traffic issues. When planning the city, they had no idea how big it would get and didn't map out enough land for roads nor keep easements for future roads. Plus they have that issue with the sewer hookups....

I know so many people that bought up there a long time ago when the lots were like $3k fully expecting to build and live there but then they realized how damn far out there they are and changed their minds. It was defnitely good for their pockets though - lots are demanding $65k price tags now. It used to be that you could buy a lot and build a 4 br house with a pool for like $130k. Its gone up of course.

Dont get me started with this ridiculous mass increase in property values. As a title examiner, i see an obscene amount of flips my office closes. Everyone is jumping on this bandwagon driving the values so high and i think it started in miami with shady appraisers.

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Guest slamminshaun

Actually Trouble, lots are now a minimum of $90K in an average neighborhood. See how fast things are still going up here?

Traffic issues are already a HUGE issue here. The traffic is much worse here then in Palm Beach, although most would find that hard to believe.

The point though, is that despite everything, Port St. Lucie is still the FASTEST growing city in the United States. I mean, not one of the fastest, THE fastest. When lot prices hit $60K, everyone said there's "no way they'll go up anymore". Well, they're at $90K now with no end in sight. I honestly see lots being $125K by this time next year. Invest people, its easy money.

I only posted this article because there might be a few CJ'ers who are looking to jump on the gravy train while its still here.

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Guest The_Man

True but only the wise investors make any money. How many realtors do you see with more than one house?

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Guest Diabolique

True but only the wise investors make any money. How many realtors do you see with more than one house?

my mom. but she didn't make her $$$ as a broker, and while my family owned a real esate company for many years, she made it investing in well chosen R.E.

$11,000 to $2.5 million...top that ;D I wanna be like her when I grow up! ;)

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