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What are the side effects of XTC

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Since XtC is fairly new they dont know what can happen to you 10 years down the road after abusing it

I heard parkinsons might be a side effect after abusing the drug

when I say abuse I am talking a hit on friday then 2 on saterday for 4 years straight (and within 2 of those years I was mixing other drugs with the x as if i was a cemist)

(I am clean now- but my head is still SKREWED)

am I going to DIE?

are you people heading towards the same path?



more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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that is definitely excess. moderation is key. if your head is screwed from just doing x, these might be personal problems. as for the other drugs, you have to do research before you put anything in your body.

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The rumor of causing parkinsons is bullshit. I've asked doctors about it and read articles on it that confirm that it is impossible for MDMA to cause parkinsons in any way or form. This rumor was completely media generated. The real story was some people got a condition similar to parkinsons that is caused by a certain toxin that is found in some heroin and a synthetically made super heroin(forgot what the name was). You know how it is to them. They make it seem ecstasy and weed is just as bad as crack or heroin. As for the side effects of XTC most of them arent too severe. If take it too much you may develop a form of depression and anxiety problems. XTC is somewhat neurotoxic only a little though. You can lower the neurotoxicity signgicantly by supplementing 5-htp. It is especially important to take this after you roll. I don't know what other drugs you took, but if your not having serious symptons by now you should be ok. You should go to the doctor and get a check up just in case if you want to make sure.


"Life is but a dream

within a dream"

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Originally posted by dede:

that is definitely excess. moderation is key. if your head is screwed from just doing x, these might be personal problems. as for the other drugs, you have to do research before you put anything in your body.

A narcotic run down

93 -94


1 hit on friday - 3 on saterday

94 -95


ACID @8 pm on fidays XTC @midnight

- saterday double dosage on both

95 -97

shit really hit the fan

dust- k- (not for long with those two I hated downers)coke- glass- shrooms- weed- xtc and plenty of it -no acid though i got sick of that shit (never had a bad trip smile.gif )

I think all the acid fuked with my head



more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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Pills were originally expiremented on army patrons in some war about thirty years ago. (The experiment must have stopped when all the army dudes started bopping in the middle of an attack!)

but seriously the drug has been around long enough to ensure you that any long term side effects are not serious.

Its that fucking LSD and cannibas shit that you have to look out for!

If you ask me, for the safety of our next generation, they should reduce the cost of coke - cause that stuffs fuckin greeeat!!!

In an ultra sound (head scan thingy) the results of a brain suffering schixophrenic seisures is identical to that peaking on acid!

And excessive dope smokers have something like a 30% higher chance of getting mental disorders than non dope heads.

don't get me wrong, I love a spliff in the morning, just not dependantly!

In conclusion. Bic up boys and girls cos life short and we've serratonin to waste!!!!!!!!



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Definitely short term depression.

Working memory loss is the main thing to worry about. They have actually done good scientific experiments with people who have only taken MDMA. They concluded that it does effect working memory loss (where your searching for a word, or just forgot where your going etc), but it is difficult to quantify how much.

but it is somewhat irrelevant because of the crap that finds it's way in the pills. Very little research has been done on MDEA,MDA etc which I believe are more toxic than MDMA. The other thing to bear in mind is that some symptoms may not show for 10,15,20 years. And because there were only very few people taking until late 80's we may have no idea what the long term effects are yet..... something to look forward to though.

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Please don't take this offensively, but I think you guys are taking this stuff way too seriously!

I mean it is good to research what you put in your body but in small doses I can almost gurantee that e isn't very harmful.

I know poeple who've been rushing on the stuff 24 -7 for 10 years and their coping!

Seriously though. If you compare the mental cases and deaths and violence caused by alcahole, heroin and crack youll just wanna keep on rollin. Play it safe but quit being so fucking paranoid!

(I mean that in a nice way)


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