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Chemical effects of Acid?

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Does anyone even know? i know what all the psychological effects are but what does this stuff do to your brain?

We know it doesnt cause damage in rats but those are goddamm rats...we know ecstacy causes increased flood of serotonin, what does Acid do you you?


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As a veteran tripper, I'd like to know, too. There is so much information on Ecstasy -- why so few hard facts on Acid's effect to one's brain and other organs? Not to mention long term effects, which should be available considering LSD was abundant in the sixties. Or am I not looking for the info in the right places?

Acid kicks ass! It's the best...

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I do not know a whole lot, but I do know this, and no matter what anyone tells you it is true. My boyfriend is a med student and they did a lot of research on it during his undergrad studies. Anyway, the chemicals are stored in you spine for life. They might come back and effect you when you are 80 or they may not. The more you do the more likely this is to happen. You could be driving down the road 8 years from now and may have not done acid in 5 years and you can have a flashback or distorted vision. We both have a friend that when he looks at his hand it looks distorted to him. Acid is really bad. If you are gonna do it, your gonna do it, but I would stay away. I don't think there are too many other drugs that actually stay with you for life. Sorry I don't know more than that. -SIN

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We know that flashbacks from Acid are common,...no sites have any chemical info on LSD, only psychological...if anyone has info id appreciate it..a lot...

i know the flashbacks happen, im not sure if its good or bad..how does the LSD get into the spine?

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Ok here is some info


Is the source there is more there but dont have time to post.

The saga of LSD and chromosomes is a case in point, for much of the evidence

was of this retrospective sort. The initial hypothesis, first reported in

1967, was based on the observation that LSD users seemed to have a higher

frequency of broken chromosomes in certain white blood cells (lymphocytes)

than "normal" persons (1). The _New England Journal of Medicine_ gave this

observation great prominence in an editorial titled, "Radiomimetic Effects

of LSD," suggesting that the drug mimicked radiation in its damaging effects

on genetic material. Evidence that was more circumstantial then appeared:

LSD was shown to affect chromosomes of cells growing in test tubes; a few

mothers who had used LSD gave birth to deformed babies. The scientific and

lay press gave all these findings front-page attention. The National

Institute of Mental Health eagerly seized upon and disseminated the new

information in a propaganda campaign against LSD. And, for a few months,

use of the drug appeared to decline.

But throughout this campaign, a number of facts were overlooked. First was

the total absence of any prospective studies supporting the hypothesis. No

one had tested the hypothesis in a legitimate way -- by looking at

chromosomes before exposure to the drug, giving the drug in a controlled

fashion, and then keeping watch on chromosomes. Second was the known fact

that many things affect chromosomal integrity, among them such common drugs

as aspirin and chlorpromazine (Thorazine) and recent viral infections. No

effort was made to control for these other factors in the clinical cases.

Third was the general problem of tissue-culture studies: cells growing in

test tubes do not behave the way cells do in the body. In addition, the

doses of LSD that caused visible changes in chromosomes of tissue-culture

cells were far higher than the doses living cells get when a person takes

an acid trip. Fourth, chromosomal breaks are seen in cells of all people;

the arguments turned on a statistical difference in frequency, not an

all-or-nothing difference, and the frequency of chromosomal breaks in

lymphocytes seems to correlate more directly with laboratory technique than

with other variables. (The technique of preparing lymphocytes to make

chromosomes visible is complicated and likely to produce factitious

changes.) Fifth, the lymphocyte is one of the only cells in which human

chromosomes can ever be seen under the microscope. Even if the changes were

real, they said nothing about the state of chromosomes in other cells (such

as reproductive cells). In fact, through the whole controversy no one

showed _why_ it was bad to have broken chromosomes in your lymphocytes. It

sounds bad, certainly, but one cannot say that it is bad without making a

number of shaky assumptions.

All of these logical flaws in the medical arguments against LSD were obvious

in 1967. They do not mean that the hypothesis should never have been

published, but surely it should not have been promoted by the medical

profession, the press, and the National Institute of Mental Health without

more thought. And it is significant that these logical flaws were first

pointed out in the _Berkeley Barb_ and other underground newspapers at least

eight months before the _New England Journal of Medicine_ voiced similar

doubts. The necessary prospective studies were not published until the end

of 1969 (2). Not surprisingly, they failed to demonstrate any relationship

between LSD use and chromosomal changes. They generated very little

national publicity.

This episode ought to be profoundly embarassing to journal editors and

government scientists. At one stroke it created an irreparable gap between

users of drugs and drug experts. Since 1968 I have not met a single user of

hallucinogens who will believe any reports of medical damage associated with

drugs, and the use of hallucinogens has never been higher.

(1) M. M. Cohen, K. Hirshhorn, W. A. Frosch, "In Vivo and in Vitro

Chromosomal Damage Induced by LSD-25," _New England Journal of Medicine_ 227

(1967), p. 1043.

(2) J. H. Tjio, W. N. Pahnke, A. A. Kurland, "LSD and Chromosomes: A

Controlled Experiment," _Journal of the American Medical Association_ 210

(1969), p. 849. For a recent review of the whole field, see N. I.

Dishotsky, W. D. Loughman, R. E. Mogar, W. R. Lipscomb, "LSD and Genetic

Damage," _Science_ 172 (30 April 1971), p. 431.


Psychopatholgy and psychophysiology of minimal LSD-25 dosage.

A prelimiary dosage-response spectrum.

Arch.Neurol.& Psychiat. 79:208 (1958)

Double-blind studies on 14 healthy subjects confirmed that LSD fails

to elicit a physiological response in doses less than 20 mcg.

Dramatic psychic symptoms, e.g. deviations from normal in body image,

thought, and emotion, occurred only with dosages in excess of 20 mcg.

However, careful observation and questioning revealed certain changes

in affect and psychomotor activity with doses as low as 7 mcg.

Classical schizophrenia-like symptoms first begin to appear when the

dose exceeded 30 mcg.



Lysergsaure-diathyl-amid, ein Phantastikum aus der Mutterkorngruppe.

(LSD, a hallucinatory aggent from the ergot group)

Schweiz.Arch.Neur. 60 (1947).

A report is made of the mental effects of LSD. LSD was administered

on 29 occasions to 16 normal subjects and on 20 occasions to 6

schizophrenics. LSD produced a state of intoxication of the acute

exogenic reaction type. Stress is laid on the fact that LSD is active

in very small amounts (20-30 mcg. orally).



Ein neues, in sehr kleinen Mengen wirsames Phantastikum.

(An new hallucinatory agent, active in very small amounts)

Schweiz, Arch, Neur. 60,483 (1947).

20-30 mcg. LSD given orally to mentally normal subjects produced an

intoxication of the acute exogenic reaction type lasting several

hours. LSD produced autonomic and motor symptoms, disturbances of

optical perception, clouding of consciousness, a tendency to

euphoria, etc.



Diethylamide de l'acide d-lysergique et troubles psychiques de


(LSD and psychic disorders in ergotism)

C.r. Soc. Biol. 145,1609 (1951)

The authors observed after 20-50 mcg. LSD euphoria with compulsive

laughter, depression, mental disorders and even slight states of

confusion. In some cases, there were visual illusions, hallucinations

resembling those caused by mescaline, disorders of synaesthesia and

posture sense. The authors find a [superficial] similarity between

the effects of LSD and the psychic symptoms observed in epidemics of




Action de las diethylamid de l'acide d-lysergique (LSD-25) sur les


psychiques et l'electroencephalogramme.

(Effect of LSD on mental functions and the EEG)

In 7 of 12 normal subjects 40-60 mcg. LSD orally produced autonomic,

psychic and EEG responses. In 4 subjects only 1 or 2 of these

responses were observed. In 1 case LSD had no effect. The effects are

considered to be an expression of neurotic hyperexcitability

(shortening of refractory period) and a reduction in the "filtering"

of impulses through nervous centers.



Untersuchungen uber die Wirkingsweise von Lysergsaurediathylamid. (1.


(Investigations on teh mode of action of LSD (1st communication))

Wein. Ztschr.Nerenh. 6,129 (1953)

Normal subjects exhibit "specific" reactions to 25-100 mcg. LSD:

disturbances of self-awareness, ideation and perception. Chronic

alcoholics do not exhibit these reactions, especially after delirium

tremens. In Korsakow's syndrome the specific reactions are absent

only when lower portions of the brain (medulla, midbrain) are

affected. Delirium tremens produces symptoms which are similar to

those produced by LSD but of greater intensity.



Ueber die Verwendung von Raushdrogen (mesklan und

Lysergsaurediaethylamid) in

der Psychotherapie.

(The use of LSD and mescaline in psychotherapy)

Psyche 7,342 (1953/54)

LSD (40-60 mcg. orally) and mescaline (0.3-0.5 Gm i.m.) were used in

neurotic patients refreactory to psychoanalysis. Over 100

"intoxication" studies (including author's personal investigations).

LSD employed in 60 instances. The "intoxication", as does a dream,

exerted a therapeutic effect aiding psychoanalysis (24 cases

described). The therapeutic effect of LSD was better than that of

mescaline. Caution is required in cases of anxiety states and

suspected schizophrenia. The author strongly recommends that each

physician using LSD should, under supervision, study the effect of a

high dose of LSD himself in order to facilitate interpretation of a

patient's experiences under LSD.



Autoesperienze con LSD

(Personal studies with LSD)

Four studies were made of 10 and 50 mcg. LSD orally (by two

psychiatrists and one chaplain). The mental symptoms were relatively

few and were accompanied by sympaticotonia, neutrophilia and an

increase in gamma globulin.



Toxicke a experimentali dusveni porouchy

(Toxic and experimental psychoses)

Csl.Psychiat. 56,8 (1960)

Based on previous studies, the author emphasizes the importance of

the experimental psychoses, which are provoked by LSD or Psilocybin,

for research and psychicatric therapy.

Especially emphasized is that small doses of LSD(30-40mcg.) or

Psilocybin can be used with good results in ambulant treatment of

psychoneurotic and psychosomatic disorders. 200 patients received

LSD, some on several occasions. Only 2 unpleasant situations occurred

(sexual aggression towards the therapist). The influence of LSD and

mescaline on the artistic ability of professional and amateur

painters is also reported.



Variations in ego feeling induced by d-lysergic acid diethylamide


Psychoanalyt.Rev. 42:1 (1955)

Report on 300 observations of LSD in 32 hospitalized mental patients

and 6 normal controls. The dosage employed was 10-100 mcg. orally or

parenterally. In normal subjects an effect was produced by 10 mcg.

but in acute schizophrenics 100 mcg. was required to produce a much

slighter effect. In acute schizophrenics the symptoms caused by LSD

appeared to be an exaggferation of symptoms that already existed.

Chronic schisophrenicsa exhibited behavior similar to that observed

in acute episodes. Schizoid patients with depression and involutional

depressives (most subjects developed tolerance to LSD after repeated

doses.) It is concluededt hat LSD makes it impossible for the ego to

integrate the evidence of its senses and to coordinate its




Lysergic Acid Diethylamide(LSD-25): XIX. As an adjunct to brief


with special reference to ego enhancement.

J.Psychol. 41:199 (1956)

1. Previous data on the nature of the ego enhancement occuring during

the LSD-25 reaction is amplified by making a direct comaprison with

the ego depression simultaneously occuring. During the LSD-25

reaction advantage may be taken of the integrative function of the

ego if the therapist recognizes the presence of the processes of ego


2. Although ego depression may occur during the LSD-25 reaction to

produce a psychotic state, this state is associated primarily with

doses greater than 50 micrograms by mouth. The nature of the ego

depression is shown by a verbatim recording. The subject was

essentially incapable of communicating effectively with the

interviewer during the height of the LSD-25 response.

3. The nature of the integrative processes during ego enhancement

with small doses of LSD-25 (20 to 50 micrograms) is illustrated by

verbatim recordings. It is emphasized that during the LSD-25

reaction, the integrative functions of the ego often operate

effectively to utilize preconscious and unconscious material during

therapeutic interviews lasting as long as four hours and covering

periods of observation lasting six hours. Whether or not the LSD-25

reaction develops into one where ego reinforcement or one where ego

depression is emphasized depends to a great extent upon the

relationship of the therapist to the patient. During the same

therapeutic interview the therapist can manipulate the nature of the


4. It is beleived that LSD-25 may be utilized to more effectively

mobilize psychodynamic vectors during the analysis of the


5. In non-psychotic groups studied, important relationships developed

amongst groups consisting of two to five members. These always led to

some insight and better adaptive techniques both at work and in

community activities on the part of the subjects who met repeatedly.

This suggests the possible use of LSD-25 as an adjuvant to group


6. Preliminary data are reported on the effect of LSD-25 on the

reassociation of dreams. It is stressed that verbatim recordings are

a necessary condidton for the successful utilizatio of dream




Studies in human cerebral function: the effects of mescaline and lysergic

acid on cerebral processes pertinent to creative activity.

J.Nerv & Ment.Dis. 122:487 (1955)

LSD (50 mcg.) or mescaline (400-700 mg) orally impaired the highest

integrative functions of 4 graphic artists. Drawings revealed an

unusual expansiveness and relaxation of control, both colour and line

being free and bold. (black and white illustrations). No major

difference in effect between LSD and mescaline. Similar impairment of

functions was noted in a playwright given 50 mcg LSD orally.



"Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25): XV. The effects produced by

substitution of a tap water placebo."

J.Psychol. 40:367 (1955)

Studies in 33 normal subjects revealed that tap water is capable of

eliciting certain responses from certain subjects who believe they

have received LSD.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Sorry just wanted to add that mescaline is nearly exactly the same as LSD. It can be obtained very cheaply from legaly obtained Cacti. It's legal to own in any form although it's better not to have the liquid in the house.

The visuals are as good and teh only side effect is slight nousia an hour after taking it. The trip lasts as long as LSD, and the legal cactus you can buy are as strong as peyote (which is illegal)

Check the cactus growing faq on the above link for info.

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Yeh human i have tried it, it does work and i thought it was better than LSD. Mescalin is less toxic and has a more spiritual feeling with all the same visuals.

It's also been used in Mexico and by Indians for thousands of years where as LSD is a relativly modern thing.

If you have time on your hands you can buy 100 seeds for $4 and grow them to 6". 1 6" plant is like a tab of LSD. One problem it tastes horrible!!

Some places charge huge amounts for 12" cacti but if you look arround you can get a 12" (2 hits) for $10. But it's 6-16 hour trip.

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From what I read a lot of "so-called" side effects are just outright wrong. For example, they say it LSD is stored in your spinal fluid for the rest of your life and thats why people get flashbacks. This is completely untrue. LSD doses are in the micrograms, if you dont know its .000001 grams, so it is easier broken down and out of your system. Research has found that flashbacks are actually a form of post-traumatic stress syndrome. In addition, new research has also proven that LSD does not in any way damage chromosomes.


"Life is but a dream

within a dream"

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Guest clubkid77

im with mr.sick on that info.

LSD is excreated from your body very quickly.

As for how it works ont he brain, well it involves disrupting neurotransmiting chemicals. I believe seratonin is a key player. Forinstance if your on an SSRI, LSD will have much less effect on you. As for what it does, Some indication leads to the disruption of chemical messages in the brain (fuckin with neurotransmiters) and to some extent your brain is acting similar to that of dreaming. Although your concious. Flashbacks are as Mr.Sick said similar to Post traumatic shock, first of all 90% of people with flash backs had some bad trip or bad experience on acid. Otherwise while not neccisarily a "bad trip" they tripped balls and their brain/memory is sorta scarred by the event. Therefore if you could picture it this way, in your subconcious memory you have things people places etc... you also have some "memory" of some hard core wack ass acid trip. There may be a corelation, say a song, or a collor, or just an emotion feeling etc.. that is sorta the same or related etc. For whatever reason there's a relationship there, and flashbacks tend to get triggered by this relationship. Kinda like how people who saw wack shit in say the vietnam war, may be like fine all the time, walkin around just dandy, but somewhere in their subconcious locked away are bad mories, that just get stirred up by something. In the same manner you get flashbacks.

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