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"Shoot First" law now in effect in Florida.

Guest pod

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Guest teabag

let me say something..... I cannot fight for shit, I am just uncoordinated...I do admit, I try when the occasion asks for it.... but I rather sue get money for my pain and put the bastard in jail it actually feels a lot better... But if somebody invades my private property with the wrong intentions I will shoot right between the eyes of the aggressor and keep firing until the magazine is empty, fuck him and his sorry ass existance.

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Guest pod

People consider it extreme, but it is a sign of the times. Some people out there are animals and must be dealt with accordingly

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Guest jamu

I believe that only time I would ever need it is when I hear drummers at Metropolis playing :P. But seriously I dont' think that there is any need for guns :-[.

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Guest JMT

"Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA - ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State." - Heinrich Himmler

"History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so." - Adolf Hitler, 1942

"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence... The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference; they deserve a place of honor with all that's good... A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington, 1790

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Guest pod

I wish there was no need for guns. For most people, gun ownership is a response to a need. Try getting robbed, or having to wait for the cops to show up during a life-threatening emergency. If you have a weapon, you can respond immediately. If you don't, help could be corralled at the donut shop waiting on a bearclaw.

I know very few firearm owners who purchased one for kicks.

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Guest jamu

I believe that only time I would ever need it is when I hear drummers at Metropolis playing :P. But seriously I dont' think that there is any need for guns :-[.

So what was this old guy supposed to do? Beat him with his cane?


Some electric stun guns have a very large range without being lethal. I think those things are awsome. And a lot safer then gun powdered weapons.

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Guest Diabolique

damn rush hour frustrations are gonna get a whole lot messier :-X

why can't they duke it out like those two women did awhile back, lol.... anyone remember that? Two chicks got out in the freeway and fought, over what I don't know...

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Guest pod

Some electric stun guns have a very large range without being lethal. I think those things are awsome. And a lot safer then gun powdered weapons.

That still leaves the perpetrator alive though. Dead perps don't come back to do it again.

And in some cases, tasers aren't enough...it can sometimes take a few blasts to do the job if the perp is high, or is wearing thick clothing.

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Guest mursa

"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence... The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference; they deserve a place of honor with all that's good... A free people ought to be armed." - George Washington, 1790

This is what amazes me about americans .......... Our code of conduct/laws are based on events that are over 200yrs old ! .......times change, we gotta change with it .

Fact is if the Government want to oppress it's people (evil scenario) they can do so at will .........they have much more superior weapons and bombs .

ex...everyone in my apartment complex has a 357 magnum , woopty do ! here comes a J-Dam .....Game over !

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Guest pod

That isn't likely.

First off, most soldiers would not follwo the order to drop a bomb on their own population. "Just following orders"doesn't hold up under a war crimes tribunal. As a military officer, you are expected to follow orders up to a point, but there is a point where you can say that the order is immoral or irrational.

If the military was dropping bombs on us, you can bet that certain units would not follow the orders, and join up with a hypothetical "resistance" movement. In other words, I don't see Americans dropping bombs on Americans.

Still, the military having superior firepower is no excuse to disarm the populace. This isn't Europe. We're not nice to each other by default. Sucks, but hey, that's the world we live in right now. I'd rather be prepared to fight off criminals and so forth than have to scramble at the last minute.

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Guest mursa

...well. that was my "evil scenario " ///unlikely, but you got my drift ..

...i just see something wrong with shooting someone to kill because he is breaking into my car trying to steal my 100$ cd player, ya know .

.....im all for the Death penalty and getting rid of the truly scum of the earth ...but shooting petty criminals , and then saying " i thought my life was in danger" doesnt float with me ....you know some Frustrated person is gonna abuse this priviledge.

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Guest saintjohn
Some electric stun guns have a very large range without being lethal. I think those things are awsome. And a lot safer then gun powdered weapons.

Safer for whom? The person with the stun gun, or the 250 lb. thug who's trying to kill her?

For civilians, the only such device worth anything in a real fight is the M18L Taser:


It requires a combination of training and luck to use effectively. Cops are taught to use the Taser as part of the "force continuum" - it's for situations that require more than harsh language, but less than deadly force.

Even so, enough people have died after (from?) being tased that the courts seem to be moving towards classifying the Taser as a potentially deadly weapon, which would be unfortunate for law-abiding people who simply want one to protect themselves.

The advantage of the Taser, of course, is that you don't have to wait until an attacker is within arm's reach to employ it (civilian models are equipped with 15 feet of wire). The downside is that you can only use it on one person at a time, and you get exactly one chance to do so. As self-defense investments go, the $999 Taser leaves a lot to be desired.

According to statistics, violent crime rates are going down, but those numbers aren't very comforting if you happen to be the one being attacked on a given night. Whether you choose to rely on a firearm, a Taser, pepper spray, or divine intervention to keep you safe, let's be careful out there.

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Does this mean I can carry my AR-15 in Publix while I am grocery shopping?

I think I can conceil that? What happens if someone try's to go for the last bag of Doritos, can I shoot first?

Everybody in Opa-Locka and Hialeah threw a pistola party month's ago throwing there sombrero's into the air and firing at will.

Every Tom, Dick, and Dirty Harry is walking around with a glock tucked into their 3xl size pant's with a permit in the pocket.

I am pro pistol, I believe we as citizen's have the right to shoot before calling the fuzz if are life is in danger, however not everyone acesses danger the same way :-\,

Walk into any gun store, sale's are way up...........

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not everyone acesses danger the same way

That's why we have the jury system.

This new law doesn't change that.

In any event , this new law will definately open some loop holes.............

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Guest JMT
...i just see something wrong with shooting someone to kill because he is breaking into my car trying to steal my 100$ cd player, ya know .

that isnt the law. you dont understand it if thats what you think. the use of deadly force still has to be justified as it always has.

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Guest mursa
...i just see something wrong with shooting someone to kill because he is breaking into my car trying to steal my 100$ cd player, ya know .

that isnt the law. you dont uderstand it if thats what you think. the use of deadly force still has to be justified as it always has.



.. result will be IMO that some people will get gun happy when confronted with a petty thief .

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Guest JMT
...i just see something wrong with shooting someone to kill because he is breaking into my car trying to steal my 100$ cd player, ya know .

that isnt the law. you dont uderstand it if thats what you think. the use of deadly force still has to be justified as it always has.



.. result will be IMO that some people will get gun happy when confronted with a petty thief .

people could also have done that BEFORE the law changed, if they felt like it.

you still have to prove it to the police and a court, same as before.

there is also an easy solution to that problem, dont steal.

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