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To clarify the WMC vs MMC...

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Guest musicalmissionary

According to Webster:

conference = a meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern.

I promise there will be much conversing between 2 or more people about matters of common concern at all the parties associated with MMC.

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Guest Clutch

According to Webster:

conference = a meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern.

I promise there will be much conversing between 2 or more people about matters of common concern at all the parties associated with MMC.

What a joke! Its sad that those involved with the mmc think that people of this scene are idiots!

The WMC is the only real conference that will draw crowds from

around the world for festivities.

Please stop trying to insult our collective intelligence!!!! Dont try and put a spin on this for the purpose of petty games and greed!

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Guest pod

Clutch, you should come forth, you sound like a stool pigeon for someone's organization. Either that, or one of those disgruntled trainspotters I spoke about in another thread.

Don't take it so personally. People are happy that there is going to be an extension of the times.

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Guest musicalmissionary

According to Webster:

conference = a meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern.

I promise there will be much conversing between 2 or more people about matters of common concern at all the parties associated with MMC.

What a joke! Its sad that those involved with the mmc think that people of this scene are idiots!

The WMC is the only real conference that will draw crowds from

around the world for festivities.

Please stop trying to insult our collective intelligence!!!! Dont try and put a spin on this for the purpose of petty games and greed!

Nobody's calling anyone an idiot here. You chose to take it that way.

And for the record, WMC is NOT the "only real conference that will draw crowds from around the world for festivities". M3 is just a real. And as far as drawing crowds from around the world for festivities, Global Gathering and MMC will accomplish this task just fine.

It's really as simple as this... everyone is free to choose when and where they want to go. Noone is being forced to do one thing or another. There's simply more choices now to enjoy!

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Guest fended

The WMC has been a part of Miami's scene for over 21 years. I have participated in the actual conference myself for almost 9 years and have enjoyed the parties for more than 11 years.

If I were Bill Kelly (founder of the WMC) I would see the other recent immitations as flattery.

I don't necessarily agree with an extended week of events, for the simple reason that the "clubbers" meaning most of the people that read this board and that live in Miami, won't necissarily win. People will still have to pay the expensive door covers and wait in the long lines. Granted, you'd have more time to go to some parties, but that won't effect the price of the ticket, nor the qualities of the events. Hotel Rates will still be expensive (we'd be in the middle of spring break).

I know of 4 clubs in Miami Beach haven't publicly supported it as of yet. I guess everyone is waiting to see what the MMC really is. Is there a conference where prominent individuals debate on current music and clubbing conditions around the world. Another reason may be because everyone is waiting to see who the MMC/Global Gathering has confirmed to play their event and weather or not Space would take full frontal signage and branding (since gekko is behind it).

Another thing....most of the clubs in the Beach are open 7 days a week in March because of the Spring Break Tourism. The revenue made in March keeps our clubs open during the slow summer months. The increased dates would cause the Beach clubs to increase expenses at a time where they wouldn't normally have to, thus causing one or maybe two of them to not make it through the rest of the year.

In the mean time, I wish all parties involved with the MMC good luck. I always wish everyone well in this industry. Track Entertainment has always supported my family in all of our ventures and I ALWAYS wish them the best of luck in everything they do. And, if ALL the parties involved truly want to help the scene, I congratulate them for being noble.


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Good post Emi, haven't seen you in a long time, hope all is well.

Spring break is the week before, mmc planned it this way.

Bill Kelly is not very smart, all he had to do was come out with the same exact mmc dates! The movie Distinguished Gentlemen has all the answers he needs!

If WMC came out and said from now on:

1. dates won't change year to year

2. The dates are extended

Then MMC would disapear but not GG..

GG vs Ultra should be a documentary, this is going to get ugly like the cheerleaders in Wild Cats!

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Guest fended

Good post Emi, haven't seen you in a long time, hope all is well.

Spring break is the week before, mmc planned it this way.

Bill Kelly is not very smart, all he had to do was come out with the same exact mmc dates! The movie Distinguished Gentlemen has all the answers he needs!

If WMC came out and said from now on:

1. dates won't change year to year

2. The dates are extended

Then MMC would disapear but not GG..

GG vs Ultra should be a documentary, this is going to get ugly like the cheerleaders in Wild Cats!

Glad you liked the post. I usually only post out of humor.

Bill Kelly doesn't give a shit about MMC. He picks dates according to sponsorships, hotel availabilties, conference curriculem, etc. $$$ isn't the only issue when it comes to selecting the dates.

As for Spring Break, most of the schools around the US come to miami from the end of February to the beginning of April. Its a 6 week period of over booked, overpriced hotels.

Regarding Ultra and GG. I dont think its gonna get that ugly. Reference Sun Tsu's THE ART OF WAR ...."Wars are won before the first battle is even faught"

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Good post Emi, haven't seen you in a long time, hope all is well.

Spring break is the week before, mmc planned it this way.

Bill Kelly is not very smart, all he had to do was come out with the same exact mmc dates! The movie Distinguished Gentlemen has all the answers he needs!

If WMC came out and said from now on:

1. dates won't change year to year

2. The dates are extended

Then MMC would disapear but not GG..

GG vs Ultra should be a documentary, this is going to get ugly like the cheerleaders in Wild Cats!

Glad you liked the post. I usually only post out of humor.

Bill Kelly doesn't give a shit about MMC. He picks dates according to sponsorships, hotel availabilties, conference curriculem, etc. $$$ isn't the only issue when it comes to selecting the dates.

As for Spring Break, most of the schools around the US come to miami from the end of February to the beginning of April. Its a 6 week period of over booked, overpriced hotels.

Regarding Ultra and GG. I dont think its gonna get that ugly. Reference Sun Tsu's THE ART OF WAR ...."Wars are won before the first battle is even faught"

Emi, you should run for political office... ;D

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Guest fended

Good post Emi, haven't seen you in a long time, hope all is well.

Spring break is the week before, mmc planned it this way.

Bill Kelly is not very smart, all he had to do was come out with the same exact mmc dates! The movie Distinguished Gentlemen has all the answers he needs!

If WMC came out and said from now on:

1. dates won't change year to year

2. The dates are extended

Then MMC would disapear but not GG..

GG vs Ultra should be a documentary, this is going to get ugly like the cheerleaders in Wild Cats!

Glad you liked the post. I usually only post out of humor.

Bill Kelly doesn't give a shit about MMC. He picks dates according to sponsorships, hotel availabilties, conference curriculem, etc. $$$ isn't the only issue when it comes to selecting the dates.

As for Spring Break, most of the schools around the US come to miami from the end of February to the beginning of April. Its a 6 week period of over booked, overpriced hotels.

Regarding Ultra and GG. I dont think its gonna get that ugly. Reference Sun Tsu's THE ART OF WAR ...."Wars are won before the first battle is even faught"

Emi, you should run for political office... ;D

I am. But in 3 or 4 years. I will be doing some pro-bono political work in the next year or so just to get my feet wet.

The rest is all promotion. ;D

I'm gonna need an online campaign manager. you Interested?

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Good post Emi, haven't seen you in a long time, hope all is well.

Spring break is the week before, mmc planned it this way.

Bill Kelly is not very smart, all he had to do was come out with the same exact mmc dates! The movie Distinguished Gentlemen has all the answers he needs!

If WMC came out and said from now on:

1. dates won't change year to year

2. The dates are extended

Then MMC would disapear but not GG..

GG vs Ultra should be a documentary, this is going to get ugly like the cheerleaders in Wild Cats!

Glad you liked the post. I usually only post out of humor.

Bill Kelly doesn't give a shit about MMC. He picks dates according to sponsorships, hotel availabilties, conference curriculem, etc. $$$ isn't the only issue when it comes to selecting the dates.

As for Spring Break, most of the schools around the US come to miami from the end of February to the beginning of April. Its a 6 week period of over booked, overpriced hotels.

Regarding Ultra and GG. I dont think its gonna get that ugly. Reference Sun Tsu's THE ART OF WAR ...."Wars are won before the first battle is even faught"

Emi, you should run for political office... ;D

I am. But in 3 or 4 years. I will be doing some pro-bono political work in the next year or so just to get my feet wet.

The rest is all promotion. ;D

I'm gonna need an online campaign manager. you Interested?

I'm in! I'll be your online consigleiri...

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People worldwide are laughing at this greedy attemt 'mmc'! It has not been recieved well by major industry players and in my humble oppinion will start a negative domino affect for all people organizing it.


[glow=red,2,300]No baby not me.....you will know when I want to say something. I don't hide behind screen names. I am very upfront and take credit for my opinions. I respect Nick and Dan and some other people they are affiliated with enough to not to start an argument on here just yet.

However I do have some great news coming up about UMF. So stay tuned.


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Guest nickjunkie

Much respect for Mr Guerra as always, and you have a lot of valid points.

As far as extending dates goes, I honestly believe that having another weekend that focuses more on the locals will be a huge benefit to Miami clubbers. Offering locals the opportunity to attend events when there aren't quite so many house music-oriented tourists around will take a lot of the pain out of getting into clubs, and although I doubt that any of those events will be free / reduced, there certainly wouldn't be the mania at the doors that we typically get during those 5 amazing days. Most people are happy to pay a cover for the huge events if they know that they won't have to fight with 1500 tourists to get in.

I also suspect that the door prices would probably be a little more sensible than during the peak of conference, and certainly it will be easier for promoters to spot their regular customers at doors and take care of them. I know that one of the hardest jobs for me at our BBC event is trying to run around fast enough to take care of all of my friends and contacts at the event.

In addition I believe that there's an opportunity to offer more diversity in terms of music - I definitely wouldn't expect to see every single venue with a bar to be booking huge talent for 2 weeks, but by raising the profile of Miami for a longer period it gives venues the option of hosting events featuring not only DJ's, but live acts or varying genres of music to accomodate the varying music tastes in Miami. Even venues who choose not to participate and keep their spend to a minimum are bound to see an increase in business due to the increased promotion of Miami nightlife in general during that period.

It just seems nuts that we all work so hard year round to create this nightlife mecca, and then only choose to celebrate it for 5 days. Ibiza has an entire season, and there's no reason why the Miami nightlife community shouldn't be benefitting more from the scene we have here. We just need to be working together to figure out the best way to do that.

At the end of the day Track Entertainment will continue to support everything that we see as beneficial to Miami nightlife, and continue to work with anyone who wants to work with us. We've financially sponsored WMC for several years and will do so again this year and in the coming years. We also work with M3 and are very supportive of their forward thinking approach to dance music, and finally the MMC concept also makes sense from both a business and consumer standpoint, and may well be the best way to continue to grow what we've all built here.

As for Global Gathering I've personally been inviting all of Miami's clubs to become a part of GG weekend, and I really hope everyone comes on board to join the many clubs who have already. Although Louis from Space is a partner in the event and is sharing risk with all of us, he has agreed that Space will share the same level of branding as all other clubs who choose to participate in the event. Emi - I hope that we can have a conversation outside the messageboard about GG so that you can see how we plan to make this a beneficial event for all of Miami's clubs.

When it comes down to it the clubbers will decide what they perceive to be the best approach. If we add extra days and events and no-one turns up, then so be it - we'll lose our asses, lick our wounds and come back next year with a new plan. However if growing what we have is successful, everyone will benefit and we'll see our nightlife scene grow stronger as a result. I think that's worth a shot.

I hope this answers some of your questions Emi as well as questions that I know the whole local nightlife community is asking. Change is always a very difficult process, but business doesn't stand still and our annual celebration will either grow and thrive or shrink and die, and it's up to all of us to push it forward, not just one organization. After all if it hadn't been for clubs taking the initiative and beginning to book talent to coincide with the official conference (without the blessing of WMC in most cases), we wouldn't even be talking about this today...

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Guest pod

See that's the thing, people think we're going for the jugular with this WMC vs MMC deal. Whomever SOB is, he is right, I see it as WMC and MMC. In the end, we all win.

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Guest DjRenzo

Guys let keep it positive we are so lucky

to have so many events going on so many people look

interesting on doing something for the (WMC, M3, MMC)




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Guest tijuanarave

Guys let keep it positive we are so lucky

to have so many events going on so many people look

interesting on doing something for the (WMC, M3, MMC)




a huevo!!!... yo opino lo mismo...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest xmuzik

i'm going to both & anything else i can find...... my only hope is that those already deeply involved in the industry will make it easier & more user friendly to actually make solid contacts & deals for albums , touring , videos , radio , tv , internet etc. so that we can really grow the american electronic scene/ sound

thats why i go every year , i want to see the scene grow & see some new fresh artists start to take hold ..... i could care less about 50 club nights with the same 50 dj's i can see until i'm blue in the face in new orleans , houston , or dallas

a true conference is about business 1st & the party as a after thought & i think thats the 1 thing that everyone is missing out on right now & a big reason why electronic music is in the shape its in in america...............


this is the point where everyone laughs at me and starts talking again about tiesto

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