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Time 2 Shine !!! Early Roll Call


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Guest Stogie

As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

happy to have you on board

You got a cigar there buddy? I'll hook you up with a cigarette :P see u Saturday November 12th 8)

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As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

happy to have you on board

You got a cigar there buddy? I'll hook you up with a cigarette :P see u Saturday November 12th 8)

hell i may even smoke one for the first time to celebrate this ;D

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Guest mp3some

As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

happy to have you on board

You got a cigar there buddy? I'll hook you up with a cigarette :P see u Saturday November 12th 8)

hell i may even smoke one for the first time to celebrate this ;D

a year of firsts for the blingster!!!!!! ;)

bring it on!

.- 8)

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Guest djjoncowan

As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

as everyday passes it get closer and closer ;)

- hey mr dj peace, isn't justin a local? we are definitely into supporting our locals but the chance to have guys like tarrentell and kelvin "soul mekanik" andrews plus justin johnson (local and cj'er I must add) just doesn't come around everyday! I am a local dj who has held residencys locally @ groovejet for years and played everyplace from shadow to crobar, to space,locally and renaissance, home, cream and ministy of sound ect internationally and I own the place but I know when to step aside... kelvin is the man... come listen and you'll see why he's our resident..

see you all this weekend and THANKYOU for the support!

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Guest defunes

Man all my friends are asking me if I work for Shine or something, haha. But I'm very psyched and can't wait to celebrate 11th and 12th. Mr Farina is going to make everything so special...See everyone at Shine!! Less than 4 days away...

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Guest defunes


Table Reservation...Check

Great Music....Check

Great Thirst for Booze...Check

So pretty much unless I'm run over by a truck I'll be there...

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Guest djjoncowan

email your list to elizabeth@shinesouthbeach.com

tell her I told you to email the list... see you on the 12th

Jon Cowan

Hey Jon, should we expect a confirmation email? Not a biggie either way, just wanted to know whether I should look for one.

if you emailed your sorted.... email elizabeth@shinesouthbeach.com ;) - see you all friday & saturday... this is gonna be sick!

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Guest Fez

for Friday, Nov 11:

Red carpet attire. Suits and gowns.

Don't forget! And please don't take it lightly!

which bar are you going to be working on???

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Guest Devilicious

for Friday, Nov 11:

Red carpet attire. Suits and gowns.

Don't forget! And please don't take it lightly!

which bar are you going to be working on???

In the ballroom, the bar on the 2nd tier, facing the booth ;D

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Guest Stogie

i wanna gooooooooooooooooooo :( but still have a fever low grade fever but still a fever :'(

sucks i had to miss fri

Come on Bling, drink some soup, take some vitamins eat a big ass meal and head out there or try, good luck feel better. 8)

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Guest ramon

i wanna gooooooooooooooooooo :( but still have a fever low grade fever but still a fever :'(

sucks i had to miss fri

take a dayquil and party it up like a true trooper :P

hell i was dying in detroit when i went to see richie and company , but i didnt fly a few thousand miles to end up sick in a bed .. needless to say i had some euchanecia and some vitamin c and i was good for another 24 :)

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Guest Cosmigonon

i wanna gooooooooooooooooooo :( but still have a fever low grade fever but still a fever :'(

sucks i had to miss fri

Come on Bling, eat a big ass and head out there or try, good luck feel better. 8)

Good advice...

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Guest coach

Friday was a lot of fun. Some highlights.

Pigs-in-a-blanket at a VIP gala, that takes balls. They were good, though.

The DJ in the front room was great. When we walked in he was playing Stayin Alive and mixed that right into Run DMC's version of Walk This Way without missing a beat.

The living greek statues were cool, but the living lamps were truly creative.

I think if you're gonna ask people to wear suits, you might could turn up the AC.

Speaking of which, *really* weak on the dresscode enforcement. I don't mind getting dressed up, I like it every now and then, but it is really annoying when I'm in a suit and the dipwad next to me is in jeans.

Oh, I loved the merpeople, but they could have used a little bit of lighting.

Ran into Mishka, Lee, and Swank, but that was it. Where was everybody else?

I like the layout, generally. 2 rooms, the hallways/lounge, and the back pool area/patio. Plenty of places to wander.

Large amounts of door drama, but the staff was really nice. We didn't really get caught up in the drama, except earlier when there was a little miscommunication, but there were plenty of others who were having issues. I still haven't figured out why it is so hard for some people to rsvp for the guestlist.

All in all, a lot of fun. Hope to see more of you tonight.

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Guest Stogie

Friday was a lot of fun. Some highlights.

Pigs-in-a-blanket at a VIP gala, that takes balls. They were good, though.

The DJ in the front room was great. When we walked in he was playing Stayin Alive and mixed that right into Run DMC's version of Walk This Way without missing a beat.

The living greek statues were cool, but the living lamps were truly creative.

I think if you're gonna ask people to wear suits, you might could turn up the AC.

Speaking of which, *really* weak on the dresscode enforcement. I don't mind getting dressed up, I like it every now and then, but it is really annoying when I'm in a suit and the dipwad next to me is in jeans.

Oh, I loved the merpeople, but they could have used a little bit of lighting.

Ran into Mishka, Lee, and Swank, but that was it. Where was everybody else?

I like the layout, generally. 2 rooms, the hallways/lounge, and the back pool area/patio. Plenty of places to wander.

Large amounts of door drama, but the staff was really nice. We didn't really get caught up in the drama, except earlier when there was a little miscommunication, but there were plenty of others who were having issues. I still haven't figured out why it is so hard for some people to rsvp for the guestlist.

All in all, a lot of fun. Hope to see more of you tonight.

Good Mini Review Coach, I'll be out there tonight as one of the many promoting this gig.....can't wait...

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