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Time 2 Shine !!! Early Roll Call


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Guest Fez

The actual grand opening on Saturday is not a black tie event.

The special Friday VIP opening is red carpet attire, suits and gowns.

There is sound and lighting EVERYwhere in Shine, beggining when you walk in the front door. There's plenty of room and there are plenty of bars, so bring cash and get your liver ready! :)

do u work there?

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Guest Dj_Peace

and how funny is it that the resident dj's arent the locals but out of towners... does South Florida lack on dj's or what? Hmmm???

I'll probably get dinged for saying this, but oh well.

South Florida doesn't lack on dj's, but it lacks on quality eclectic dj's. The majority of dj's around here are very limited in the range of what they play. Kelvin Andrews plays EVERYTHING and he plays it all very well. For a venue like Shine that appears to be catering to a very high-end clientelle, it takes a dj with a very broad range to provide an atmosphere that will set itself apart from the more typical clubs (ex.. bangin house all night long). There's less than a handful of dj's around here that play that kinda diversity.

Also, it's not too hard to imagine that there were probably other inside reasons such as existing relationships that played a big factor. I doubt they cold-called the guy and said "Hey, you wanna move to Miami?". Or maybe they did. Either way, win-win for Miami Beach clubbing.

Theres less than a handful of dj's around here that play that kinda diversity? How hard do you think they looked.? And why do you make such a statement? The reality is more in line with the supposition that there were"exisiting relationships" (read clique). The most interesting thing to me since I have been here in South Florida is the lack of support,love and professional courtesy shown to local djs and artists. It seems to me that local djs and artists have to go elsewhere to get love and, once they relocate elsewhere, they are courted by the very same promoters/club owners that wouldn't previously give them the time of day. AS Biz Markie says "they got the vapors". I would love to play more frequently here in my adopted home of South Florida but until such time as shady promoters and politicos learn to support the homegrown talent and open up the doors of opportunity for their own, I will be content (and better paid) to play in the other cities and countries that I currently get love from.

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Guest djjoncowan

hey everyone

thanks a million for the compliments. Kelvin and I are both extremely excited. Can't beleive opening is a little over a week away. we both hope to see you all on friday and saturday. although friday is an upscale "gala" type opening we need all of the house heads here as well. A casually "stylish" dress is 100% acceptable. In terms of our venue let me give you a bit of the rundown. the main room holds about 750 or so and has an absolutely amazing sound system designed by the master - steve dash! its a three teir room with a vip room on the thrid level and the dj placed perfectly with clear veiw of everyone on each level. the dancefloors are hardwood and the lighting show is something I promise you will have never seen the likes of before designed by I-design. the lounge is made of hand crafted stone walls and the music feeds out into the surrounding lobby area and coordoors. in total it probably holds an additional 650 for capacity. the pool area holds an additional 800 or so and the background sound can be seperate of from either room. the entire complex should be amazing.

anyways, I'd like to cordially invite all of you to both nights of our grand opening. You may Rsvp to me personally - jonathancowan@mac.com or actually even better to elizabeth@shinesouthbeach.com - please put in the heading rsvp and do seperate emails for both nights. make sure to include in the email to elizabeth that you were invited personally by Jon Cowan. Look forward to seeing you all on the 11th and 12th of november


Jon Cowan


wow! the emails have already begun from you lot. keep em coming. this is definitely going to be special... ;D

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Guest Devilicious

The actual grand opening on Saturday is not a black tie event.

The special Friday VIP opening is red carpet attire, suits and gowns.

There is sound and lighting EVERYwhere in Shine, beggining when you walk in the front door. There's plenty of room and there are plenty of bars, so bring cash and get your liver ready! :)

do u work there?


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Guest Fez

The actual grand opening on Saturday is not a black tie event.

The special Friday VIP opening is red carpet attire, suits and gowns.

There is sound and lighting EVERYwhere in Shine, beggining when you walk in the front door. There's plenty of room and there are plenty of bars, so bring cash and get your liver ready! :)

do u work there?


;):D 8)

Friday or Saturday?

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Guest swank

hey everyone

thanks a million for the compliments. Kelvin and I are both extremely excited. Can't beleive opening is a little over a week away. we both hope to see you all on friday and saturday. although friday is an upscale "gala" type opening we need all of the house heads here as well. A casually "stylish" dress is 100% acceptable. In terms of our venue let me give you a bit of the rundown. the main room holds about 750 or so and has an absolutely amazing sound system designed by the master - steve dash! its a three teir room with a vip room on the thrid level and the dj placed perfectly with clear veiw of everyone on each level. the dancefloors are hardwood and the lighting show is something I promise you will have never seen the likes of before designed by I-design. the lounge is made of hand crafted stone walls and the music feeds out into the surrounding lobby area and coordoors. in total it probably holds an additional 650 for capacity. the pool area holds an additional 800 or so and the background sound can be seperate of from either room. the entire complex should be amazing.

anyways, I'd like to cordially invite all of you to both nights of our grand opening. You may Rsvp to me personally - jonathancowan@mac.com or actually even better to elizabeth@shinesouthbeach.com - please put in the heading rsvp and do seperate emails for both nights. make sure to include in the email to elizabeth that you were invited personally by Jon Cowan. Look forward to seeing you all on the 11th and 12th of november


Jon Cowan


wow! the emails have already begun from you lot. keep em coming. this is definitely going to be special... ;D

'Shining' up my *BUMP* ;D

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Guest Spankmeister

Farina always brings it...I am very excited to see what Shine is going to look like and to hear some good FarinaHouse...:D

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Guest Justin Johnson

As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

yeah i like the room ur playin in its pretty pimp ;D

I love the retro feel to it. You know I'm gonna have to throw down some Frank Sinatra in there, just because... LOL

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Guest Spankmeister

As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

yeah i like the room ur playin in its pretty pimp ;D

I love the retro feel to it. You know I'm gonna have to throw down some Frank Sinatra in there, just because... LOL

If you do Frankie, then you have to throw some Dean in there too...and don't forget Tony!

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Guest Justin Johnson

As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

yeah i like the room ur playin in its pretty pimp ;D

I love the retro feel to it. You know I'm gonna have to throw down some Frank Sinatra in there, just because... LOL

If you do Frankie, then you have to throw some Dean in there too...and don't forget Tony!

Damn straight!

And a little Bobby Darin too...'Call me irresponsible'...

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Guest Justin Johnson

As each day passes, I get more & more excited for the opening. ;D

happy to have you on board


EXTREMELY happy to be on board.

Did Jon give you my 'pressure' CD? I gave him extra copies for you & Gerry.

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