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Finding out if "X" has PMA in it


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I thought more people would fear this because it will kill you, but apparently everyone is just rolling away. I'm not however. Ecstacy used to be my favorite drug, but I had to give it up for fear I could die. Is there a way to find out if your pill has this shit in it besides sending it somewhere. I can't do that, and I can't order an E-Z kit either. I used to be able to pop anything whenever but, the moron who put this shit into the pill should die. What do I do? Do I just give it up? thanks


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Find a dealer who you trust. Someone who you know or have a relationship with. EZ-Tests won't help because PMA doesn't cos a reaction with the tests. You have to remember though by taking any kind of drug, we are always running a risk of something happening to us. Just be safe and careful



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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All i can say is that if youre consuming ecstacy, you owe it to yourself to make sure its mdma and not something else. You must order a tester from Eztest.com or DS....find a way.

BTW, when you drop the reagant on a pill with PMA in it, it doesnt do anything. So if your pill scrapings dont turn purple quickly, dont eat it.



AIM:Turbo SC300

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Originally posted by smashlips:

you can buy a thin-layer chromatography tester that *IS* able to detect pma.



I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by vj604:

Chromatography is a semi complicated process...other than that, the EZ test will work. It just doesnt change color to purple if it detects PMA or any other adulterants aside from speed, dxm, or 2-cb

Exactly so you could still get a pill with PMA in it and not know. Just because it turns black or purple doesn't mean there is no PMA in it



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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Youre right about that, but from what Ive read so far on pma containing pills, they are not mdma + pma, just pma instead. PMA in small doses is used recreationally, but the amount of PMA pressed into a pill is well beyond the ld50 dose.



AIM:Turbo SC300

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Yea the Ld50 for pma supposedly starts at 50mg. Fucking chemists out looking to make a quicker buck. If they are really trying to save money, then they should make mda. I mean it is a couple of steps easier then synthesizing mdma. Or just raise their price a few pennies.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i've been looking for that page with the pma tester thingy but i can't find it.. someone posted it on the substances board a few months ago and for the life of me i can't find it anywhere.. but from what i *have* found, it looks like the testing process is relatively easy if you have access to basic chemistry equipment..



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