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WWF: Global Warming Already Harming Europe


BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Global warming is making life more dangerous for people across Europe and even starting to hurt businesses, necessitating urgent action from the European Union, the WWF environmental group said Tuesday.

``The citizens expect to see real action from the EU because climate change is already a reality in their daily life,'' said Stephan Singer, head of WWF International's climate change unit.

``Snow disappearing in Scotland, fewer bees in Italy, crop losses in Spain, forests on the decline in Germany and sea levels rising off the coast of England are dangerous signs of climate change in Europe,'' WWF International said, saying the changes hurt the livelihoods of laborers, like foresters and farmers, whose work depends on nature's predictability.

After meeting with EU Commission officials, the Switzerland-based group brought five people from across the continent to Brussels to describe how climate change is affecting their daily lives.

Cassian Garbett, 45, from England, said he is the last permanent resident in one of five coastguard cottages near the town of Seaford - a position that has allowed him to observe a rise in the sea level there. ``What we've been experiencing in the past four to five years is that the sea is a very different animal.''

The sea defenses that protect his home from flooding have broken four times since 1999, he said, and nobody in the region can remember them breaking before that.

Giuseppe Miranti, 26, an Italian organic beekeeper, said warmer temperatures are making flowers bloom outside their regular season, which changes the behavior of his bees. It prevents him from producing honey made from the pollen of a single flower - the highest quality honey - and keeps parasites that attack bees alive longer.

``To get my job done now, I have to combat nature itself,'' Miranti said.

EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said he will keep those people's experiences in mind as he heads to a United Nations climate change conference in Montreal next week.

The Nov. 28 - Dec. 9 conference will be the first since the UN emissions-reducing Kyoto Protocol took hold this year.

Dimas said the EU has set up a program to meet its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8 percent by 2012, and he wants to use the Montreal meeting to discuss an international global warming program that would extend beyond that year.


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Guest slamminshaun

The debate over climate change evolved into a battle of the sexes Monday at the 11th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. The spokesman for a feminist-based environmental group accused men of being the biggest contributors to human-caused "global warming" and lamented that women are bearing the brunt of the negative climate consequences created by men.


Ok, so let me understand. Men cause global warming, and women end up suffering from it. ::) What's sad is that people actually believe this shit.

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Guest junglesmacks

The debate over climate change evolved into a battle of the sexes Monday at the 11th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. The spokesman for a feminist-based environmental group accused men of being the biggest contributors to human-caused "global warming" and lamented that women are bearing the brunt of the negative climate consequences created by men.


Ok' date=' so let me understand. Men cause global warming, and women end up suffering from it. ::) What's sad is that people actually believe this shit.


uh seeing as that it's mainly men being the politicians that fail to adhere to world standards or even ATTEND the Kyoto summit even though their country produces 1/4 of the greenhouse gasses emitted in the planet..

i could see the logic in that statement like that.

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Guest Adam Singer

we havent been keeping climate records long enough to say anything for sure

besides, the earth has been around for much longer than man, it has survived through cataclysmic events such as ice ages and meteors slamming into earth...

and we think we're some kind of big threat? hah, i bet the earth shakes our species off long before we cause any real damage...

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Guest slamminshaun

The debate over climate change evolved into a battle of the sexes Monday at the 11th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. The spokesman for a feminist-based environmental group accused men of being the biggest contributors to human-caused "global warming" and lamented that women are bearing the brunt of the negative climate consequences created by men.


Ok, so let me understand. Men cause global warming, and women end up suffering from it. ::) What's sad is that people actually believe this shit.

uh seeing as that it's mainly men being the politicians that fail to adhere to world standards or even ATTEND the Kyoto summit even though their country produces 1/4 of the greenhouse gasses emitted in the planet..

i could see the logic in that statement like that.

Then everything wrong in the world is man's fault, and women simply suffer helplessly as a result. If this "logic" is applied to global warming, then you have to be consistent and say that women do not contribute to anything wrong in the world....only a man is capable of doing so since, as you pointed out, men are the majority of politicians. That also means anything good in the world is the product of male ingenuity and females, as you pointed out, are the minority and contribute nothing. Your statement in itself is the epitomy of sexism.

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Guest slamminshaun

And with every arguement for global warming, there's an equal argument against it.

Let's take the hurricanes for example. All the wacko leftists want you to believe that global warming caused the hurricanes this year. Well, how come Dr. William Gray and Max Mayfield (the two leading hurricane experts) don't agree with that? They believe its part of a natural cycle, but liberals want you to believe the cause is man made.



The media doesn't make things any better. They sell papers based on negative news. Global warming is negative news, thus, why they push it so hard in their papers. It was only 30 years ago that the media pushing a "global cooling" agenda....that's right, GLOBAL COOLING. Here's a chart from Newsweek in 1975 that "supported" an article they wrote that said global cooling will destroy the world. They recycle this "climatic change" crap every generation but refuse to accept the possibility that its just Mother Nature.


Most of this global warming hype is based on junk science. I'm not saying global warming absolutely does not exist. I'm saying we should hear both sides of the argument. Public policy, such as the Kyoto Treaty, should not be based on junk science. But if you were to hear the opinions of many in the media, you'd think those against the Kyoto Treaty are the anti-Christ. Well, what does that make Osama Bin Laden who SUPPORTS the Kyoto Treaty?


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The debate over climate change evolved into a battle of the sexes Monday at the 11th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. The spokesman for a feminist-based environmental group accused men of being the biggest contributors to human-caused "global warming" and lamented that women are bearing the brunt of the negative climate consequences created by men.


Ok' date=' so let me understand. Men cause global warming, and women end up suffering from it. ::) What's sad is that people actually believe this shit.


Feminists have issues beyond control... Simply not worth debating. I've dealt and argued with many of these morons before, it's sad and pointless. My reasoning behind their irrationality is simple. Ask any credible psychologist and he/ she will freely admit that men tend to be more logical and women then to be more emotional. Quite often, whatever they say or feel [feminists] is emotionally driven. One cannot be logical if you are overly emotional. You're supposed to think with your brain, not your heart. Duh... Anything that is said or done under these circumstances is bound to be senseless. The Feminist groups will never get anywhere or accomplish anything thinking the way they do. They are cynics in the truest sense of the word. They accuse men of being sexists, yet their endless rambling is 10 times worse. They hate men by default, they make us seem like we are the scum of the earth. But it's ok, because they're women, they're exempt from double standards. ::) Like Chris Rock said" Women should be running the world right now. How come they don't ? Because women hate women" and they don't even realize it.

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