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This pills are dangerous, me and two of my friends had to be rushed to the hospital friday night. Our heartrates were at 170 beats per min. The doctor told us if we had waited any longer we would of most likely been dead. We didnt mix these pills with any other drugs before you go asking. Secondly this is definitely not our first or second time trying pills. Like i said before I have never in my life gotten a pill this strong. Someone else that i know who took this pill, rolled off of it for more the 24 hrs, with periods of speediness and periods of hallucinations. Please watch out for these pills.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


[This message has been edited by e-tarded (edited 11-20-2000).]

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from my experience these pills would of been mda. Some of the strongest shit i have ever seen. These pills were taken on friday and we are still feeling the effects from them today, even after going to the hospital. If i had to take a guess I would say they were mda, cut with speed. In the time I have been rolling I have never ever felt like this, or would i ever wanna feel like this.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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dude, that's crazy. I can't believe you were in the hospital, good thing you were smart to go though. How are you feeling today? Who actually made the decision to go, you or your friend? The reason I ask, is this is an important lesson that too many people will neglect- if something is not right and someone is not reacting well to a drug, get medical attention immediately. Yes, it might suck having to admit to a doctor or family member that you were taking drugs, but the consequences could be much worse if you don't get help and try and wait it out. Remember, it's ok to party hard as long as you party smart as well.

Glad you are ok dude.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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i think the feeling like your heart is about to explode and is showing no signs of stopping is usually a very good indicator. Your temperature can also rise pretty dramatically while this is happening.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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my heartbeat could be seen through my chest. plus when i checked my pulse i could tell that it was way out of control same with my other friend. except she had a lot more difficulty in breathing



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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Yo e-tarded,

First off im glad to hear that you are ok. A friend of mine ran into these a few weeks ago. I told him to stay away from em but he didnt listen to my warning and he paid for it for 3 days he couldnt sleep or eat. They have been all over pillreports for the past 2 months with people reporting meth-like experiences.

Also I was just wondering why you would take a pill when someone only 5 days ago made a post on YOUR message board said to stay away from them and that they were 100% meth.

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Yo e-tarded,

First off im glad to hear that you are ok. A friend of mine ran into these a few weeks ago. I told him to stay away from em but he didnt listen to my warning and he paid for it for 3 days he couldnt sleep or eat. They have been all over pillreports for the past 2 months with people reporting meth-like experiences.

Also I was just wondering why you would take a pill when someone only 5 days ago made a post on YOUR message board said to stay away from them and that they were 100% meth. Mabey u should slip 1 into

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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

E- Did you test those pills with the EZ-Tester before hand? Or, did you acquire them on the spot. Also, what do they do for/to you in the hospital for that?

Glad to hear you made it out in one piece.


No I didn't test these pills before. These pills were bought from a trusted and supposedly good friend, who I have known for years. Yes I should of praticed what I preach about always testing your pills. If I ever decide to do pills again trust me I am going to test them

At the hospital they gave me three shots of, I forget the name but it is just like thorazine, it reduces your heart rate, and relaxes you



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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Originally posted by ionx:

Yo e-tarded,

First off im glad to hear that you are ok. A friend of mine ran into these a few weeks ago. I told him to stay away from em but he didnt listen to my warning and he paid for it for 3 days he couldnt sleep or eat. They have been all over pillreports for the past 2 months with people reporting meth-like experiences.

Also I was just wondering why you would take a pill when someone only 5 days ago made a post on YOUR message board said to stay away from them and that they were 100% meth. Mabey u should slip 1 into

I wish I would of read that in the first place and again as I said before they were bought from a supposed trusted and good friend.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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I did read that part and i started to say mabey you should be a supposed friend back and slip him one of his own pills. Maybe if he got a taste of what its like then maybe he wouldnt sell that shit to others.

If he sold a "good friend" those things, I can only imagine what he would sell to the general puplic. Just think of the countless people's nites he has ruined. Or even worse, as you already said, he could caused your death.

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Yea she didnt wanna to go, but i told her she had too, there was no way we could stay like this. No mattter how fucked up i ever get I am always responsible for the ppl I party with. If they are hanging out with me and getting fucked up on anything I always watch out for them. Cos when the time need be, I can function well enough to get shit done. We both made the decisions to actual tell the doctors what we did. I don't care what they think of me, as long as they knew what was in our bodies and how to treat it.



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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hey e,

all this happened from just one pill?

thats fucked up if it is...

good to hear your ok though...who would be here to answer all our druggie questions...

cwm30.gif peace out cwm30.gif


~~ TrYpDaLyTeFaNtAsTiC ~~

I scream I scream so much you know what I mean, this electric stream, my tears in league with wires and energy, my machine this is my beautiful dream dream dream, Of hurting no one, hurting no one, hurting no one, I'm hurting no one I wanna give you everything I wanna give you energy, I wanna give a good thing I wanna give you everything


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Glad you're ok e-tarded... You being one of the more knowledgeable people about E that I've run into, it would have been an especially cruel twist of fate for you to die from it.

Maybe you can answer a question fore me: If you go to the hospital for something like this, can you get into legal trouble, or do the doctors just treat you and send you on your way?


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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E---Holy Shit, that's messed!!! Good to know you made it though, it's not to often people react the way you did in situations like that. I've seen it too many times, people getting fucked up and not being able to handle themselves. Have you been able to sleep much since?

I do have a question for you though. When I roll, I have the hardest time going to sleep after, but my friends all pass out like it was nothing. Why does this happen to me and not everyone else? Is there anyway to stop it? cwm31.gif

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Im not e, but to answer the last 2 posts

1. They cant notify the authorities, unless they find drugs on you

2. Are you taking anything else when you roll? If youre taking caffeine(ripped fuel, vivarin etc even red bull)?

If you have a hard time falling asleep, get melatonin, its natural sleep hormone, which is available otc. Take 6-9mg and youll be out cold. Nyquil will work too, but get the non-habit forming.

Try melatonin though, its my favorite.

To e, bro thats fucked up. I was at a party over the summer where a guy had a seizure from G and alcohol. He was grinding his teeth so hard we could hear it a block away. His sympthoms were opposite to yours, he had a weak pulse, was paranoid, diff breathing.

For a while i was ready to do cpr on the fucker. The worst part about it was that his buddies didnt want to take him to the hospital cause they were scared to get in trouble. I had to call the cops, otherwise they wanted to live him on the bus stop and the fucker would have been dead.

Im glad youre ok though


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Diesel77, thanks for the info. I never even need to take caffeine or anything else to keep me going. I have actually tried the nyquil deal but it didn't work. I feel asleep for maybe and hour at the most and woke right back up. I will try that other shit though. A couple of weeks ago I dropped around 9:45 pm Fri. and didn't go to sleep until 11:00 pm Sat. I was pissed, doing the tossing and turning, turning the tv on and off. It's weird cuz I feel like I could go to sleep but I just lay there with my eyes closed, half the time I can't even move. cwm24.gif

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