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About rabidpanda

  • Birthday 12/03/1981

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  1. I've had red, orange, yellow, and blue ones. They are all pretty much the same. Decent come up, very mild plateua, and lasts for a good while. Rolling effects are minimal with just one pill, not strong at all. Increasing effectiveness with increasing dosage.
  2. I believe the last reported figure was 15 dogs trained to smell MDMA. In other words, its not the dogs I would worry about.
  3. I just ordered an ounce of salvia. Anyone else have any experience with this trippy legal drug? I've heard its more mystical than recreational, but that it is definitely an experience. I'll let you know how it goes in a few weeks.
  4. Seriously kid, besides a few of them, thats exactly how it is. Clubbing and raving is a subculture all its own. Funny stuff but very much on target... Saturday night...get crunked up!
  5. Seriously, on acid, I saw infinite. There's no way to describe the time dilation on acid, except to experience it. I could have lived 5 lifetimes in one night. Beans though... god damned, time goes by too fucking fast!
  6. Different strokes for different folks. My first time was definitely my last, but it was interesting, don't get me wrong.
  7. Anything with purely DXM as the ingredient will work. I go with Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough, but any generic brand will work just the same (try to get one with more mg of DXM per ml so you won't have to drink as much). Robotripping for me, really sucked. Aside from throwing up my dinner 2 hours after drinking half the bottle, I felt very disconnected, and overall if I didn't know I had drank a whole bunch of cough syrup, I would have thought I was just having a bad headache. Its kind of like a long hit of nitrous, but I guess if that's your thing, you'll like it.
  8. I was simply wondering whether MDMA itself has a distinct discernable taste. Most of the pills I have had in the past had a very strong bitter medicinal taste, but a few pills I currently have taste chalky, and very bland, a lot different than what Im used to. Unfortunately, my EZ test hasn't come in yet, so I have to hope.
  9. Hitting the juice is a very big step, especially if you've only been in the game for 5 months. Regardless, it does work and it works effectively (if you know what you're doing), and as with all things, precautions, preperation, and education can minimize certain risks that accompany steroid use. As with above, you should really wait to hit the sauce until you've pushed your natural genetic limit and then use it to push your physique to the next level, but since I was also once a very anxious and idealistic bodybuilder, I know you'll probably try it anyway. The least you can do is be safe, and plan it all out. If you haven't visited Elitefitness.com yet, go there, bookmark it. Its the online bible for the anabolically inclined. Check out the message boards, theres enough information there to last weeks. First cycles will almost always yield the highest gains. I'd say go for an injectable like 500 mg of Sustanon for 10 - 12 weeks, with 30mg dianabol tapering down the first 4 weeks. Then clomid post-cycle, for 3 or 4 weeks. Don't worry about cutting down, just go all out and smack as much weight on as possible then cut later. I gained about 30 lbs. on my first, but in the end, the grand total was near 8 - 10 lbs. of muscle. You'll get nice and bloated like a balloon, so you're going to have to come up with some original reasons for why you've gone from beef jerky to thanksgiving turkey. If you want more info or sites, I've got loads of them on my hardrive and bookmarked. Once again, I'm not advocating you use steroids yet at all, in fact, I strongly discourage it. But I know how it is to want something that badly, so be safe about it and learn all you can.
  10. Hitting the juice is a very big step, especially if you've only been in the game for 5 months. Regardless, it does work and it works effectively (if you know what you're doing), and as with all things, precautions, preperation, and education can minimize certain risks that accompany steroid use. As with above, you should really wait to hit the sauce until you've pushed your natural genetic limit and then use it to push your physique to the next level, but since I was also once a very anxious and idealistic bodybuilder, I know you'll probably try it anyway. The least you can do is be safe, and plan it all out. If you haven't visited Elitefitness.com yet, go there, bookmark it. Its the online bible for the anabolically inclined. Check out the message boards, theres enough information there to last weeks. First cycles will almost always yield the highest gains. I'd say go for an injectable like 500 mg of Sustanon for 10 - 12 weeks, with 30mg dianabol tapering down the first 4 weeks. Then clomid post-cycle, for 3 or 4 weeks. Don't worry about cutting down, just go all out and smack as much weight on as possible then cut later. I gained about 30 lbs. on my first, but in the end, the grand total was near 8 - 10 lbs. of muscle. You'll get nice and bloated like a balloon, so you're going to have to come up with some original reasons for why you've gone from beef jerky to thanksgiving turkey. If you want more info or sites, I've got loads of them on my hardrive and bookmarked. Once again, I'm not advocating you use steroids yet at all, in fact, I strongly discourage it. But I know how it is to want something that badly, so be safe about it and learn all you can.
  11. Just like with anything else in life, people get hurt, abuse it, or just get plain stupid. People burn themselves a lot, so should be make fires illegal? If two people accidentaly choke on a vibrator should we ban those too? In all fairness to the news magazines, they have been pretty objective lately, but they still love to throw in a few drama stories about innocent teens being victimized by drugs and the system that failed them. These negatives are a lot more tangible than the millions of people who experience the indescribable positives of any of the multitude of mind altering chemicals out there. Euphoria is only a word until you experience it. But yeah, Ritalin is cool, just don't snort an uncrushed pill and choke or something and then end up on a primetime special.
  12. It was on Dateline last night, just the usual shit. Crazy college and high school kids snorting the goods to abuse its uses, etc. Very good stuff to study with, I'm not much of a fan for partying with it though. Definitely one of the better perscription drugs... Grab em while you can.
  13. Everything seems to be doublestacked, triplestacked, megastacked, or pancake stacked these days. They really don't mean much as there really isnt a basic unit of single stack. I've seen pills skinny as shit being thrown at me as doublestacked and huge pills without the fancy stacked name. A lot of times, these stacked pills are skinnier but more cylindrical (taller). As long as there good pills, you can call it whatever you want.
  14. I have had those dreams, more so now than before I did beans. Im always like half concious, and can feel myself getting sucked into the bad dream. Then I start seeing and feeling random "scary" things, and my body starts to shake very profusely (or how it seems to me). Sometimes I can open my eyes or jerk myself out before I fall into it, but often times I feel like Im awake but I can't open my eyes or move, that Im paralyzed and just have to sit there and go through with it until I can wake up. Other times, I just have very emotional dreams, where I wake up very scared, sad, or sometimes when Im lucky, very happy with life. Gawd, drugs sure do fuck you up.
  15. Last saturday was quite possibly the greatest night of my entire life (mostly due to my altered state of conciousness and emotions). Unfortunately, even as I sit here, I feel it fading rapidly into the far recesses in the back of my mind. I left the club with a chick who I had known for a few months and had become good friends with. We had a lot in common, and we went to her place. Once there, we both popped our second bean of the night. We spent the next hour blowing each up in every method imaginable (back rubs never felt so amazing). Then we lit up and smoked a few leaves which spun me straight out my perceptions and into a realm of simply emotions, empathy, and wholeness. Nothing had ever felt so clear before. Unfortunately, thats when my memory and my mind also failed me tremendously. My experiences with marijuana as a whole had been relatively limited until then (maybe 5 or 6 times before), because I simply didn't enjoy the feelings of slow drunkedness as much as the feelings of extreme energy and euphoria that x has on me. I smoked up a few more that night, and by the time my second bean was hitting me real hard, I couldn't speak whole sentences without losing track of my thought a few words into them. My companion smiled at me and asked if I was having what she called, "wtf moments". WTF moments?... These were more like... wtf is wrong with me moments? Hallucinations began to follow, as I began to associate strange pictures, objects, and ideas to our conversation and surroundings. I remember responding to her and having her look at me like I was the biggest idiot in the whole world. Or moments where I would speak profound earth shattering commentaries on life, and she would just stare at me like I was the stupidest man alive. I could feel it coming like a storm brewing on the horizon, a slow downward spiral of my emotions, concious thinking, and understanding of life. The more I talked, the more I wish I would just shut up. It was so reminiscent of my first bad LSD trip, and I was constantly asking when it would end. I hated every moment that I wasn't in control, that I couldn't express myself in the ways I knew I could and wanted to. Ecstasy enabled me to destroy those barriers that prevented my mind and body from becoming one, but now it seemed the marijuana was rebuilding and reinforcing these huge barriers. Coming down had never seemed so sad and lonely before. I laid in bed, becoming more and more confused and empty. I fell asleep, very depressed and upset at myself for allowing myself to get this fucked up. Overall, the first part of the night was so amazing it can more than make up for the bad part. Never before have I ever had such a deep understanding and compassion for another human being. We spoke and stared at each other for what seemed like eternities at a time. But the next morning, that all disappated again, and that was that.
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