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Candyflipping out of my f*cking mind


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Last night I took a bean at about 1 am and entered the club at 2am. I knew the bean took about an hour and a half to hit, and I was just starting to feel good and happy. These pills were hella strong, as I've had them before many times (igloos). Then, I saw my friend who I knew had acid. Now, being happy under E, I thought it would be a great idea to try out this thing called candy flipping. So I told my friend I wanted three hits of acid. That was probably the worst decision Ive ever made in my entire life, but the best at the same time. We went to his car where he pulled out his bottle. This was real acid, not paper or sugar, but acid in its purest liquid form. My bro was tripping too, so he was getting paranoid and a little clumsy. Next thing I know, I've got a mouthful of minty acid in my mouth. I make a comment about how it tastes very minty and smile and head back into the club.

It came on very fast. Within 15 minutes, I felt like I was going to vomit. I went to the trashcan and put my hands on the edges. It felt wet. Holy shit, its vomit! Someone else vomited and Im touching it. Im feeling dizzy now, have to lean against this metal wall. Why am I falling into the wall? Someone help me. Holy shit, have to go sit down somewhere, Ill walk through this wall and sit on the stage. I get up and sit on the stage platform near the speakers. People start changing shapes and faces, and lights start bending and everything is just crazy. I start thinking wow this is awesome. I start doing a few little tricks like flying, and turning into different things. Suddenly, from behind me, the Star wars theme comes on and the Death star flies out from behind me. Its moving very slowly, and what the fuck? Storm troopers are coming. Fuck, he is shooting at me with his photon beam.

Now, I start to panic a little at this point and run towards the table where my friend who dropped me the acid was at. Im like hey guys, Im walking through walls, this is a little much. They laugh a little and tell me to chill out. That was the last moment of conciousness I remember.

I sat down for a second, engulfed by everything around me. Suddenly I wasn't aware of who I was or what I was. I had become nothing. Then I started to think about the cigarette in the ashtray in front of me. I began to feel hot, and then suddenly, I became the cigarette. I was so hot and burning, I wanted to be smothered. Then I looked to my friend next to me and I think I ask him how long I'd been quiet because it felt like hours that Id been sitting. He looks at me and goes, 45 seconds. Then suddenly, he starts talking gibberish. People are blurting everyone word imaginable at me. I would ask them things and they would scream at me, and yell out animal names and names of people and they're mouths grew to huge sizes. Everyone was staring at me.

I was very panicky at this point and decided to look at the mirror to see if I could find out what I was. I floated over to the dance floor and faced the mirror. There was nothing there except the people dancing behind me. I whirled around to look at the people. No one was there anymore, just lights and music. I turned around to the mirror. I saw myself there, and I was beautiful. I had never been so happy to see myself in my entire life. I tried to dance, but I was barely councious enough to move so I floated back to my table, but on the way back I melted into the floor and couldnt move. Luckily someone scooped me up and carried me in a glass to my table. I grasped the table firmly and began to think as rationally as I could. Ok, Im at a club, and I feel this way because... because... holy shit, I don't know why or what but now time isnt moving anymore. Im nowhere at all now. I see the music and hear the lights. I taste the touch and feel the smells. Everything is so overwhelming.

As far as I can tell, this is the point in which time literally takes off without me. For instance, my body was actually almost an hour in front of me, so while my body was doing things, my mind was still far behind, jumping from event to event. I would feel cold and not know why. Then it wasnt until ten minutes later when I walked outside and understood why I had felt cold. People were giving me answers to questions I hadn't even asked. I heard names of people I didnt talk to until later that night. I talked to people who were never there and spoke to people for hours who never said a word to me. I became my friend for what seemed like an eternity.

I wanted to escape so I closed my eyes. I was scared, nothing was anything. I sat in a corner on the floor and shut my eyes trying to push it all out. I closed my eyes, but oh my god, it was still there. Stronger more pulsating, swirls of colors in my brain. Men coming towards me with flashlights. Friend speaking to me, and then Im outside in the parking lot talking to him.

"What does this all I mean? I can't tell what is reality and whats not. I can't tell if you're really here or if you're tripping with me"

"Im tripping with you bro, its all good".

"I don't know if you really just said that"

"Just remember, how can you incorporate this into your everyday life".

Light bulb. It all made sense. Conciousness, that was the meaning of life. Me, I, myself, those were the everything, that was what was human. I was nothing now, because I had no identity. Hours passed by, and we went into the club again. Again, senses converged, stimulus overloading me. The bad trip started to come back, demons, hell, loud noises. Scary women. People were talking to me, but no one would look at me. Someone look at me goddamit, let me know Im still here. I tried to talk, but I forgot how. I thought to people now. I didnt need to talk. Everything was done through though, I think to peoples ears and they respond through thought and sight. I ask my friend what time it is, he smiles and says, pancakes 4:45.

I smile, bob my head, yes. Yes, it is. Hours pass by, I float from place to place. What time is it? Dude, its 4:45 I said. No its not, it can't be. Need to sit down. People start walking through me. Someone look at me please. No one noticed me. I wasnt there. I was in the clouds, and there was a spotlight on me. I saw my friend there and he was an angel with a voice of god. We spoke for hours, and I told him everything. Then I travelled back in time, to everything I've ever lived through. I understood my parents, love, my girlfriend, friends, goals, my life was so clear it was unbearable. I wanted to cry, laugh, sigh, smile, hurt all at the same time. Emotions, those were the meaning of life too. It was all so beautifully clear, how could I notice it? Time slows down, slow motion kicks in. People talk in tongues, incoherantly. They speak to me in thought and I respond by thought. Time to sit, rest, too much.

Next thing I know, Im in the parking lot again, dark, quiet, inside a friends car. I wasnt worried because I knew I was somewhere safe. I knew that no matter what I thought was happening in the present, it was actually in the past and had already happened. Suddenly, I thought I was dead, and that everything was winding down to a final conclusion. This was the end of my life, and I was watching it. My friend was driving nearly 100 miles an hour off a cliff. I yelled at him to stop the car, and ran out. I looked behind me. They were plotting against me, to turn me into the cops. My friend helped me back into the car, and I saw him on the phone. Why are you talking to my dad?! I demanded. They laughed and made strange gestures. This is not my friends car, they took my car. They are stealing my car, son of a bitches. I beg them to explain to me whats going on. Where we're going, what I did, what Im doing, and what I am.

I sat down in Denny's half councious but awakening. Time was reeling closer to the present, and I knew that what I was living at that moment was only seconds behind where my body really was. I would still feel perceptions before they happened, but I knew I was somewhere close to being normal again. Speech was still incoherant for the most part. I couldnt understand a word of what anyone said. I didnt know how they could talk if they were experiencing what I was. Ugh, I feel so dizzy and dilluted, and unsure of anything now. Take me home, take me home.

Inside my house, in my bed, myself. Bathroom, in the mirror. I love myself. I love my life. I love conciousness. I just lived an eternity.

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damn bro id like to believe you but for soome reason i dont, like the part where you kep walking in and out of the club, what club was this and did you pay each time you went in and out, because i calculate at $30 entry fee that entrances cost you $90, great story but.......


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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I wish I could make stuff like this up, prior to that night, I never knew what LSD was about. But its not a huge club, its a local city club, plays techno, house, breaks, its $8 entry on fridays with residents and $3 re-entry. The first time I re-entered I paid it, the other time, my friend took care of me since I was so out of it. The thing is though, I could have sworn I was popping back and forth in time from one event to the next. It was unbelievably insane. It just sucks that my memory of it is fading fast, so Im glad I wrote that all down yesterday. I think that next time I'll definitely experiment with a smaller dose without the x at home or with some friends. I also took 2000 mg of vitamin C about 3 hours prior to my trip so Im not sure if that helped me fall out of my head.

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Welcome, tripper. Sounds ridiculous... 3 tabs?!? Nothing beats the candyflip, IMHO... also excellent w/ shrooms instead of A.

Now you need to do it at a big event (like an Oakenfold, Van Dyk, Cox etc.).

peace as always



*If you think you know what the hell is going on, you're probably full of shit.*

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Im not sure if all experiences with candyflipping are this strong, but it definitely has left an imprint on me for now. I've had recurring nightmares almost everynight this week in which I wake up thinking Im tripping out again. I think my panicking was only even more detrimental to my worried state at the time. All I can clearly remember is being very scared and confused the whole time, and thinking that no matter what I did, I couldnt affect time in its present state. This has definitely been a learning experience for me and has shown some deep insights into my character. I don't think Ill be dropping cid again for a very long time if ever. Ill stick to beans where at least I know I'm still me wink.gif

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After reading that story I was left very upset to know that I finally have some insight to candy flipping and to know that someone I care about is doing that all the time leaves me to wonder what permanent affects it will have on this person. I never really looked at the occiasonal drops of E as a big deal but this candy flipping thing sounds out of control.


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