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Could Rock kill the wmc/mmc?

V. Barbarino

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Rock seems to be doing really well these days, sans any new bands or songs, go figure but, with GG having Rock bands and going after the spring break crowd, why the hell would a festival not just go balls to the wall next year and cater to the rock/wmc/spring crowd and locals with a monster rock concert? What if it works? Is the WMC even further done? Btw so you guys know Ultra tried to get NIN, offered more money but lost. So even Ultra was on board with Rock.

What if next year the first weekend of the wmc which is the last weekend of spring break, someone got one of those parks and got the chillie peppers and another big band?? Could it work? Would it work? What if Dog was spelled C A T??

The GG booking Rock acts to me, one is further proof edm is done and two, is a huge experiment for next year. Maybe I'm the only one, but I find this stuff fascinating. Also in 2006 will people be using napkins, or is this mouth vacum thing for real?

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Guest Adam Singer

using NIN isnt a good example

trent straddles the line between rock and electronic...rather well too

if you're into electronic music and dont like NIN, you're not getting it...

if you're into rock and don't like NIN, also not getting it...

there will always be separate crowds for both, i wouldnt think the two would interfere with each other too much?

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Guest biznation00

If you do it right with bands like NIN, Moby (as Ultra did last year), The Gorillaz, & then some, it works like a charm! I think Tommy Lee & Perry Farell are great acts that have been done that reach out a long way. I also think bands like Franz Ferdinand, The Postal Service, White Stripes, & others in that category would add some positive diversity & open the minds of the young Indie rock, MTV2 generation. You could even try Tribe called quest, Digable planets, etc. Get creative... You'd be surprised! All that helps market EDM to the audiences that are within' reach & I think it's a great thing for our WMC festivals!

So to answer your question, if it's done right... Rock in our WMC festivals will help its cause. The right genres or the right bands. I believe those I mentioned above could have big roles in the whole thing & there are still plenty more...

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Guest HOUSEmusic4ME

If you do it right with bands like NIN, Moby (as Ultra did last year), The Gorillaz, & then some, it works like a charm! I think Tommy Lee & Perry Farell are great acts that have been done that reach out a long way. I also think bands like Franz Ferdinand, The Postal Service, White Stripes, & others in that category would add some positive diversity & open the minds of the young Indie rock, MTV2 generation. You could even try Tribe called quest, Digable planets, etc. Get creative... You'd be surprised! All that helps market EDM to the audiences that are within' reach & I think it's a great thing for our WMC festivals!

So to answer your question, if it's done right... Rock in our WMC festivals will help its cause. The right genres or the right bands. I believe those I mentioned above could have big roles in the whole thing & there are still plenty more...


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Guest michael^heaven

---First of all...Saleen...get the f@#k over it!!!!! Your endless pursuit of this ridiculous theory that edm is dead is just plain idiotic. Furthermore, the fact that you keep repeating this non-sense is a shining example of your lack of worldwide recognition & knowledge of dance music in general. Mr. Ostrich...time to unplug your head out of the Miami sand & take notice...it's only growing on a massive scale. Especially in your own backyard!! Nothing personal, but you told all of us that you are now only in it for the money...not the music. So, why do you even care? As long as you can squeeze the scene for some cash...you should be fully satisfied.

---Now, to the question at hand. The WMC is already spring break for any person with two ears who has ever heard a dance track. The original aspect of the conference is long gone. So, might as well continue expanding to other types of music & crowds. Many of those that are truly into the music won't get near Ultra anyway. For me, it's more about the smaller, intimate venues...21+ & no bullsh#t!!

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Guest ezgoing74

the funny thing is that the rumor was a few years ago that WMC want it to stay away from spring break.

---First of all...Saleen...get the f@#k over it!!!!! Your endless pursuit of this ridiculous theory that edm is dead is just plain idiotic. Furthermore, the fact that you keep repeating this non-sense is a shining example of your lack of worldwide recognition & knowledge of dance music in general. Mr. Ostrich...time to unplug your head out of the Miami sand & take notice...it's only growing on a massive scale. Especially in your own backyard!! Nothing personal, but you told all of us that you are now only in it for the money...not the music. So, why do you even care? As long as you can squeeze the scene for some cash...you should be fully satisfied.

---Now, to the question at hand. The WMC is already spring break for any person with two ears who has ever heard a dance track. The original aspect of the conference is long gone. So, might as well continue expanding to other types of music & crowds. Many of those that are truly into the music won't get near Ultra anyway. For me, it's more about the smaller, intimate venues...21+ & no bullsh#t!!

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Guest Funketeer

NIN & Gorillaz could fit the format, yes...but let's remember we're talking about major class world acts...Trent Rezmor and Damon Albarn are not easily bookable acts people...Perry Farrel and Tommy Lee on the other hand, are more easily bookings.

At this moment, there's a trend of bands that fit the "Electro-Rock" format...The Faint is one for example, all their songs are sequenced and synchronized to video, The Faint would work, I think...not Franz Ferdinand, not only because it's more of a live bad...but also because it''s a major act...a headliner that rarely plays festivals, unless it's one of those huge German summer festivals...blah, blah, blah, i could go on for hours

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Guest nickjunkie

The title of your thread should be save, not kill. There would be nothing more positive for Miami as a whole than to remove the borders of conference to include several genres of music. Right now conference is a drop in the ocean of the music industry, but could be a lot more. Look at SXSW...

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Guest pod

Coachella...Global Gathering UK, etc...as a matter of fact, most "global" festivals don't limit themselves to one specific large genre of music.

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Guest dahzel

The title of your thread should be save, not kill. There would be nothing more positive for Miami as a whole than to remove the borders of conference to include several genres of music. Right now conference is a drop in the ocean of the music industry, but could be a lot more. Look at SXSW...

this is my point exactly. the majority of ppl that like edm also like other genres of music. i've been wondering for a couple of years now why there aren't more diverse line-ups at ultra. look at coachella (sp?) in cali. always a sucess w/ all sorts of different acts. there has been more hip hop for wmc the last couple of years but nothing thats been promoted heavy. i think a festival w/ an all around line-up would be a step in the right direction. have an alt/indie rock stage, a hip hop stage w/ de la soul, the roots, atcq, the real hip hop. i think ppl would respond well. going in a new direction is good but to state that edm is dying is crazy talk ???

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Guest jbit

Many of those that are truly into the music won't get near Ultra anyway. For me, it's more about the smaller, intimate venues...21+ & no bullsh#t!!

I've been to every one so far but i think i go just for the sake of nostalga these days. Every year going just makes me feel older

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Guest Josephmama

I think rock would be really cool. We already have clubs that have hip hop rooms as the side show to house music. Why not do it at ultra? :D

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The title of your thread should be save, not kill. There would be nothing more positive for Miami as a whole than to remove the borders of conference to include several genres of music. Right now conference is a drop in the ocean of the music industry, but could be a lot more. Look at SXSW...

And they say british people are dumb... Very good response..

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Guest Sela V

it would be funny to see the ghetto, the punks and the ravers together lol

The "ghetto"? Last time I checked, those ghetto people were opening clothing stores on 5th Avenue in New York. So just call me Laqueesha and let's get paid...

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Guest Tru1


A little history on NIN

Arguably the biggest agent in Dance Music, Gerry Gerrard

(Oakenfold, Prodigy, Roni Size, Roger Sanchez, Daft Punk, The Chemical Bros. Underworld, Laurent Garnier..etc. etc.)

used to manage NIN

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Guest ClubDiva05

Music is Music people. I really don't understand why but I get the feeling that everyone is becoming more close minded instead of opening up.Why only stick to one type of music when there are so many to enjoy.Besides Knowledge is power.

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Music is Music people. I really don't understand why but I get the feeling that everyone is becoming more close minded instead of opening up.Why only stick to one type of music when there are so many to enjoy.Besides Knowledge is power.

Music is Music so you think Britney Spears and Radiohead are the same?? Sorry I am a music snob and I like Electronic/Dance, Electro/Rock, and Alternative Dance. Gimme the Clash, Depeche Mode, PvD, Sander, Baby Hec, Richie Hawtin and others over Metalica and Daddy Yankee anyday.

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Music is Music people. I really don't understand why but I get the feeling that everyone is becoming more close minded instead of opening up.Why only stick to one type of music when there are so many to enjoy.Besides Knowledge is power.

Music is Music so you think Britney Spears and Radiohead are the same?? Sorry I am a music snob and I like Electronic/Dance, Electro/Rock, and Alternative Dance. Gimme the Clash, Depeche Mode, PvD, Sander, Baby Hec, Richie Hawtin and others over Metalica and Daddy Yankee anyday.

sweety, Metallica puts every artist you just mentioned to shame.. Please go back and revist their songs... Richie Hawtin over Metallica,,, what is this world comming to???

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Guest michael^heaven

it's only growing on a massive scale. Especially in your own backyard!!

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and take it you were not clubbing in the 90's... If you were, you'd know we are 1/100 of where we use to be and falling fast....

---Don't shake the tree ;D!!! Although, originally from California, I lived in Florida from the mid '80's through the mid '90's. Granted, before the curfew was initiated...Florida, in general, was thriving more in certain places. Gainesville w/ Simons & Orlando w/ the Edge, Ahhhhzz, the Abyss, & Firestone. However, during that time, Miami itself only had a few clubs playing dance music but the heart south Florida scene was always at the Edge in Lauderdale. There were a lot more one-off warehouse & outdoor events around Miami at that time also. However, the Rave Act killed all of those quickly. Now, Miami is the only place in the state where you have the option of dancing & drinking 24/7 365 (for the most part). You now have edm playing seven nights a week in multiple clubs. You never had these conveniences back in the day in Miami.

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